You WILL sleep.

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Kumari was the eldest of about 5 kids, so she knew 2 things the best.

1. If you talk long enough, you can convince anyone you're right.

2. Always sleep when you can, always.

Seeing as Lucifer was the eldest of 7 brothers, she assumed he knew the same.

She was wrong.

"Lucifer never leaves his study"

"It's like he's bound there with some curse"

"I wish"

"Hush Satan"

"Good luck ever getting him out"

Ok, challenge accepted.

When she first entered the house of lamination, she was told there were only 2 places they were forbidden to go.  The attic, and Lucifer's study.  Eventually, Riri had breeched the first area and rescued Belphegor, but that's an entirely different story.

As far as she knows, there's only one place left, which is the study.

And she was about to turn into a first class criminal.

Meanwhile Lucifer felt a chill go down his spine.  Something was coming.  But what?

That's when the sound of knocks filled the air, and his question was answered.  Only one person knocks like a complete fool.

"What is it Kumari?"

"Lemme in"


"Don't no me, I haven't seen you in 4 days, let me in."

"I'm busy Kumari, please-"

Now Lucifer or I'm letting Satan plant that next curse straight into your coffee."

Wearily sighing, he gets up to unlock his door.  Usually he would wave it off and continue working, but Kumari in particular seems to follow through and succeed with her little schemes, somehow.  Considering it's been 4 days without proper rest (though it only felt like 2), his coffee was of the upmost importance. 

She heard the door click and burst in, almost knocking him down with her.

"You ass it's been 4 days- woah you look like shit"

"Thank you, you're so kind Kumari."

"Aren't I?  God I'm so loving"

All he does is sigh and go back to his desk, leaving her to follow and hop up on the corner, swinging her legs happily.

"Get off my desk Kumari"

"Get out of this office Lucifer"

"No, I have work"

"And I have a job to do, so I'm staying right here"

"This job is?"

"To get you out of this office, Morningstar"

"Never use my last name again"

Blowing a raspberry at him, she jumps off the desk and wiggles her way inbetween his chair and the desk, effectively blocking his papers and throwing his arm to his side.  When looking into his eyes, she was taken aback by the anger and shock, but her eye contact never wavered, almost glaring straight back.

"I'm not kidding, get out already, I never see you, you're always working, and I'm sick of it all!"

"You know Diavolo thinks of me highly and that's why I have all of this work, be understanding Kumari-"

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