Dont spiderman kiss me, thats so cliché

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You always see superheros everywhere it seems. Media, shows, books, everywhere. Everyone is constantly facinated with this idea that you can be something more than human, and make this super-human impact on the world. Some like the idea of fame, others the idea of helping. Some enjoy the idea of testing the limits of their body and fighting off supernatural threats. Me? Eh.

Couldn't give less of a shit about superheros.

Now don't get me wrong, they're cool! But I have no inclination to live such a life. Please I barely step outdoors, my entire life was surrounded by chapel walls and sermons, and when I finally left, I left with nothing more than the knowledge of countless prayers and odd biblical texts. I'm barely learning how to human, why would I want to have to learn more??? The urge to help those in need will always be strong, and I will always do my best to help, but that's not all a "hero" is.

Then I met this ginger annoyance, and suddenly I started to understand the appeal. He wasn't a superhero at all, by no means anything more than your average citizen, but his acts almost reflected those of one. He constantly did favors for friends, would work extra hours to program things for them, worked tirelessly to meet deadlines, and still had time to settle down ever night and talk with me before bed. I wondered if he ever slept, but judging by the state of his room, I think the answer is abundantly clear.

Never the less, there's also something...inhuman about the way he acts. He never seems tired, despite his way of living, and his secrets are in abundance. It's frustrating, but not too frustrating. If he's fighting so hard to keep those things a secret, why would I want to know. I know warning signs when I see them.

The weeks fly by and I still can't figure him out. It's like he really is a hero, and I'm watching his civilian life, trying to connect the dots. I used to think the idea that you couldn't figure out who a person's hero form was, was the stupidest thing ever. Yet now I'm one of those people.

And it's still the stupidest thing ever.

But one day, I'm actually out of the house for once. Shocker, I know. Here, I'll take a bow.

Anyways I'm out, walking along the sidewalk, minding my damn business. When something flashes in the corners.

Now I believed I was going to die, or get kidnapped, or get kidnapped and then die. I mean come on, weird shadows in the allyways? It's like an invitation to the afterlife. I sped up my pace and kept walking, and it kept following.

I prayed every prayer in the book in those 5 minutes.

And then he popped down, right infront of me, and I screamed...and fainted.

No you may not laugh, I was scared out of my mind.

He laughed though, after panicking. We both though I had died to be honest.

Sometimes I tell him I wish I had, but he only laughs and kisses my maybe I didn't wish I had.

His outfit was so dumb, he claimed he made it after this one show...miraculous?? Something???? Who knows, all I know is that I called him dumb, but he just smiled.

He was hanging from a decently thick wire, that he wrapped around one of his gloved hands. That's the only thing he was usuing to hold onto. How the fuck he was doing that is a mystery, maybe he really is a superhero. His outfit was latex, and his mask only covered his eyes. Anyone could spot that ginger from a mile away, his hair was so bright. Same damn color as the suit.

But he hung upside down for a bit while we bickered about things, mainly him attempting to give me a heart attack. He claimed he just wanted to suprise me.

Can't stay mad at him unfortunately, despite his lack of charm.

"So what made you decide to go waltzing around in a bright red, spotted suit."

"I wanted to live a day in the life of a superhero"

"What's the appeal?"


That answer struck me as odd. Didn't he have enough freedom? He was living on his own, he even had a maid. He's pretty much free to do whatever he pleases it seems, besides work and such. He doesn't have strict parents, and no other hinderences. He usually chooses to stay indoors.

What a weirdo.

"Right... and you're hanging infront of me at 9 o'clock at night because?..."

"Saw you, and decided to talk to you. It's been a while since I've seen your cute face"


He only chuckles, and swings to kiss my cheek, narrowly missing my mouth.

"Ew, don't Spider-Man kiss me, that's so cliché"

"Rude, I wasn't gonna kiss you anyways" he huffs and looks away, like a child who was told they couldn't get an ice cream.

Sighing, and feeling a little bit merciful, I lean foward and kiss him softly, cupping his cheeks before pulling away and pinching them hard, hearing him scream though laughter.

"Ouch ouch ouch!! Easy!!!"

He's still smiling as I let him go, and push him away, and he glides right back to me, kissing my other cheek on the way back.

"Get down, you're going to hurt yourself"

"Nah, I've been training for this for weeks"

"You what now"

He just laughs with pure glee, then grabs me by the waist.

"Only one way to go, and that's up" as he flicks his wrist down and we're suddenly skyrocketed upwards.

In that moment, I felt my stomach hit the sidewalk and stay there until our feet touched a roof. It came back with such a velocity I nearly threw it up, hunching over and cursing him out in every single way I could think of. He apolgized a ton, and then gently helped me up, making me look out into the world around us.

It was no Paris view, but as the night shimmered with activity, it seemed almost unreal that there could be so many lights in such a small place. It shined brightly, but not enough to hurt your eyes, which I was thankful for.

Feeling cold, I cuddled up to his side. How did he have so much warmth in just a skin tight suit??? The world may never know, and I wasn't about to question it.

We just sat there, admiring man's version of the stars, and the silent company between us both.

Yes, superheroes don't exist here, and probably never will, but at that moment, I could understand the appeal. They get to see a world we dont, and something about that is truly freeing.

Yeah superheroes still suck.

Well, every one but this one.

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