Everyone's Opinion on Boolietta

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Saw her once and thought she seemed nice, but then ran away once he saw who her father was

Never met her

Never met her

Princess Peach:
Never met her

The Toads:
Never met her

Professor E. Gadd:
Never met her, but was intrigued when Luigi told him about his encounter with her

Knows she's King Boo's daughter and doesn't take kindly to that fact

King Boo (her father):
Loves her SOOOO much and is VERY overprotective of her. He also calls her his "spooky little princess" sometimes. He also has a habit of smothering her with praise and affection, kinda like what Hellen Gravely does with him, only he knows when he's going a little overkill and backs off.

Hellen Gravely:
Is VERY jealous of the way her father treats her and often calls her a "little brat" when her father's not around to hear her

Knows she's King Boo's daughter and loves her, especially when getting petted

Never met her

Never met her

Never met her

Chef Soulflle:
Never met her

Amadeus Wolfgeist:
Likes her a lot and loves having her as an audience member when he plays his piano (mostly because most of the time, she's the only audience member)

King MacFrights:
Never met her

Dr. Potter:
Never met her

Likes her a lot and loves having her help him with his films

Never met her

Likes having her around

Never met her

The Three Ghost Sisters:
All look up to her and LOVE hanging out with her

Captain Fishook:
"She's a sweet lass."

Johnny Deepend:
Never met her

DJ Phantasmagloria:
Likes dancing with her on the dance floor

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