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Chapter 1

Being a Pro Hero hasn't been easy, especially being the new Symbol of Peace. Ever since All Might retired and I took over, the public turns to me when it's in danger. Luckily, in today's society, all heroes are strong enough. If I'm not able to help, I have faith that the other Pros have it under control. After I graduated from UA, I took a year of training with All Might to harness the full power of my quirk and become the strongest hero I can be. After, when I was 20, I started my own agency in Tokyo where All Might had his. Kacchan and Shoto have their agencies nearby and we often collaborate on missions. It's been three years since we started and our agencies have grown and our names have risen the ranks.

Today was a rough day in particular. I was dealing with smaller missions but many of them. I had robberies, hostages, and even cats in trees. I needed to take a load off. As I'm walking home, I pass a diner. It said open 24/7 so I entered. I haven't eaten since lunch and it was currently 10 at night after a long day. I entered the diner and the bell rang.

A waitress exits the kitchen and adjusts her apron and puts a notepad in her pocket. "Find a seat, I'll be right there," She said with a smile as she grabbed plates of food with both hands and walked over to a table. I looked over at her and my eyes widened. I found a seat by the counter and sat down after removing my coat. The waitress had a cat mutation quirk, I wanted to ask about it and how it worked. Even as a Pro Hero, quirks never cease to be one of my fascinations. The waitress came over to me and pulled out her notepad. "What can I get you?" She asked me.

"Um..." I paused as I stared at her. She seemed... familiar. She lifted her eyes off the notepad and looked at me. She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, making her ears flop to the side.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she twirled her pen in between her fingers.

"Oh, yes. I am. Sorry, I'll have the... Katsudon, please," I said as I handed her the menu.

She clicks her pen and scribbles down my order on the small notepad she held in her hand. "Great, I'll get that right out," She said as she reached for the menu. I helped her and handed the menu. She smiled before she walked over to the kitchen. "One Katsudon, please, Haru," She spoke to the cook.

"On it, Hanako," He replied. Hanako. Her name was Hanako.

It wasn't her.

I shook my head and pulled my phone from my pocket. I mindlessly scrolled through my phone, opening messages, emails, and answering them as I waited for the food. A few minutes passed when I heard a plate being placed in front of me. I lift my eyes and saw Hanako smiling at me.

"Here you go," She said. "Enjoy the meal," She spoke again before she walked away. I smiled back and began eating.

* * *

The food was delicious. I had finished the meal and checked my phone. 10:30. I should get going. I stood up and walked over to the register. As I stood in front, waiting, Hanako walked out of the kitchen with her bag. She noticed me waiting and her ears perked up. "One moment!" She said as she walked over to the register and placed her bag down on the counter. "You had the Katsudon..." She said as she clicked the keys of the register. "So that will be... 1300 yen," She said as the register opened. I handed her the money and her hand gently grazed mine as she took it. A familiar feeling coursed through my body at her touch. I ignored in and watched as she put the money in the register and handed me the receipt. "Thank you, come again," She said as she waved me goodbye.

"Thank you," I told her before I exited. I stepped out of the diner and looked around for a moment. The cold breeze blew through my hair and sent shivers through my body. I heard the bell of the diner ring and saw the waitress exit and stand beside me. I look at her and she smiles before she begins walking. She's walking in the same direction I am. I walk behind her as I look around the city. The neon lights glowed against the wet ground and reflected against the buildings. The streets were fairly busy but the foot traffic wasn't bad. I continued walking until I noticed a man that began following her. He had been walking behind her for a few blocks now but granted so have I, however, this man seemed a bit sketchy.

I kept walking and noticed the waitress's ears perk up as she turned the corner. The man followed behind her as she walked into the empty alley, I ran towards them and saw he had her pinned against the wall while her purse was thrown on the ground. The man began to slowly lift her shirt, he was enjoying every second but she didn't seem scared. That was when I notice her blank expression while the man was eying her body. I was about to interfere when she thrust her knee against the man's groin, making him let go of her arms and bend over. She then spun behind him and pinned one arm behind his back as she held the other one then shoved him against the wall. She whispered something into his ear and the man groaned in pain as she pushed the arm he had pinned against his back higher, dislocating his shoulder. "Do you understand?" She yelled at him.

The man screamed in pain and answered her. She let go of him and he dropped to the ground. She nodded and relocated his arm. She bent down to pick up her bag and picked up her things. She left the man in the alley and walked out.

As she walked out she and I made eye contact. I felt the same familiar feeling I had felt in the diner. I walked into the alley and saw the man laying on the ground holding his shoulder as he groaned. "Sir, you're under arrest," I told him as I lifted him off the ground.

The man fought against my grip but it was more annoying than effective. "Says who?" He asked. I ignored his question and activated my quirk. I jumped out of the alley and soared through the air as I took him to the police department.

* * *

The man screamed the whole way until we landed. I dragged him into the department and sat him down. "This man was sexually harassing a woman in an alley. The woman was able to defend herself and got away safely," I told an officer as I handed him the man.

"Thank you, Deku," The officer said as he handcuffed the man and took him away.

"Of course," I said. "Have a good night," I told the office before I went home.

I couldn't shake off that waitress. Something about her was familiar.

"It can't be her."—

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