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Chapter 4

It had been eight years since I last kissed him. I had forgotten how much I loved it. The way his soft lips felt against my own. Once we pulled away, I saw his warm smile. After taking a long look at his face, trying to memorize his face, as if he'd leave the next day, I noticed he had more freckles than before and his face had matured. His features were more prominent and stronger, his chiseled jaw along with his beautifully structured nose and soft lips. His eyes were beautiful too, but they seemed... tired. Before I had left, they were full of light, passion, and excitement. They were filled with something I never felt until I met him. 

I moved my hand up his arm, toward his face, and brushed my thumb over his countless freckles. He tilted his head and softly smiled. "What's up?" His voice broke me away from my thoughts.

"Nothing, just memorizing you," I spoke softly. Once I processed what I said I froze. That came out creepier than I intended it to. I blinked as I quickly pulled my hand to my lap and pressed my lip into a thin line. "That sounded really weird, I'm sorry," I spoke.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand. "A bit, but I understand what you're trying to say." Warmth spread to my cheeks, however, it wasn't enough to betray me. He always knows exactly what to say. I envy that, whenever I try to say something I sound like I'm mocking them or I say the wrong thing. "You can memorize me all you want," his words catch me off guard. Butterflies fill my stomach. 

"Thanks..." I say as I hide my goofy grin. "more water?" I ask as I stand up and walk towards the sink to hide my face. 

"Y/N... my glass is full." He says. 

"How about some fruit?" I say as I speed towards the fridge. 

"Y/N," He calls out. I keep my back to him as I rummage through my fridge. "Y/N," he says again. I rest my head against the fridge as I peek above me to see him looking down at me. "What are you doing?" He asks as he raises a brow. I turn to him and look up with the flustered expression I was trying so desperately to hide. He kneels down beside me and smirks. "Did I make you nervous?" he teased as he tilted my head up with his finger. My eyes widened and my mouth opened in surprise.

I turned my face away and into my shoulder. He laughed. He closed the fridge door and sat down. "When did you get this newfound confidence?" I say as I playfully punch his arm.

"Someone had to give you a taste of your own medicine," he teased again. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. 

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and smile. As I began to stand up, I feel Izuku's hand grab my wrist and pull me down. I lose my balance and fall into his lap. Trying to not crush him, I put my hand on his thigh and on the fridge, while our faces are inches away. I see Izuku's face begin to burn a bright red and I feel a smirk begin to grow on mine. I lean into him and whispered into his ear, "I like it when you're a flustered mess more than me."

His hand snakes up to my waist and he gently squeezes me, making me yelp in surprise. I push myself away and hold my hand over my mouth. "And I like it when you make that little noise more than me," he whispered as he leaned into me. 

"Get out of my house," I joked as I pushed him away.

"Awe, can't handle the newfound confidence?" He taunts me as he helps me off the ground.

"I'm not used to it," I mutter as I look away from him.

"Then get used to it," He says as he pulls me towards him. 

"Izuku!" I yelp as I place my hands on his chest. 

"I'm sorry! This was Kacchan's idea!" He says as he drops his head to my shoulder.

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