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Chapter 5

"You two will be going undercover and getting Rin back." Sound Wave says. I'm all for it but Y/N probably isn't. I look beside me and see Y/N staring daggers into Sound Wave's face. Yeah, it's a no for her.

"I'm not doing it." Y/N says as with a blank face and turns around.

"No! Hanako! I need you!" They cried.

"Not so fast," I tell her as I grab her arm. "Give us a second," I tell them. They nod and return to the screen. I pull Y/N away and look at her. "Y/N, I can't do this alone. I need you there by my side to help me. You know the League better than anyone I know."

"But-" She grumbled.

"But what? Toga and Rin trust you to save them. That's why Rin told Sound Wave about you if anything goes wrong, that's why Toga called you. Y/N, you're the solution to this." I tell her as I hold her hand. "Look, I don't want to force you to do this. So if you say no and you mean it, then I'll go without you."

She hesitates for a minute, looking everywhere but at me while she mutters under her breath. I narrow my eyes in concern as I notice her chest rising and falling fast. "Y/N?" I ask, trying to get her attention. She pulls her hand away from mine and pushes me away. "Y/N," I say as I notice her shaking and distancing herself. 

"I... I.." She began to hyperventilate. Her words are merely sounds. "Izuku- I- I-" She tries to choke out.

"Hey, hey... shh... it's okay," I tell her. I grab her hands and help her regulate her breathing. "Can you tell me 10 things you see?" I tell her. 

"I-I-I see a... a umm... I see a large plant... the screens... the windows... elevator..." She says as her head scans the room.

"Good, good," I spoke softly. "What else?"

"I see the rug... the chairs and desks... I see Sound Wave... I see a trash bin... and I see... you." She says as her eyes finish and land on mine.

"Good job, how do you feel?" I ask.

"Better... forget that ever happened-"

"When did they come back?" I ask. I remember back in school she would often get them. It would happen anywhere but mostly at night when she was alone. There was a time when she said that she didn't get them anymore, but I was too stupid to believe they would go away.

"They never left, they just became manageable. I hadn't had a serious one in a long time except now when the league was mentioned..." She said as she played with the end of her tail.

"Why didn't you tell me? If I knew the League was a trigger I wouldn't have tried to convince you to-"

"I can't let stupid panic attacks be an excuse! I can't be weak. I should be able to control it!" She yelled.

"You're right, they're not an excuse, but they do help me better understand you. And it's not weak! Is that the BS Shigaraki fed you? Is that still running through your mind?" I raised my voice, I didn't mean to though. 

"He's not wrong though!" 

"He is! Anything that jackass said to you is bullshit! You are the furthest thing from weak." I say as I cup her face.

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