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Chapter 3

I've been replaying yesterday's bank robbery attempt over and over again in my head. Something doesn't add up. When I arrived, one of those punks- criminals, I've been speaking with Kacchan too much. Anyway, one of the criminals was already disarmed and unconscious when I got there. There was a gun broken in half beside his body. Only someone with brute strength can do that and none of the people in the bank could be capable of that. Hanako was the only person who sustained injuries, 2 bullet wounds to be exact. One to the shoulder and another to the stomach. She healed quickly after. Her quirk must be some cat mutation and regener- her quirk is a cat mutation and regeneration. One of the criminals was already knocked out and one was injured. There was a gun broken in half, which would only be possible if someone had some strength quirk.

Hanako is Y/N.

"Hi, Tsukauchi? Can you search for someone named Hanako? They have a cat mutation quirk." I ask over the phone.

"Yeah, give me a couple of minutes, Midoriya."

"Of course." I'm put on hold and exit the phone app. I pull up my photos album and search through it until I find old photos of me in high school. I mindlessly scroll until I find some from when I was a first-year at UA. 

"Midoriya?" Tsukauchi speaks.

"Hi, yes?" 

"I'll forward you what I found to your computer."

"Thank you." I head over to my desk in my office and open up my mail. I search through and find the files Tsukauchi forwarded. 

I open them and find Hanako Abe. She's 23, her mother is Akari Abe, attends med school, and works at the 24-hour diner by my agency. I keep looking further into Hanako when I discover there's no information on her before she's 16. It's as if she didn't exist before then. This just confirms my suspicion. 

It's 9 pm and I just finished my last mission for the day when I leave. I walk through my agency's lobby and say goodbye to all my employees. I walk through the streets when I see the bright neon light of the 24-hour diner sign.

The bell jingles as I enter and I hear a familiar voice welcome me. "Hi, welcome. Sit anywhere you'd like," Hanako greets with a warm smile.

I sit down in a booth near her area and watch as she does her rounds. The more I look at her, the more I see Y/N. I hope I'm right and this is Y/N.

"Hello, what can I get you?" Hanako asks.

"I'd like to speak with you, Hanako." I say as I motion for her to sit. She obliges and sits in the booth in front.

"May I ask what this is about?" She asks nervously. I don't say anything but analyze her face, looking for four give-aways.



Three and...

Four scars.

"How did you get those scars?" I ask. Y/N had the same scars. she got the three on her cheek from her battle with Rin during the sports festival. Then she got the one near her eye from when she saved me and Kota from Muscular. The scars are faded but still there. You'd miss them if you don't get a good look.

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