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Chapter 2

      It's the middle of the night as I stand on top of the street light. The light from the surrounding lights barely lit the street as I was crouched on the light. I feel my ears perk up as I hear a man groan as he lands on the ground. The man is in a hero suit. I jump down and slowly approach him from behind. "Help!" I scream as I run to the hero.

"Is everything okay, ma'am?" The man asks as he turns to face me.

My eyes meet his emerald ones when I realize. "Izuku?" I said in pure disbelief. It had been 8 years since I had last seen him in person.

"Y/N?" He said with the same disbelief and shocked expression.

My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty. I can't seem to breathe right as I see him walk towards me. His lips curled into a wide smile as he approached me. "Finish your mission, Y/N," I heard Tomura's voice echo.

His smile faltered as he got closer and closer until I saw green lightning surround him. "You're still a villain..." He said his smile faded and became a scowl. "and I'm still your 'mission'," he said as he added air quotes.


"Save it, villain." Those words hurt, not the way hand sanitizer stings a cut but the way that it feels when you know you've lost someone and you know they'll never come back.

He lunged towards me and I dodged it. I had no control over my actions, it was as if I'm dreaming. I jumped over him and turned mid-air to scratch his back with my claws. The cut was deep. He hissed in pain as he reached for his back. He pulled his hand back and saw his blood on his hand. He looked at me with pure hatred. His eyes narrowed as they met mine. He exhaled a cloud from the cold air surrounding us before he activated his quirk and attacked. He sent various kicks at me which I swiftly dodged. Each one missing my body. I had no control over my actions. As he sent a kick towards my ribs, I grabbed his leg and swung him into the building. Rubble and pieces of the building fell from where Izuku crashed.

"Complete the mission, Y/N..." Tomura's voice whispered. My hands shook as I saw Izuku's body bloodied and covered in the rubble from the building. "Destroy the Symbol of Peace."

"No!" I screamed as I pushed myself from my bed and a sharp pain come from the tips of my fingers. I looked at my hands and saw my claws had come out and blood by the cuticles. My claws had come out from the dream. I push the covers off and step out of bed. It was four in the morning. My room was lit by the city lights outside of my apartment. I walked towards the window and put my hand on the cold glass and slid it open. I stuck my head out the window and exhaled a cloud. I watched as it disappeared into the night and watched the cars below.

I pulled away from the window and closed it. I walked around my bed and walked towards the door. I opened the door and walked through the apartment, my night vision had grown stronger since I was 15, I can see perfectly clear as I walked through the hallway and made my way towards Akari's room. The door quietly creaked as I pushed the door open. I walked towards her bed and sat on the edge at her feet.

"Akari..." I whispered as I poked at her feet.

"Hm?" She hummed as she slowly got up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes changed from grey to orange. Her expression became worried and she grabbed the blanket and opened it for me to lay next to her. I crawled over to her and laid beside her. She dropped the covers and played with my hair.

"Another nightmare?" She asked. I nodded and hugged her tight.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Tomura was back and he was making me kill Izuku... Izuku... he hated me and wanted me dead..." I choked out. It had been years since I had a nightmare like that but I think running into Izuku at the diner made them come back.

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