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Chapter 7

"Touch me~" 

Her voice was so soft, like her skin. I look at her. Her lips were red and plump from our kiss. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her again. This time I grabbed the back of her thighs and carried her onto the bed. I gently laid her on the bed and placed both hands on both sides of her head, caging her in. Before I can lean down to kiss her, she pulls me by my neck to kiss her. She gently pushed me away and sat up.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me and held eye contact as she pulled her top over her head, leaving her in her bra. My mouth hung open as I looked at her. She's so beautiful. She never ceases to amaze me. I quickly pull off my shirt and she wraps her arms around my neck and slowly pulls me down. Her touch is amazing. The way her skin feels against mine causes electricity to course through me. I place one hand by her head and begin to caress her body with the other. "You're so beautiful," I whisper to her as I place my hand on her waist and kiss her. She slowly starts to rub up and down my stomach, feeling every muscle and making sure not to leave anything untouched.

The looks she gives me every time make me melt but this... this one makes me heat up more than any look she's ever given me, more than any look I've ever received. I don't deserve someone like her. She's beautiful, brave, strong, and intelligent, her body is absolutely perfect, and her features are those of a goddess. 

I don't deserve her. She's proved she's an amazing person and has fought against so much.

But I'm going to prove that I deserve her. 

No one else. 

Not Takumi.

She's mine. In this moment. And forever.

I pick her off the bed and sit down, placing her on my lap. "Is this okay?" I ask as I looked at her.

"Yes, Izuku," She said as she kisses me. The way she says my name makes my heart skip a beat. It's dangerous to hear her say my name. I want to hear more. 

 I pull away and kiss every inch of her body while she runs her hands through my messy green curls. I think she likes my hair, considering she'll look for any excuse to run her hands through them. I love it. 

We continue to kiss for a while before our heated makeout session was interrupted by a knock. We both pull away and look at the door. She puts her shirt back on and walks to the door. She quietly turns around to face me as she walks and shrugs. I stood up and walked close to her as she opened the door.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Takumi says with a grin. 

I wanted to beat the living shit out of him but I keep my composure as he invites himself into our room. "No, you weren't," I say through a clenched smile. 

"What brings you by?" Y/N asks as she puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"I just wanted to ask how stupid you thought I was?" He says as his grin fades into a cold expression.

"What?" I ask.

"Drop the act, Deku." He says as he stands up and steps into me. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice you?" He says then shifts his gaze onto Y/N. "And you. Y/N, right? How long did you think you could fake your death?" He says as he steps toward her.

"I was actually hoping for a good 50 years but I guess 8-" 

"Shut up!" He snaps. We both step back and look at each other. Her eyes narrow and she lunges toward him, throwing him to the ground. He doesn't fight but instead laughs.

"Oh my god!" He laughs uncontrollably. "You should have seen your faces!" Y/N looks at me with confusion and then back at Takumi who starts to melt. 

"Toga?" Y/N says as she stands up and helps Toga off the ground. I look away and stare at the wall behind me.

"Nice to see you again, Toga," I say, staring at the wall.

"You too, Izuku!" She says. 

"Izu, why are you staring at the wall?" Y/N asks.

"I don't know, maybe because Toga's naked?" I reply sarcastically.

"Oh! Toga!" Y/N says as she throws her her sweater from the bed.

"Oh right! Thanks." She says as she slips it on and I turn back around. "So, how's the mission so far?" She asks as she jumps on the bed.

"We managed to get in but that's as far as we've gone." I tell her as I look in my bag for my tablet. 

"Do you have any idea where they have Rin?" Y/N asks. You can hear the desperation in her voice as her eyes widen with the question, in hope for a positive response. There are few times where I can see Y/N show a glimpse of hope, this is one of them. I just hope she's not disappointed in the end if this mission doesn't go as we planned.

"Actually, yes." Toga says as she grabs Y/N's hands. "While I was coming up here as Takumi, One of his evil hench men told me that Rin was still refusing to tell him why she's here." Toga leans her head against Y/N and lets out a muffled sob. "I feel horrible! It's my fault she was caught" She cries. 

"Toga, what happened?" Y/N asks as she consoles her. I walk over to them both and put my hand on Toga's back. 

"None of this is your fault." I tell her.

Toga chokes back a few sobs, sits up straight then wipes her tears from her face. "The night she was caught, I was supposed to watch out for any of Takumi's guards as she met with our informant. Word got out and Takumi showed up. I managed to escape the ambush but Rin didn't. She sacrificed herself for me." Toga says.

"Rin chose to do this mission. It's her job as a pro hero. If she wasn't capable of handling herself, she wouldn't even have a license." I tell her.

"Right, and we're here to help her out of this situation because even heroes need saving." Y/N adds as she puts her hand on my thigh as she's kneeling in front of Toga, wiping the tears from her face with her thumb. Y/N brushes a strand of Toga's hair and smiles. "How long have you been hiding?" 

"Almost 5 days. I don't know how long they'll keep her alive. They killed our informant on the spot." Toga says.

"Then we'll have to work quick. Our only objective is to rescue Rin. Nothing is getting in the way of that." Y/N says.

Toga nods her head and hugs her, then me. "Thank you both for coming. It's nice to know that I have Deku and Vixen on my side."

Deku and Vixen. Deku, the world's strongest pro hero and the new symbol of hope. Then Vixen. the world's most notorious villain, villains both feared her and wanted to be her, the villain with a tragic story. Good and evil... But those are just the names and the status they hold. The real people behind those names are not as (for lack of a better word) "cool" as they seem. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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