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Chapter 6

As Izuku and I enter the building with our bags, I can't help but stare in awe at how beautiful it is. This is nothing like the bases I lived in when I was younger. Tomura and Master made sure we were in secluded and hidden areas. This base is out in the open, not even trying to conceal its dark secrets. Izuku and I follow a suited man who's leading us to the new boss. I used to know the league inside and out but by the way things look, everything has changed.

The man takes our bags from our hands and gives them to someone. He leads us into the elevator. It looked like any other elevator until he activated his quirk and phased us through the ground and into a strange room I assume is beneath the building. The room was completely empty other than a double door, a light switch, and ceiling lights. The doors were plain, just black with silver handles while the light switch was like any other light switch. The man just stands there, watching to see what we do. Izuku takes a couple of steps forward and reaches out for the handle.

"Stop." I tell him as my ears perk up. 

He retrieves his hand and turns to me. "What?" He asks as his brows knit together and he scrunches his face. I walk towards the wall with the switch behind us and press my ear against it. Izuku looks at me in pure confusion the man raises a brow at me. I flip the switch and the wall creates an opening. "How'd you know that'd work?" Izuku asks.

"I couldn't hear anything from the wall side but I heard faint voices this way." I say as I watch as the man guides us through the opening.

"This is weird." Izuku whispers.

"This is gonna be the least weird thing you see." I whisper back.

We walked through the hall in silence, Izuku and I stealing glances every now and then, but the man never spoke a word. The hall was just as empty as the room we had just left. Empty. It was illuminated by some unknown source. There were no physical lights but the room still had light.  

We make it to the end of the hall and were greeted by another set of double doors. We look to the man who looks up. We look up and see the high ceiling, too high for any ladder to reach the top. I look back at the door and see a keyhole. 

"Look, there's a keyhole. The last door didn't have one." He says. "So there must be a key." He adds as he looks around.

"But where?" I ask as I look at the room that severely lacks decor. I look back at Izuku who points up. 

"Probably up there." He says.

"But how are we gonna get up there?" I ask. I make a face. He can't levitate while the man stands by us. He smirks at me and activates his black whips and sends them up. They feel the ceiling but couldn't find anything. He looks back at me in confusion.

"Well?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says as he starts to think. I watch as his eyes narrow and his face scrunches in concentration until his eyes widen and he walks towards the man. He opens the man's jacket and searches through his pockets. The man didn't try to fight back. Eventually, he pulls out a key from a secret pocket the man had. "Found it." He says as he walks to the door and unlocks it. 

He slowly opens the door, revealing a lounge area filled with some members of the league. They all stare at us as we enter and follow behind the man. We're on the inside. I make eye contact with Izuku and he nods his head, giving me an unspoken "we got this". 

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