Chapter 1

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Alice's POV

Today I was supposed to hangout with my sister Lizzie today, even though there's an age gap between us, it didn't stop us from getting close. And we just became closer while shooting the marvel movies.

Anyway she said that she was inviting  some people over, which I was a little saddened by because I wanted some alone time with lizzie since I barely see her because I'm always filming or recording a new song. I know you might thing that I do to much, but this makes me happy I enjoy what I do, so it's hard to stop.

I realize that the time says 11:55, and I have to be at lizzies at 12:00. It's a 20 minute  drive to her house, so I hurry up and change my clothes into this.

I grab my keys and jump into my 1968 black mustang, and start to rush to lizzies house

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I grab my keys and jump into my 1968 black mustang, and start to rush to lizzies house.

Finally making it there in 14 minutes  thanks to my speeding, but I'm still late, hopefully  Lizzie won't be to mad at me. When I parked I noticed 5 cars here, and I start wondering who lizzie invited.

Lizzies POV

It was 12:10 and everybody was here. And by everybody I mean, mary-kate, Ashley, Scarlett,RDJ, Chris E., and Florence. I invited Alice, but I guess she's not coming, I know she always busy and is a far more famous actress and musician, but I miss her she's like my best friend, and I haven't  seen her in 6 months  due to both of us filming. That's why we planed today, I guess she had to back out last minute or maybe she just forgot.

" Lizzie!!" Ashley yells in my ear making me jump, when I look over I see everyone looking at me with a concerned  look. I guess I had zoned out for a minute.

"Are you ok we've been saying your name for a minute now" Scarlett said concerned, making me smile a little, but before I could answer, Mary-Kate did for me.

"This is about Alice isn't it" Mary-Kate said knowingly,I just nodded my head and then looked down now saddened

" we know you miss her and that you two were the closet out of all of us, but you know Alice still loves you, and I bet she will be here any minute now" Mary-Kate reassured me, making me smile big at her, that's when we heard the door open and then someone yell

3rd POV

" LIZZIE WHERE YOU AT" Alice yelled as she closed the door, when she looked over she saw Lizzie basically  sprinting towards her. They both then ran to each other as the other surrounded to watch the scene. When they finally got to eachother the hugged one another and ended up on the floor.

" I missed you Lizzie-bear" Alice sniffed trying not to cry while they both hugged each other tighter

" I did to twin from another life" Lizzie responded, and after a minute  they didn't  let go so Ashley cleared  her throat  making it known that they were there to. Thus causing Lizzie and Alice to finally stand up, while smiling at one another.

" I don't know whether to be jealous,  or in awe of this beautiful  moment" Ashely spoke, causing Lizzie to laugh and everyone else to chuckle.

Alice then made her way to her two other sisters and hugged  both of them.

" I missed you guys too" Alice reassured the

" yeah we can tell" Mary-Kate sarcastically said, making everyone laugh

"Well where's my hug, darling" RDJ spoke up

Alice then smiled and went over and gave her 2nd father figure a hug.

" hey Robert" Alice said

"That's it all I get is a ' hey Robert' " said jokingly, but he did expect her to be more happy to see him

" join the club" Mary-Kate and Ashley joked, making everyone chuckle once again, but Scarlett  laughed, making Alice pause and everyone noticed.

" I know that laugh any where, scar is that you" Alice said not turing around, making Scarlett giggle, and everyone waited to see how Alice was going to react with Scarlett.

"The one and only baby" Scarlett  spoke still chuckling

Alice quickly turned and saw Scarlett, thus making her jump up and down.

"Scarlett" Alice squealed, then ran to Scarlett, letting Scarlett catch her as she rapped her arms and legs around her.

" I missed you so much, you and your ever growing knowledge, and your little motivation speeches" Alice started to rant while not letting Scarlett go, and Scarlett  doing the same

" I missed you to, it weird not having you around keeping me intertained, and making me try new things, and hearing your run around laughing all the time." Scarlett ranted the same way

Everyone just stood to the side watch yet another heart felt reunion. But making Mary-Kate, Ashley, and RDJ feel some type of way.

" how come see gets this reaction and I dont" RDJ scoffed jokingly

Making Alice and Scarlett  break apart laughing.

" because I've  known her since she was 3, that's 15 and a half years."Scarlett reason

" and she played my on screen mother since I was like 5 to 15, she's basically  my second mother."Alice added making everyone nod in understanding.

"If it makes you feel any better she hasn't  even acknowledged me and Florence yet" Evans spoke up for the first time

" no that's not true Evans, I didn't  acknowledged you, but I was going to Florence next" Alice joked as she walked past him and towards Flo, while RDJ laughed.

" hello my lovely Flo, have have you been darling" Alice said and she hugged Flo softly and them kissed her temple, thus making Flo blush

" I've been good, I missed you and our never ending flirting" Florence aside gaining some confidence, as everyone  else were starting to feel like they were intruding  in a personal conversation.

" and I've missed your voice, your touch, your body, and.... your lips" Alice said sexually walking closer and closer to Flo with each statement. But making everyone extremely uncomfortable, especially her sisters.

" oh is that so, well maybe you should show me how much you've  missed me" Flo tempted as she grabbed Alice's  neck to pull her down a little, since Alice was taller then her.

"Maybe I should" Alice responded,  they were about to kiss, but Lizzie rudely  interrupted

" ok, That's enough,I don't want to see my sister flirt, or Kiss one of my friends" Lizzie spoke while clearing her throat, and everyone was glad she interrupted them because they felt extremely  uncomfortable.

Florence  just groaned, and Alice grinned.

"Alright then let's start eating I'm hungry" Alice changed the subject  as she grabbed flos hand and led them into the kitchen , leaving the others to think about what just happened.

"We definitely  need to keep them apart" RDJ Spoke up, and Evans nodded along because  he saw Alice as a little sister.

"Agreed" Mary-Kate, Ashley, Lizzie,  and Scarlett  said  in union making them all start laughing

"Let's go, if we stay out here any longer they might start banging on my kitchen counter " Lizzie said, making them all shiver in disgust and quickly  go to the kitchen.

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