Chapter 3

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Alice's POV

Yesterday was a very emotional day with my sisters, so I decided it was time I enjoy today since I have a week of before I have to start acting again.

So I did what anyone would do, I called my besties. Me, Sofia and Dove were going to the mall today and then out to eat, we all needed a break and what better way then shopping with your best friends.

So I jumped in the shower and then hot dressed for the day. ( you can imagine anything)

I then grabbed my keys and jumped on the car, ready for the great day to come.

( time skip)

[ 2 hours of shopping later ]

3rd POV

" I'm hungry" Sofia spoke up

"Same" Dove and Alice agreed

They then started walking towards the food court, when a girl ran into Alice knocking her over.
The girl then quickly got up and then started helping Alice's up.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" the girl spoke, while frantically looking behind her.

"Are you ok" Sofia asked concerned for the girl

"Yeah why are you in a rush, do you need any help" Dove added

The girl then took a deep breath, before calming down.

"Yeah I'm fine I was just trying to get away from some people, I'm not supposed to be at the mall right now, and I dont want to get caught, my mom would kill me." The girl spoke finally calm

"Strict parents eh" Dove said, causing the girls to chuckle

"Yeah something like that" the girl chuckled nervously, she then looked up and realized who she was talking to and gasped.

"Well I guess you know who we are" Sofia giggled

"Your Sofia Carson, and Dove Cameron" she spoke in awe, she the looked over and gasped once again

"Your Mary-Alice Olsen, I'm fan of all of you" the girl spoke once again in awe, causing the three girls to chuckle lowly.

"Welm since you know our name I think it's only fair if we have yours." Alice spoke up

" oh sorry, I Shiloh jol- Jones potts" Shiloh said nervously, and also corrected herself trying not to give away her last name

"Well Shiloh Jone-Potts we were just heading to the food court to grab something  to eat, would you like to join us?" Dove asked Shiloh

"I would love to" Shiloh said with a big smile

The 4 girls then head over and grabbed a table, they all soon agreed on pizza where Dove and Sophia were designated to get the food. Thus leaving Shiloh and Alice alone.

"So Mary-Alice, do you like acting" Shiloh asked

"Yes I love it, I've been doing it since I was a infant, and please call me Alice or Allie, and is it OK if I call you Shi?" Alice answered

"Sure I don't mind" Shiloh replied

They just sat there and stared at each other. Both of them observing the other.

"Did y-" "You l-" both of the girls started talking at the same time, they then bust out laughing before soon containing themselves.

" I was going to say look very familiar" Alice spoke up first

" I was going to say you look like someone I know" Shiloh said too

They then went back to observing, before they spoke at the same time again.

Alice POV

'She looks so familiar I can quote pout my finger on it, but it's like I've seen her before' I thought while observing her some more.

This was so.....

Shiloh  POV

'It's so weird it's like I've seen her before'   I thought, then it came to me.

'She looks like mom' I thought, this was so.....

3rd POV

"Weird" the breathed out at the same time, even making the same movement.thus making them surprised.

"That was super weird " they said in union again, then they both covered their mouth at the same time.

" stop copying me" they finally same, but once again in union.

They then decided to keep quiet, just watching each other, trying their hardest not to copy the other. When they thought they finally thought they weren't going to copy eachother again, the both sighed in relief, before saying.

" that was so creepy" in union, the both groaned but when they looked at eachother again the burst out laughing.

That's when Dove and Sophia walked up with the pizza and drinks.

"Whats so funny" Dove asked

" after you left we both thought the other looked familiar, and then after that we couldn't stop saying and doing stuff in union" Alice chuckled

The two girls then sat down and looked between Alice and Shiloh.

" you know now that you mention it you do look very similar." Sophia spoke up

" Yeah Shiloh just has a different facial shad and jaw line, other then that you could be twins" Dove stated and then started to eat her pizza.

Alice and Shiloh then looked at each other actually considered that idea.

" how old are you?" Alice asked Shiloh

"I just turned 15 this year." Shiloh  answered

" Well I guess the twin thing is out the window, I'm about to turn 19 this year" making them all chuckle, but you could tell that this saddened Shiloh a little.

" but no worries Shi-Shi, I have now and officially adopted you as my little sister, I always wanted one." Alice reassured Shiloh and then hugged her.

"Well then I couldn't have asked for a better sister." Shiloh joked

For the rest of the time, the girl ate, then went to a couple more stores, and then went their separate ways. but not before Alice and Shiloh exchanged numbers.

Later that night neither girls could stop thinking about the other. And neither of them new of how thei relationship would grow, but they also didn't know of the drama that would come with it.


( sorry if theirs speeding mistakes, this was rushed.)

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