Chapter 7

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Alice's POV

I could tell that Shiloh was nervous, and honestly, the closer we got to her house, the more nervous I was getting to. Especially since I noticed that we were now in a gated community, which from experience I know that only celebrities live in this area.
I was starting to feel like something was being left out and everybody but me knew it. I mean, that would explain why Lizzie has been acting so weird around Shiloh and about me meeting her mom in there first place.

Well even if I wanted to connect the dots it was too late cause we were pulling up to her house now.

" are you ready" I asked Shiloh, putting all my previous thoughts aside, because I needed to be here for her, this was about Shiloh.

" Yeah.. No time like the present right" she answered me with a sigh but held a light smile, I could tell that she was nervous.

I just gave her a reassuring smile as we both got out the car, and headed to the front door. Shiloh just unlocked the door and walked in which I can understand cause it was her home but it felt awkward for me and like I was intruding. I follow her into the house but before I close the door I notice another car pulling into the drive way but pay it no mind as I quickly follow Shiloh.

I start looking around and this place looks beautiful, it honestly looks a lot like my style. I then start looking at pictures and I see that they are off a lot of kids, I assumed that they were Shilohs brothers and sisters that she would talk about, and it was nice to put faces to he names.

" Mom!" Shiloh yells, and honestly scaring me, I think she could tell cause she gave me an apologetic look.

I just shook my head, telling her it was fine as I went back to looking at the family pictures. It's when I noticed that one of the pictures looked like it had an older woman on it, assuming that it was the mother a take a closer look.

The Woman in the picture looks very familiar, and then it hits me this woman is none other the Angelina Jolie, but I mean that can't be right, out of all of the all the houses why did I have to end up in hers, I mean is this even real, is this some kind of joke. But then that's when I heard a voice that could only confirm that that this was the house of her.

" Shiloh why are you getting in so late I was worried, and who is your guest." An older female voice asked

I slowly turned around and before my eyes stood thee Angelina Jolie, my birth mother, a women that I've been want to meet but also not at the same time.

" sorry mom I can explain, but mom this is Alice, and Alice this is my mom and if you didn't notice she's Angelina jolie" Shiloh introduced

I just stood there frozen, and I could tell that once Angelina got a better look at me she could tell who I was too.

" A-alice?" Angelina asked surprised and I could tell that she had a little hope filled twinkle in her eye.

" Mo-" I was about to start but was cut off by a knock at the door.

We all abruptly look towards the door, and Angelina walked passed me to get the door but her eyes lingered on me a little. And out of the corner of my eye I could see Shiloh looking at me with confusion, but I couldn't muster up the courage to face her.

So I just focused on the door and too my surprise my 3 sisters were there.

" What are yall doing here" I asked with much surprise

" we didn't want you to be alone" Lizzie said as she invited herself in and walked over to me

" what do you mean" me and Shiloh asked together both confused

But I noticed that Angelina quietly hummed in acknowledgement cause apparently she are figured it out.

" we did want you to be alone when you realized" Ashley elaborated

I was still confused until I saw how Mary-Kate kept making suggestive glances at Angelina.

But then that would mean that they knew this this whole time thet Angelina was Shilohs mom to and theny never told me. I didn't want to believe that, but from the looks of it I think that's what exactly was happening.

" You knew?" I asked all three of them sounding a little hurt.

" Knew what?" Shiloh asked still confused and with a slightly raised voice because she knew about nothing that was happening right now.

" Alice we-" Ashley started but I cut her off

" no you all knew this whole time and never told me" I started to get angry and I felt I had the right too

" No don't balme them, blame me, I knew for a while while they just found out today too" Lizzie defended the twins, but was just so mad that she knew all this time but she never told me.

" Knew what!!" Shiloh started to yell because she was being left out

" Shiloh stay out of it" I heard Angelina whisper softly, but Shiloh just ignored her.

" no I wanna know, everyone here knows what's going on but your not telling me, so tell me the truth" Shiloh said with anger lacing her voice.

" Shiloh-" Angelina tried to start but Shiloh cut her off

" No tell me" Shiloh said looking at her mom, well I guess our mom now

" Shiloh pleas-" Angelina tried to start but was once again cut off by Shiloh

" Tell Me" Shiloh demanded

And I was getting tired of the back and forth I mean she was going to find out eventually, so I did something I might regret later, I blurted out the truth.

" Angelina is my birth mother" I rushed out, and the room got really quiet as everyone looked at me, my sisters in surprise the I admitted, Angelina as if she was glad that her thoughts were confirmed and Shiloh in surprised and a little hurt.

I couldn't help but close my eyes because I knew whatever was coming next was going to be the opening of a new chapter of my life. One that's been scheduled to happen for a long time.



Sorry it took so long, a lot has been happening in my life, you wouldn't even imagine.

Any way I'm planning on putting out another book and making a schedule so you can have a chapter come out every other week.

Thank you for being so patient with me.

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I was trying to rush this chapter out for you guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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