Chapter 2

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( I want to apologize  ahead of time if there is speeding mistakes I didn't  prof read it)

3rd POV

Everyone was now sitting around the kitchens table enjoying there lunch, while catching up with one another.

" So Alice any big projects coming up" Scarlett asked

" Two actually, and I'm going to be working with Lizzie on one of them" Alice replied not trying to tell exactly  what her new movies are, but causing Lizzie to smirk.

"I can't wait to work with you again Al, if feels like it's been so long since we've  been in a movie together" Lizzie spoke causing Alice to chuckle

"That's because it has, anyway I'm thinking about coming  out with a new album,  but I really don't know because I'm so busy, maybe I'll just really and single" Alice started explaining her plans for the future

"I think a single would be better" Evans joined the conversation

"Yeah you don't want to over work yourself to hard sis" Ashley joked

"Plus I want to hear some more of you music" Flo intervened and everyone agreed

"Maybe I'll Wright the next song about you, of course only you all will know its about Flo, but now I'm liking  the idea of  singing a song about you." Alice spoke making Florence  blush and everyone else smirk

"Well then I can't wait to here it" Flo countered, making Alice hum

Everyone continued with there lunch, but soon it was 2:00 and Evans had to leave because her was still finishing  shooting a movie, Scarlett  because she was two kids to take care of, and Florence  because she has to get ready for an audition coming  up. Thus leaving the twins,lizzie and Alice in the house.

They had decided to watch a movie, and Ashely had chosen Maleficent seeing its her favorite  movie at the moment.

But due to this decision, it left Alice looking out longing at the TV, as she started to drift off thinking. Soon her sisters noticed  and the were confused and concerned. That's until they looked back at the screen and realized  that Angelina jolie was the one acting as Maleficent. They quickly turn of the movie, realizing that maybe they shouldn't  have watched in the first place. All the sisters gathered around Alice trying to bring her back from her day dreams.

But when she cam back her eyes were watering up, and she wouldn't like her sisters in the face.

"Hey Allie I'm sorry I picked this movie I should've remembered that Ang...She was in it" Ashely  apologized and at the end changed her wording not wanting to say the actresses name in front of Alice in fear of how she would react.

"Alice please say something" Lizzie pleaded just wanting to comfort  her sister

"W-why did s-she give me u-up" Alice started crying, while her sister quickly embraced her in a group hug as the soothed their little sister.

"W-was I not good e-enough" Alice continued to cry

"Shhh, don't say that your enough and more, if she doesn't  see that then she doesn't deserve you" Lizzie reassured her little sister/best friend

"Lizzies right, now tell us why you started think like this" Ashley said

" I don't know I've  just been thinking a lot lately, about what would it be like if Angelina kept me, if I had 4 younger  siblings, ya now have a family" Alice ranted, but hurting her sisters feelings in the process unknowingly

"But we're your family" Mary-Kate ask starting to tear up

"Do you regret be adopted by mom and dad, do you not want us as sisters." Lizzie says sniffing, making Alice realize  what she said

"No, no that's not what I meant." Quickly said, then quickly brought lizzie into a hug trying to stop her from crying.

" I love you guys, and this family, you are my sisters blood of not, I'm glad I was adopted into the family and got the honor to become your little sister, I wouldn't  change it for anything. I'm sorry I was just thinking in the moment, I didn't  mean anything" Alice quickly explained  while rubbing Lizzies back. She then brought Ashley and Mary-Kate into the hug as well. As they all cried together.

"We love you too" the three sisters said together

After 10 minutes, they broke the hugged and started to wipe their tears away.

" I'm sorry guys, I just always wanted to meet my birth mother, but nobody could replace you guys, I love you, you are my family." Alice explained again making the three girl smile a little.

"We love you too, and we are going to help you get in contact with her." Mary-Kate  said while squeezing Alice's hand.

"Really?" Alice asked a little hopeful.

"Yes" the three girls said together

"We will be here for you through everything" lizzie said. Then all of them hugged eachother one last time.

For the next hour they planned on a way to get in contact  with Angelina. They made a promise to each other that after this Alice won't leave them for her Biological family. Soon the twins left just leaving Lizzie and Alice alone.

They were just sitting in silence on the couch. Just looking at each other not knowing what to say. Lizzie was thinking about wheather or not Alice would stick to her promise.. she couldn't  lose  her little sister, her best friends. Seeing Lizzies inter battle with herself,  Alice jumped into Lizzies are, something she's been wanting  do for a minute now.

" don't worry Lizzie you will and have always been my sister, my big sister someone I look up to and someone admire, but most importantly your my one of my best friends and I will always come to you if I have a problem, because I trust and love you." Alice reassured her big sister.

Lizzie just smiled at her sister, as some tears fell from her eyes, they were happy tears though.

"I love you too, and I'm proud to be your sister, and I will do what ever it takes to have you find out the truth on what happens with your birth mother." Lizzie spoke with honesty.

" thank you Lizzie-bear" Alice smiled

"No problems Twinnie" Lizzie  replied back with a smile

They then cuddled on the couch  and watched Marvel and DC movies, until they fell asleep.


Your probably wondering how Alice knows her mom is Angelina.

Well I decided to make it that when Angelina gave Alice up she gave her to one of close friends, telling them to put Alice somewhere safe.

What Angelina didn't  know was that her friend gave Alice to the Olsens.

So the Olsens have always known the Angelina was Alice's birth mother, and when Alice turned 13 they told her she was adopted and at 16 they told her the truth of who her mother really was. Even though she suspected  it because her and Angelina are literally  twins.

( if anyone has any suggestions just tell me I can add it to the story. Your ideas are important to me.

And if you have any of you have story ideas or want me to write you one I would be more then happy to write one for you.)

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