Do you want to get taken away?!

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After all that had, had happened, first I was taken to the hospital again, and checked in, I had to do this everyday even if I wasn't abused every day anyways, so that I could get a check up. They had to check over me, I hated that, I hated that they had to be touching all over me, I'm not a touchy person, unless I'm being hugged, but I never get kind touches like that, except from my grandmother and Athena.

In fact after all that the school contacted my guardian and told her what happened. She came to the hospital to see me. She was surprised to see Athena there, but she didn't care as long as my father wasn't, and that I was now safe. The nurse in charge directed her to my room, along with Athena. Athena? Darling what are you doing here? Farrah did something so brave, she yelled out everything on the mic at school, I didn't know her father abused her, but her now ex BF Conner had abused, and cheated on her and was only dating her because of a bet.

That poor girl, she's so broken, and so brave. I wish there were more people than us that cared about her. I told her that, that one boy and his family cared about her, and so did her celebrity crush. She said that the other family would blame her and that Justin didn't know her. Justin the pop star? Yes? You know there is some irony to that statement actually.

What are you talking about? Well first of all, IDK if the family realizes that Farrah is still alive, but it's funny because that boy and his family, IS Justin's family. Wow small world. Farrah and Justin used to be BFFs. Oh wow that is funny, now I really want to tell her, but there's no way she'd believe me, as she shouldn't because you shouldn't do that anyways. I'm not gonna ask why, but I won't tell her.

Good now let's go check up on her, yes? Yeah let's. So they do, and after once again, that I am done, we first take Athena home, then we go back home. Where I'm glad my father is at work. Until he isn't. Where I'm glad he hasn't seen me yet, and that he's in a good mood. Well, "good mood" might be pushing it. None the less, for right now, up until something happens to me, he hasn't laid a hand on me since I got back.

However as soon as he did, things went from, eh I'm sorta ok, to well the usual. As per usual, he was drunk, he started yelling at me, he beat and abused me, so on and so forth, you know my usual, which is sad to call it that actually. Oh well, I suppose in some ways it's my own fault. In someways maybe I deserve this, so I'll sit and take it, because he's the only family, aside from my grandmother that I have, and I'm his.

Then this happened.... Do you have any idea what you've done?! He asked me hitting me harder than usual. You're such a bitch, what did you do?! What are you talking about?! I groaned in pain. Don't you dare play dumb! I'm not playing because I am! Well that's something we can actually both agree on, especially right now! What did I do this time?! Like you don't know?! G-D damn it Farrah! Why would you go and do that?!

Would you tell me what's going on?! You're a moron you stupid girl, I heard a rumor from the school today, of what you did! In short.... Do you WANT to get taken away?! ? I asked you a question! You will answer me, do NOT make me repeat myself! I *gasp* somehow my news, got to my dad, and boy was I in HUGE trouble!

Answer me! No! No what?! No I don't want to get taken away! Then WHY would you DARE tell the whole school?! I was only gonna tell on Connor for abusing and cheating on me, not that you care, but then I compared him to you, and the truth came out, and I regretted it right away. Our family is already broken, we plus your mother's mother, are all we have of each other, and it's all your fault!

It was yet another thing I agreed with him on. I didn't want to be taken away, but I also hated being abused, if I got taken away, my father would suffer, and possibly drink himself to death, then all but one family member would be dead, and it would once again be my fault, all over again. I so could NOT let that happen.

Not 10 mins later however, people were breaking Dow our door, and trying to take me away! DADDY HELP ME! I cried as they pulled on my arm. LET GO OF HER! Mr. Jade you are under arrest, and your daughter will be brought into foster care! No! We both cried out. I bit the person holding my arm, and ran to my father. You little brat, we're trying to take care of you, this home is not safe for you! I'm all he has left, please don't take him away, or myself?!

You ARE in danger, we have have no choice. Then, please, just either give him one more chance, or send me home with my grandmother, just don't arrest him, or send me away, please, just please! Fine, but next time this happens, you will get arrested, and you will be taken away, do we make ourselves CLEAR?!

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