Mysterious text messages

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Hey girl how you feeling?! I'm fine, just glad to be out of the hospital. That's nice. Hey can I tell you something? Of course girlie, what is it? I had this really strange dream the other day while I was waiting for you to come back. Oh yeah? What about? Justin was there. Justin was where? With us yesterday.

Oh and what happened in this dream? Hm.... Well I guess it was more like a nightmare, we were at the mall. Oh please! Athena said rolling her eyes. Fine keep going. You walked away when you went to go get food and go to the bathroom. Except that wasn't what you were doing. You were texting Justin to come over to our table.

Ok doesn't sound like me, but go on. You told him your plan. He came up behind me placing his hands over my eyes, I remember thinking there was only one person it could have been when you were the only person that was with me. Up until I heard his voice I thought it was you. Then he spoke, and I stopped stock still freaking out that my celebrity crush was talking to me.
Then I pushed those feelings aside and pretended it was still you, to throw him off. Then he came and sat down next to me. And I pretended that I wasn't freaking out to see him. I started pulling out his hoodie, you know the one that I woke up in after he brought me to the hospital? Um yeah I was there.

Yeah, I know, but anyways I tried to give it back to him, and he kept trying to pull me back down to earth calling my name over and over again. As I blabbed on and on, about the hoodie, I mean it is his favorite hoodie. Yeah I think you mentioned that before. She said rolling her eyes. Sorry keep going.

Anyways, he took my hand in his own. I wanted to know why and how he knew my name. Then you showed up. When he tried to walk away I tried to give him his hoodie back, but he told me to keep it. Then it was like he was never there at all. Then you did this thing to put me to sleep and I did. Then I woke up, and we went home.

Yeah ok great dream. Now come on let's go get in the car to go get properly signed to be your grandmother's daughters then we'll legally be sisters. So we did. On my way out though I got this weird text message from this mysterious number. Come on girl, let's go. Farrah come on. Who are you texting? I'll be honest I'm not sure.

See look. I said showing her my phone. Him: Hey girl, how's it going, I'm glad I got to see you again. I miss you so much. Me: Huh? Who is this? Him: It doesn't matter, just understand that you'll always have a place in my heart, a very special place. Me: Um thanks? But who are you? Him: Your guardian angel. Me: Ok "guardian angel" am I ever gonna see you again? Him: I hope so, I hope sometime soon too. But until then I know I'll see you in my dreams my angel.
Um yeah. Strange. Come on let's go. Her: Turn it down a notch Bieber! Him: Hey I'm just following your plan. Her: What plan, that was all you lover boy?! Him: .... um.... ok whatever. See ya later. Her: Yeah "in my dreams my angel" :p Him: Oh go away! :p

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