Girl in the purple hoodie

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When I was better and they were done with me, I wanted some real food to eat, but of course where did Athena and I end up?! The very last place I wanted to be. The mall food court. It wasn't the food court I hated it was the mall. Athena why are we here?! Because I wanted to take you to get some real food after all the hospital food you've been eating.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her. Yeah but you know that I hate the mall so why would you bring me here?! Don't tell me that boy is gonna be here. What boy? She asked giving a nervous laugh. I raised an eyebrow at her. You know what boy I told her. The one that brought me in a couple days ago into the hospital.

Idk what you're talking about. Athena?! I recognized that hoodie. And the scent of coconut oil. There is only one person I know that uses that scent. No way you don't know what you're talking about girlie. Athena I'm serious. Who's hoodie is this? Why does it matter?! Because I have to get it back to him. I'm sure he won't miss it.

Athena if that hoodie belongs to the person I think it does he's gonna want it back it's his favorite one. How do you know that?! Why does it matter? You have serious fever girl. I rolled my eyes. Jokes aside I think I should probably give it back to him. How are you gonna do that? Yeah you're right. Cause we're not here for a reason.

Is he here or something? I think they were shooting a commercial here for something in a few minutes and I might have heard a rumor that he was gonna be here. Oh please?! She checks her phone. Hey I'll be right back. Where are you going?! I ask trying to get up too. Just to get my food and then go to the bathroom and then I'll be back.

She walked away. I sat there alone and began to tap the table board out of my mind. She had really gone to text Justin. Her: Hey are you on your way? Justin: Yeah I'll be right there I think I see you. Her: Great this will be so cool. Justin: Yeah I've done nothing but think about her since I thought she died. I can't wait to see my best friend again.

Her: That is so funny because as far as she remembers all she knows is you as a celebrity. You're her celebrity crush. Justin: LOL really now? Her: OMG she's gonna kill me when she finds out that I told you that. Justin: Consider that info totally forgotten. Her: Whatever. Just get over here I can see you. Justin: Ok bye, oh and thanks for doing this. Her: No problem, what are friends for? But seriously if you hurt her I swear you're gonna be hurt. Justin: Noted.

So you're Athena right? Yeah and your my best friend's old best friend. Nice to officially meet you. Likewise. Look pretty boy I told her I would be right back, she hates this place, I told her you were here for a commercial, so it would be nice if you could stick with the story I already have. Just go up behind her and surprise her. You really think that's a good idea?
Well why not, it's not like she's gonna cause a scene. Ok I trust you, here I go. Just be yourself but you know not you're celebrity self just Justin. Average person. Ok I'm like so not anything average. She rolled her eyes at him and gave him a little shove. She hid behind the corner so she could watch us.

I started to look around. Where is she? Suddenly I felt my eyes being closed. Athena I laughed.... I know that it's you. Try again princess. My heart sped up and I sat stock still afraid to move. Then I brushed it off and played along. Wow Athena your really going all out trying to trick me. I felt the hands start to peel off my face. And squeeze my shoulders.

Hey?! The voice whined. I chuckled. He sat down beside me at the table. How's your day going so far? He asked me. Totally in shock, I suddenly got caught up in my words. My mouth wasn't working. Farrah? He asked me, calling me back to earth. I shook my head from my thoughts. Oh I'm sorry, you probably want your hoodie back. I said. Pulling it out of my backpack. Farrah. He said again. Don't worry I washed it when I got home, so it's all clean now.

Farrah. He said again this time taking my hand. H-how do you know my name? She was right you don't remember me do you. Yes, I mean no, I mean I know exactly who you are, your.... wait you know who you are and I know who you are but the whole court doesn't have to know who you are. He *sighed* sadly running a hand through his hair.

Not only that but you also saved my life. So I'm sure the Dr. probably said my name plenty of times. I'm surprised that you know what I look like though since you've only seen me one other time. And I'm just a nobody unlike you. Farrah don't say that, he *gasped* your not nobody. Well I'm no you. No one knows who I am. You'll always be someone to me.

Why do you even care? Why are you here? And I don't mean whatever BS Athena told us to believe, you can come back Athena. I said rolling my eyes. Ok you're just too good I just can't trick you. No you really can't. I know when someone's around since all because in a word paranoia. UM listen I have to go, but I'll see you again sometime soon and I'll explain everything to you then.

But you mean more to me than you'll ever know. I just wish you could remember the real me, before who I am today. Please try to remember, it would make everything so much easier if you could. He took my hand and kissed it. He walked away. Oh wait... he turned around. Your hoodie. Keep it. He said winking at me. I'll get a new one. Then he just disappeared as if he was never here. What just happened?! Sh, sh sleep now. Athena did a trick to put me to sleep and when I woke up again only a few minutes had passed.

Hey I told you I'd be right back, were you really that board? She laughed. I guess so. Sorry. No problem girlie. Let's go home. She looked at her phone again and smiled. Justin: Had a great time, I'll have to repay you someday. I just wish she remembered our real relationship. Her: Don't worry she will or you'll explain it to her.

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