Do I know you?!

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Him: I can't believe that really happened!
Her: Well believe it lover boy ;)
Him: I have to see her again!
Her: Oh just give it time!
Him: It's been 6 years, how much longer do I have to wait?!
Her: Fine, why don't we all meet up somewhere? Then you can meet all over again.
Him: Fine, when and where?
Her: How does Friday after school work for you?
Him: Fine, I've waited this long, I might as well wait one more day.
Her: Great, listen go text Farrah and tell her that, my phone is gonna die soon. And I have class, but Farrah can do what she wants, so just do that.
Him: Awesome! See ya, peace out!

Him: Hey, girl what's up?
Me: Who is this?
Him: Have you already forgotten me?
Me: I mean I know your that guardian angel, but what is your name?
Him: .... :/ It's sad that you don't remember me, so my name is Jason. Jason McCann.
Me: Ok fine, I'll play along. What do you look like? Remind me.
Him: I have raven dark hair, and blue eyes, I'm 6 feet tall, my favorite color is red, I have really pale skin, I never break the rules, I dress kind of preppy, I always get good grades, I'm down to Earth, and easy to talk to, I'm training part time as a child cop. For a segment on CSI.
Me: Hm, very interesting, well maybe we need to get together and meet up, all 3 of us.
Him: Great, how about after school on Friday.
Me: Isn't that tomorrow?
Him: Sure is baby.
Me: You forgot to mention that you're also a cocky flirtatious player :p
Him: No, so not true, that's just the way I seem, I promise I'm not too good to be true, you can trust me, I'd never hurt you.
Me: I never thought you would.
Him: Great see ya tomorrow.
Me: Yes you will!

Him: Athena, I need your help!
Her: What did you do?
He explains.
Her: You were only talking to her for 5 minutes! How did you mess things up so badly within that time?!
Him: It's a gift.
Her: Well box it up, and meet me somewhere, as much as it pains me to say this, I'm gonna help you.
Him: You will?
Her: For her sake not yours, but for your sake if your gift is unwrapped and you mess this up, I swear I will mess you up!
Him: No, way, you can't mess this face up, I'm too handsome.
Her: Keep dreaming lover boy :p now come meet me.
Him: Fine.

At the mall. What are you wearing? A disguise, I can't get mobbed by my fans, or this will never work. Never say never. So you do listen to my music?! Oh please no, she does, constantly. Over and over again. I don't like you, and yet, I'm sure I know every word, of your music because of her. So in other words my old best friend, soon to be my best friend again after 6 years, has come way down with the "fever." Yeah she might as well have cancer it's so un - cure-able.

Hey, no don't compare it to something so horrible, the "fever" is a good thing. For you and your fans! Now come on, let's disguise you with your description. This hair dye, is washable. Keep it with you at all times. Now these contacts will irritate your eyes at first, but you'll be fine. Now do you have anything red? Not much, but I can wear what I have tomorrow.

What about the preppy part? I have a few things for that, before we all meet up together, we two can get together, and make sure I'm dressed the part. Fine. How do we make you taller? I'll just need shoes with some height. The pale skin? Your tan. You have too much sun. Skin tone body paint? Is that even a thing? Maybe. If you say so. She says rolling her eyes.

What about the no breaking the rules part and getting good grades? Ok, well pretending will be easy, but I do really get good grades. And as for the last part? Well those things are true. Yeah, yeah. Sure, and the cop part? Well that part is true too it's my CSI character on a segment. She face palmed. You idiot! What? If she looks that up to do a search on you if she hasn't already, then you're doomed!

We shall find out what happens. So, why a disguise in the first place? Because she doesn't remember me, and if I tell her we used to be friends, she'll feel bad for not remembering me. That's true, but then you're just gonna have to become friends with her all over again. That I can do. Piece of cake. Great, see you tomorrow.

The next day. It was right after school. Are you ready to meet your secret admirer? Thoughts: Ok, I'll play along, even when I know Jason is Justin, I did my research. I knew I knew that name from somewhere. I have his hoodie, I'll wear it to the meeting and try to break them, by saying something that makes him slip up. I guess that makes him Aladdin and me Jasmine. Yep, let's go.

Once we got there. Look at you, what are you wearing?! *ug* Too late to change, let's go. Farrah look whose coming this way. Yeah I know that he was coming, this was our plan to meet up. Unless you had a different plan? No. So we start talking, and we're having a great time.

So you look familiar, do I know you? No I think I'd remember a girl so pretty. Thoughts: Yep that's Justin, time to expose this prince Ali for who he really is. Let me tell you a story. Ok, spill. There were two best friends, grew up together, the mom's were best friends, the kids grew up that way because of that, but they didn't expect that one day everything would change. The mother and the daughter were on their way over to the friend's house, the mom had just had a baby so the girls mother wasn't sure if she should bring her daughter over while she was away on business, the girl and the mother were hit by a drunk driver, and fell off a bridge, the mother died, and the boy was told that it would've been better if the girl had died too. For the girl had it far worse, leaving the best friend to wonder why, when he thought for the next 6 years that she was dead. Now the old best friend has a new best friend, but the girl's old best friend is now back in her life and has loved her since they first met, but the old best friend doesn't remember her old best friend.

Does this story have a happy ending. Well that's uncertain, because their all living the story right now. And the girl doesn't even know it. And the boy is sad she doesn't remember him, wishing she did, and now, he's going to do what he can to be the girl's best friend no matter what, and maybe something more.

He's all caught up in something, which is my cue, to bring out the hoodie. Is anyone else cold? What are you talking about, you never get cold?! Ignoring her statement, I pull the hoodie over me. Yep, still smells like the coconut oil stuff. Where did you get that? I woke up with it over me in the hospital. Do you want it back? No, that's ok, I told you, you could keep it, besides I got a new one see, I have it right.... You idiot! Oh no!

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