Taken out of context

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It was the day after homecoming, Athena was planning on going to Justin's like he'd asked of her. Come noon, there was a knock on the door. I was still upstairs trying to continue sleeping. Athena door. I mumbled. She got up rolling her eyes. Well it is noon. Smart ass Bieber! She goes to the door, and opens it. You must be the driver taking me to casa day Bieber. She'd gotten into the limo as it drove to his house.

Wow this place is amazing! She awed. Don't tell him that though, I'm still not sure I trust this guy, best friend's "old" best friend or not. She got out of the limo and knocked on the door. Justin opened it almost eagerly. That was fast. What were you just standing by the door waiting for me to get here or something? Justin looked down at the floor, running a hand behind his head, shuffling his feet nervously.

Please tell me I'm making this up, and you aren't actually this pathetic and desperate?! He pulled his head up and rolled her eyes. Hey are you gonna let me in, or you just gonna stare off into space, and hope I can read your mind?! I was so hoping you could do that, because I need your help, I just don't know how to ask for it. I think you just did smart one. No, I mean.... I'm asking for your help, but in simple terms, I-I kind of need a practice dummy.

Practice for what? Oh and please keep talking, you're doing great, not like I'm ready to punch you in the face or anything. What? I haven't done anything yet. Yet? Back at home I was waking up and getting up. I rubbed my eyes of sleep. I looked around and didn't see Athena anywhere. I called around and looked for her. Athena? Athena?!

Then I found a note on the bedside table. Dear sister, man I love being able to say that now. I playfully roll my eyes and continue reading. If you're reading this, you're finally actually awake, BTW did you know you talk in your sleep? You were mumbling Justin's name all night long it was actually pretty annoying. I rolled my eyes again. Anyways.... You're probably also looking for me. Remember last night?

Actually how much of it could you had remembered other than the fact that Cinderella was dancing with her prince charming at the ball?! I roll my eyes again. I know, I know you're probably tired of me talking nonsense, but at the end of last night Justin asked to meet with me at noon today, so while you slept on I got ready for the day and now I'm probably at Justin's unless you wake up before then, yeah right, so if you did like that would ever happen.

I'm sorry I love ya girl, but let's be honest here.... I KNOW YOU! So at Justin's blah, blah, blah, don't wait up see ya later girlie. Love you, your sister. Still can't believe I can actually say it for real now... Well you know who and in case you haven't left cloud 9 yet, Athena, this note is from Athena. Bye.

I love that girl, but seriously. Oh well, I'll get dressed and text her or whatever and tell her that I'm on my way over and whatever. And go on over. It's not bright hot and sunny out, it actually looks like it's gonna rain soon. I went into my closet and threw on the first thing I found (outfit 6)and went on my way.

Back at the house. I'm not really gonna do anything to you, or to Farrah, I really like her ok, and I know she likes me too, but that she has no idea I'm really still her old best friend, that her Justin and this Justin are one in the same. And I know that you hate my guts. But despite the amount of girls I've dated, which I'm not going to tell you, because it's just not important, but none of them I actually "liked" I didn't love any of them, sometimes they were part of management, or was fake dating, or publicity, or she acted nice but was really a bitch but I couldn't get rid of her, or I thought I liked or loved them, but it wasn't the same as loving Farrah.

I love her. And I probably always have. I haven't stopped thinking about her since gee I don't even know. But I thought she died with her mother just like everyone else. And now I don't think I even know the real truth. IDK what happened, all I know is what the Dr. told me and that's that everyone blames her for her mother's death, and he said it would've been better for her if she really did die all those years ago. And that there's more but that's not his story to tell.

And I'm sure Farrah wouldn't want to tell me herself. After thinking she was dead for nearly 8 years, 8 years far too many, and I'd gone on to be famous, I never once stopped thinking about her or loving her I'd do anything for her and I wish I could turn back the clock and make her life better. But I know that I can't. So what am I here for?

I want you to teach me how to treat her perfectly. She's perfect to me, all her flaws and imperfections included and I never want her to leave my side, I never want to see her get hurt ever again. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. You are the artist and I am your clay, mold me into her perfect man. Oh sweetie you are anything far from perfect, but this is for my best friend I have no say in the matter.

You came didn't you? You could've said no, you could've let me suffer. I'm thinking about it right now. Fine make me suffer torture the hell out of me I don't care, just help me. *sigh* you really are desperate. In a word yes. In words, you're my only hope. And I'm princess Leia in this situation. Fine, but don't talk Star Wars to me, and let's get this over with. Be ready to be molded, you're in for a long afternoon. And once we're done then maybe I'll consider you dating her.

I'd gotten there on the wrong time. It also could've rained down on me any sec. I was about to knock on the door, but I looked into the window and saw them smiling and laughing and starting to lean in. I felt betrayed and decided to get my revenge, by taking a photo and posting it, clearly anonymously though. Was that a flash I just saw? IDK, could've been a camera or lightning it did look like it was gonna rain today.

It did, and I got caught in the middle of it. I texted them both.... Tears streamed down my face. Hope you two are having fun. Please don't stop on my account, I wouldn't want to rain on your parade. What the hell you guys?! I just saw this picture of you guys looking like you're gonna kiss! I thought you were my friends! How could you? Both of you?! You win Athena, I thought you hated Justin's guts, but you lied to me, you knew I liked him, you stole him from me, but you get your wish I never want to talk to or see him ever again, and don't either of you try to talk to me ever again either, you two deserve each other!

After everything I've been through.... I guess none of it was enough, my two best friends had to go behind my back and.... I can't even say it, or admit to myself. I'm out peace! And send. I ran off getting soaked in the rain. They hadn't seen me, or their phones, before it was too late. I'd gotten home. And crawled into bed and just wanted to die.

Hey, ok looks like that flash of whatever killed the mood, not like that was gonna get finished. Wow it's already 3:00. We've been at this for 3 hours. Oh Farrah said she was gonna come over. Oh no, I didn't get the text earlier, what if she did come over earlier and.... And..... And this happens! Justin said sorrow in his voice. G-D Damn. I knew that flash was no good. Look! He said showing her the picture "someone" took. Oh no!

Try to call her! She didn't pick up. I'll try. Nope still nothing! OMG, what have we done?! Farrah must me so hurt and betrayed feeling. Keep trying to call her. It's no good I think it's too late. What makes you say that?! She blocked us. This is not good. How are we going to fix this? I wish I had a clue. 

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