𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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What is life?

If you look for the meaning of life in a Dictionary, it'll clarify that,

'the quality that people, animals or plants have when they are not dead'

But what if a soul is merely breathing and questioning its existence?

It's a strange mixture of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness, or an earnest desire to the returning home that doesn't exist.

Empty streets where we used to love our Hearts out and now I'm laying alone in this cold night.

This calmin' feeling faded into anxious breathing. In the places, we were happy once feels like nothing but a dark cold cellar.

"Why'd you get back so late? When you said you'd be home by eight. you promised you'd make a change! All these years and you're still the same!"

"Oh, you think that I'm still the same? After everything, I did for us? The only thing you're good for is complaining. You fucking bitch, you're insane" Kai yelled walking away.

"Wait, what the fuck did you call me?
Don't walk away, don't ignore me!" I cried out following him.

He threw the lap, the vase, and my favorite coffee mug. His voice grew louder, I was afraid the neighbors could hear us.

He was furious, I could tell by the way his hands were shaking.

He let out a loud growl of annoyance.

"You're insane! I want to fucking leave you! It's crazy how much I love you and how much I can hate it!! Let's be honest, we'd be better if we never met at all"

"If it's easy just to leave me, what the hell are you waiting for? You're too busy fucking around, Just drinking and clubbing and if you are really in love with me you would stop with fighting!" I screamed while my pulse sped up and breathed very shallow.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" He balled his fingers into a fist and drove them through the wall, then slammed the door behind him.

The sound of silence. None to be heard, none to be seen. Hollow words ring with an abnormal sense of quietude.

There was not a sound of life around me; Not the sound of bells, the sound of voices...... it wasn't any of those.

The cold marble ground seemed to move as my eyes drifted towards the door, head throbbing as flashes hindered my sight, dizziness striking like a five-ton mallet.

Cold beads of sweat trickled down my jaw, chills running down as blue breezes blew past my body, and the solemn serenity rang through the void, filling me with utmost unease.

The endless ringing in my ears was a warning; the constant whispers of the wind brushed past my ear, sending chills down my spine.

claws digging into the walls of my shattered heart, my tears overflowing from my lashes to the chin, streaming as I groveled to the floor.

The truth was painfully obvious- I am alone.

'Unbreak the broken, Unsay these spoken words, Find hope in the hopeless, Pull me out of the train wreck'

Sasuke POV.

"Sakura Uchiha, why did I marry her?"

Sasuke first met sakura when they were children in the academy. where his good looks caused her to become infatuated with him, which later grew into love.

"She only wanted me for my looks, just like other pathetic fangirls did."

Sasuke was aware that Sakura had feelings for him, but he showed no interest in her and considered her to be annoying.

"She was annoying"

After they became teammates, they began to interact more and acknowledge each other's strengths and weaknesses, causing Sasuke to think of her as someone he needs to protect.

"She was a weak teammate"

Despite being grateful for how much she is willing to make him happy, he still abandons the prospect of being with her to pursue revenge and destory Konoha.

"I was blinded by the vengeance but she was still waiting for me.."

By the time the Fourth Shinobi World War gets underway, Sasuke had become so consumed with hatred that he was willing to kill Sakura.

"I even strive to kill her.."

After the war, a redeemed Sasuke apologizes to Sakura for how much he hurt her and she tearfully forgives him, allowing them to reconcile.

"She didn't despise me after everything I've done in the past."

And later maintain a long-distance relationship while he pursues a journey of redemption.

"She waited for me...."

Shadow Hokage.

Naruto refers to Sasuke as the "Shadow Hokage", due to Naruto protecting the village from the inside whereas Sasuke supports Naruto and protects the village from the outside.

He always looks for threats against Konoha and tries his best to help protect the village.

" did I marry sakura out of guilt?"

Sakura knew him better and longer so he felt a much stronger connection with her.

Sakura was very supportive of Sasuke's duties.

Then why?

Why does he still feel a vacant void within him?

"I don't like nattō and anything sweet. Why did you cook syrup-coated Anko dumplings?"
Sasuke asks glaring at the dish.

"Sasuke kun, I could have cooked omusubi with okaka and tomatoes if I was notified about your arrival," Sakura answered with a hit of annoyance.

"So now I have to notify you? Notify my wife that I'm coming home?"

Sasuke thought as he continued glancing at the plate in front of him.

"I just wanted to surprise you..."

Sasuke wanted to surprise his wife. After all, he hardly gets the chance to stay home due to the responsibility on his shoulders.

But instead, Sakura didn't seem delighted.

Instead of a warm welcome, all he got was silence and coldness from her.

"Fine, be that way." Sakura huff taking away the plate.

"There are some instant ramen cups. eat it if you feel hungry. I'm going to bed, I have a lot of work to deal with tomorrow at the hospital." Sakura yawned walking away.

Sasuke let out a defeated sigh, sifting his gaze outside the window.

the night is very deep, the beautiful moon is swimming in the sky, and The lovely stars shining above.

He opens the window to look outside, the chilly gentle wind hits his face, grasshoppers clicking in the dry air. an empty street with no souls nearby.

"Perhaps this isolation is the curse I've accomplished from the blunders I made in past."

"I want to find something I've wanted all along, Somewhere I belong."

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