𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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"he.. indeed have a Good appetite.." I giggle watching Xiaohei eating.

"I'm sorry if it's bothering you.." Wuxian apologizes.

I smile waving my hand "It's alright, he's simply a growing kid.."

 "I will be sending him back to our village." 

A look of puzzlement crossed my face
"are you going to escort him?"

"no. He will be traveling unaccompanied.."

"What? he's just a little boy.." 

Wuxian chuckles "I understand your concern but I assure you that he has done this numerous times before (y/n)-san.. " 

My small crimson lips parted into an O shape. "alright. but why are you sending him back?"

"He is too immature to comprehend and observe the battleground."   

After Xiaohei was done eating, he bid his goodbyes and departed for his village.

the night is deep, the bamboo outside the window is quietly silent, and the wind has long gone.

the moonlight is still faint, silently sprinkled, and at this time. the moonlight passed through the shade of the trees, leaking a shimmering jade.

taking a deep breath I step inside the room where Sasuke, Sora, Asahi, and Wuxian were already sitting.

eyeing the village map placed on the table with different scrolls I sat in the middle of Sasuke and Wuxian

"what took you so long?" Sasuke asks.

I chuckled nervously "Sorry I got a little occupied staring at the moon.."

" I like to watch the moon too, it's peaceful isn't it (y/n) san.." Wuxian said with a soft smile. 

Sasuke rolls his eyes.

"yes, it is peaceful Wuxian san.."

"Please do address me as Wuxian... and we should watch the moon together, I find your company delightful.."

Sasuke narrows his eyes at him.
"listen Wuxian..you-" before he could say something ridiculous I cut him off.

"sure. I won't mind.." 

Aashi clears his throat "Alright.. let's begin preparing strategies to defeat enemies.."

"First, we need to comprehend the number of fighters the village has.." 

"our village does not have sufficient soldiers, villagers agreed to fight so that increased the amount.." sora replied.

"but can those villagers fight?" Sasuke question.

Asahi let out than defeated sigh. "They aren't trained like regular soldiers.."

"can they do archery?"

"yes, archery is exercised here to hunt." Saro nods her head.

"Alright, we got crossbowmen and guards. what's the situation of rivals' strength?" Sasuke inquires.

"it's an independent village with no authority, prosperous due to invading other villages. people of that village are similar to ours but better fighters" Asahi explains.

"All we need to do is demonstrate the strength of this village so others won't dare to strike again.." 

Wuxian nodded his head " while guards engage as the front line, crossbowmen will stay behind. we will not attack unless provoked." 

"I agree with Wuxian San but we must stay prepared.." Asahi said staring at the map.

"and I have a feeling that it might happen soon. Explain the strategy to the villagers"

"looks like it's settled. I and Saro will inform them of this." Asahi replied.

"you all must be tired, get some sleep. Wuxian san I have arranged a room for you to stay in, please follow me." Saro said getting up.

"thank you for your kindness but I would like to watch the night sky with (y/n)" Wuxian declined politely,

"cool! I-" 

"Sorry but she's exhausted and needs sleep, good night.." Sasuke cuts me off grabbing my hand.

Sasuke drags me along with him out of the room as I flared red in embarrassment. 

"Sasuke, that was rude you know!"

"go to bed.. good night (y/n).." 

he turns around and walks away, leaving me bewildered and puzzled in the dark hallway.

~Sasuke POV~

 An unpleasant emotion whacked Sasuke when Wuxian asked (y/n) to watch the moon together.

an overwhelming feeling of insecurity, consisting of more emotions such as anger, inadequacy, fear of loss, and disgust blossomed within him.

Wuxian appeared as a threat to Sasuke.

The last time he felt this emotion was ages ago when Itachi used to spend more time with shisui rather than him.

Sasuke sat on the bed while attempting to solve this unusual feeling within him.

He generally feels a powerful sense of empathy towards (y/n)

Feeling her pain as his own and being willing to sacrifice anything just for her.

She's the light in a dark room.

she makes Sasuke happy, hopeful, grateful, and inspired.

Then it hit him.

It hit him like a Hurricane.

"I'm developing feelings for her."


This is wrong

Sakura Uchiha

Sakura is my wife... Developing feeling for someone else is immoral behavior.

Sasuke promised to love Sakura for the rest of his life, but keeping that promise has become harder than he ever imagined.

 Plenty of people actually confuses love with lust, excitement, and desire.

Sasuke wants to love Sakura, but it’s not like he can choose who he's going to love.

Or can he?

Sasuke gazes outside the widow 'What is love to me?'

'Is it the passion, adrenaline, chase, desire, chemistry, and adventure? Or is it a safe, peaceful, consistent affection and commitment toward my eternal companion through life?'

Sasuke is unable to think straight as millions of thoughts kept running in his mind.

"What is wrong with me...?" Sasuke muttered in bitterness.

'Perhaps it's nothing but a foolish attraction for (y/n).'

Time passes and feelings fade.

Shortly, this new emotion for (y/n) will fade away too.

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