IV. it's an honor

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     Robin rest her head on the hospital bed. Tara's hands were entangled in the blonde's hair. They had been like this for a while; silently staring at the television screen, not really paying attention. Robin suddenly turned her head to look at Tara.

     "Hey, you know I'd do anything for you, right?" Robin said, in a serious tone. Tara just looks at her and giggles.

     "I know that, silly," Tara responds with a smile, not matching Robin's stone-cold manner. She leans down to give her a quick kiss. The two girls jump back from a noise coming from the corridor.

     "Hello?" Tara shouts out. No response. Robin can tell she's panicking from the fear in her voice. 

     "Hey, it's okay," Robin says as she grabs ahold of Tara's hand, "I got it." She starts to rise out of her seat, but Tara starts taking off her IV's and tries rising from the bed.

     "I'm coming with you," Tara says as she painfully attempts to get into the wheelchair next to her bed. Robin rushes to help her. As if on cue, the lights in the hospital flicker out, leaving the two in darkness.

     As they enter the corridor, the booming ring from Tara's phone alerts them. 

     "It's probably Sam," Tara mumbles. They need to get the fuck out of here, no time to go back to the phone. They continue on, cautious.

     Tara sees it before Robin does. The blonde turns her head to see the gruesome sight of a police officer, dead in a pool of his own blood. Robin cringed – she never liked the sight of blood. Tara leans down to check his holster. It's empty. Fuck.

     A crash from somewhere else in the hospital! There's somebody else here – the girls really need to move, or hide. Robin looks all around, before deciding to wheel Tara back to her dark room.

     The teens creep by the doorway, leaving it open slightly so they could see what's going on. Robin looks back at Tara, who has a landline in hand, probably dialing 911. Smart. There's footsteps, and they keep getting closer. Tara stops dialing and raises the landline over her head.

     A figure enter their room, and Tara strikes whoever it is. The figure yelps and holds his head. It's. . .Richie.

     "Richie!?" the two girls say in unison. Richie holds his hand up in defense.

     "Sam called me at the hotel, told me you guys were in trouble," Richie spits out. Robin's eyes go wide at the figure behind Richie – it's Ghostface!

     "Watch out!" the blonde yells. Richie spins back just in time for Ghostface to slash his forearm. He screams, and tries to fight back. The slasher throws him back into the wall, leaving him unconscious. Ghostface starts to move towards Tara and Robin, but Robin starts charging at Ghostface, pinning him against the wall.

     "Leave her alone!" Robin yells. She raises her fist, but Ghostface throws her against the wall, knocking her out cold.

     Tara grabbed the thing closest to her – an IV cart, and throws it towards the killer. Ghostface drops on the floor, allowing Tara to roll out of the room, shrieking in pain.

     Ghostface emerges out of the room! He turns his head towards Tara, who is moving pathetically slow. Then to Richie. Before the killer can move, Richie's phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of Richie's pocket. It's Sam. Ghostface picks it up, making sure to turn on the voice modulator. 

     "Richie! Are you at the hospital right now?" Sam's panicking voice over the phone asks.

     "Hello, Samantha. I'm afraid Richie or Robin can't come to the phone right now. They're finding out what happens to people who stick their noses into business that doesn't concern them!"

     Ghostface stalks towards Tara, who's still making her way towards the elevator at a slow rate.

     "Please, don't hurt her. Don't hurt them!" Dewey's voice shouts.

     "I'll tell you what. You can choose. I'll only kill one. Who do you want to hear die?"

     "No. Please! I'm begging you. Please don't hurt them!"

     "Really? You can't save your own sister? All you have to do is say, 'Kill Richie.'" Ghostface charges at Tara, pushing her out of her wheelchair. Tara attempts to crawl, as Sam begs over the phone.

     "Why are you doing this?"

     "You wanna know why, Sam? Maybe it's because you're a selfish bitch who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love. Maybe you're too weak for this franchise," Ghostface says as he steps over Tara, raising his knife.

     "Maybe you're right. Or maybe I'm just stalling for time, fuckhead."

     The elevator dings, revealing Sam and Dewey, who's raising his gun! He fires two shots, and Ghostface disappears into a room.

     "I'll get Richie and Robin!" Dewey says as he runs for the two. Sam runs to Tara, helping her up. Dewey helps Robin and Richie get to the elevator. Dewey turns to Robin.

     "I'm sorry, Robin. I never meant for you to get roped into this."

     Robin looks at him, and starts to say something before Dewey gets tackled by Ghostface. He raises his knife, while Dewey is fighting to keep him away.


     Dewey and Ghostface struggle for a bit before Dewey gets the upperhand and headbutts Ghostface!

     "Not today!" Dewey raises his gun and shoots Ghostface three times, causing him to fly back into a glass cabinet. The slasher lies there, still.

     "Let's get out of here!" Dewey yells at everyone as he helps Richie and Robin up. They limp to the elevator before Dewey stops the closing door, remembering.

     "The head."


     "You have to shoot 'em in the head, or they always come back."

     "Dewey, who gives a fuck?"

     Dewey looks at Robin. He isn't gonna let this fucker hurt anyone he loves anymore. Never again, "I do." 

     "Dad, no!" Robin yells, attempting to stop her dad. But, it was too late. The elevator doors had closed.

author's note

hello, hello, hello, long time no see :)

as you can see, i'm gonna be revamping the story a bit. the following chapters are gonna be changed a bit, so look out for that!

and thank you so much for all the reads and votes <3



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