VIII. surprise, sidney

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     "Run!" Richie screamed as he tugged Sam into the basement. Sam swipes the knife from the kitchen counter before Richie slams the door SHUT behind them.

     "Holy shit!" Sam yells, frantic, as they run down the stairs. She quickly realized – Tara and Robin are still upstairs. "Oh, my God. . .Tara!" She begins to start up the stairs again, before being stopped by Richie.

     "Wait, no, Sam. There are always two killers," Richie says, implying that Tara or Robin could be the other killer. Sam looks at him in disbelief, before holding the knife towards him. "She's the one that brought us here, and you two have been estranged for years! I mean, how well do you really know her?" Richie says, as he holds up his hands in defense. 

     "Better than I know you," Sam says as she bolts up the stairs, despite Richie's protests.

     Gale's car pulls up to the front of the house that started it all. Screams emerge from the house causing Gale and Sidney to nonchalantly turn their heads.

     "Sounds about right," Gale says as Sidney hands a gun to her. Sidney turns her head to look at her.

     "You ready?" 

     "For this? Never."

     They start to move towards the house, before Amber comes out of the door, clutching her side, yelling in distress. Both women stopped, not believing it.

     "Help me, help me! He stabbed me!" Amber cries out, as she clings onto the rail. Sidney looks to Gale.

     "What do you think?" Sidney asks. Gale looks unimpressed, and shakes her head. 


     Amber drops the act as she pulls out her gun, "Fuck it." She fires the gun, shooting Gale in the abdomen, causing her to fall over. Sidney attempts to shoot at Amber, but she quickly retreats into the house.

     "Gale! Gale! Let me see. You got to go to the hospital," Sidney says as she kneels next to Gale. Gale shakes her head.

     "No, you said we were gonna finish this. Go finish it, Sidney. Please, Robin's in there. For her. For Dewey," Gale pleads. Sidney looks at Gale for a minute before nodding. She heads inside the house, cautious, raising her gun. She searches around the home. 

     "Anyone hiding, killer or not, you have five seconds to show yourself!" Sidney says as she searches the hallway. She shoots through the doors, just in case. She learnt to never make the same mistake twice.

     Thudding from upstairs causes her to be alerted. The sound of her phone ringing broke her out of her trance. She brought the phone up to her ear.

     "Hello, Sidney!" the familiar voice eerily says from the other end. Sidney rolls her eyes. This again?

     "Hello there. Where'd you go?" Sidney says as she slowly moves up the stairs.

     "Oh, this isn't Amber. I'm the other one."

     "Oh. There's two of you. Again. I've seen this movie before."

     "Not this movie, Sidney."

     "You really need some new material," Sidney carelessly says as she fires a gun through another door. Nobody.

     "I got you here, didn't I?"

     "You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house?"

     "Maybe so. But, you forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie. Never answer the. . ."

     "I'm bored," Sidney abruptly ended the call as the killer on the other side of the line yelled. She raised her gun, pointing at the door in front of her, and fired. A shout was heard from the inside. 

     "Put your hands up! Show me your hands! What are you doing in here?" Sidney said as she opened the door, pointing her gun at whoever was inside. It was Richie.

     "Hiding from murderers!" Richie yelled, as he raised his hands up.

     "I told you to come out!"

     "I'm not gonna come out! You're shooting everything!"

     Ghostface abruptly popped out of the closet, raising the knife to stab Sidney, but immediately was shoved into the door that was behind the two.

     "Holy shit, it's Ghostface!"

     Ghostface and Sidney struggle for a little bit, before they both end up flying over the stairs rail, landing on the floor below them. Sidney looks to the gun that was on the floor, a few feet away from her. Ghostface seems to spot it too. Richie starts to stumble down the stairs.

     "Richie! Gun. Get the gun," Sidney yells to Richie.

     "Yeah, kind of hard since you shot me in the leg!" Richie yells back, as he steadily makes his way downstairs. Ghostface starts to reach for the gun.

     Sam runs into the room, swiping the gun off the floor, pointing it at Ghostface. Richie starts to cheer Sam on.

     "Yes! Yes!" Richie says as he stumbles towards Sam, before pulling something out. "Thank god you're okay," Richie says, as he shoves a knife through Sam's side, "because I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you." Sam looks up at him in betrayal. Richie snatches the gun out of Sam's hands.

     Sidney, steadily, starts to get up before Richie points the gun at her, "Sit the fuck down, Prescott!" Richie looked back to Sam, before twisting the knife and pulling it out, as Sam screamed in pain.  Richie handed the gun to the other Ghostface.

     The other Ghostface took off the mask. But, it wasn't Amber. It was Robin. Sidney looks up at the other girl in shock and betrayal. 



omg 🙊

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