II. there are certain rules

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     "So what's she like? The sister?" Liv asks. The group stands near a pool table in a hall where kids not old enough to drink hang out.

     "Sam? Oh, Sam is so cool," Chad responds, smiling.

     "You only say that because she let you wear Pokemon onesies to bed for a year," Mindy remarks. Chad points at her.

     "That's true! That's a true statement."

     "Trust me – Sam is not cool," Amber says to Liv.

     "She used to be," Robin agrees with Amber then turns to the group. "Her dad left her mom, right? He walks right out when Tara's 8, Sam's 13. Sam started acting out; getting in trouble with the cops, and then, on Sam's 18th birthday, she leaves. Ghosts them all. Sam's probably changed, I just don't wanna see Tara hurt again."

     "So, you're protecting Tara from her own sister?" Wes snarkily asks.

     "Well, I'm her girlfriend so, yeah," Robin responds, starring icily at Wes.

     "So, nobody is good enough for her and now her family isn't good enough too?" Wes objects. Mindy studies Wes.

     "Hmm, motive! If I can't have her, no one can," Mindy says. Wes shrugs, having no idea what she's talking about. "We all know you used to have a crush on Tara."

     "C'mon, Mindy-"

     "But," Mindy pauses, "we're all suspects." Everybody looks at each other around the table. Mindy's right – the killer could be at the table. Mindy looks at Liv.

     "Except maybe Liv."

     "Thank you!"

     "You're way too boring to be a psycho," Mindy quickly says. Before Liv can object, she hears a familiar voice.

     "Hey, Liv." It's Vince. "You wanna have a real drink, or are you happier at the kids' table?"

     "Alright, listen up, uglier Micheal Myers. It was a summer fling," Chad gets in Vince's face. They start yelling over each other, but Vince brings out his switchblade. Chad freezes. A drunk from the bar intervenes.

     "Hey, c'mon Vince, put the knife away," the drunk says. Vince turns to the drunk. It's Dewey — Robin's dad. Robin attempts to cower behind her friends; she's not supposed to be here. "Why don't you leave these kids alone and come have a drink with me?"

     "Yeah, you're right," Vince says as he points his knife at Dewey. Dewey grabs hold of Vince's arm and twists it. Vince swings at Dewey, he drops. Chad pushes Vince away.

     "What the fuck is wrong with you, man?"

     "Hey! Get out of here or I'm calling the cops. You kids too." Vince looks over to see a bartender holding a phone. He nods at Liv.

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