35. I will always love you

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In every story there's a villain and there's a hero and for some reason-

there's a heroin as well. 

If anyone asked me about my story I don't know how I would define myself. 

A victim or.... a villain? 

You got what you wanted. 

Not yet. 

What do you mean, not yet? She is sick and she literally fucking fainted in the middle of the road. What else do you want? My words pierced through her heart. Didn't you wanted to see her more miserable than ever? I am here after seeing her like that. She is finally devastated because of us. This was your plan. Your plan to break her and you succeeded. Things worked out just as you wanted.

Just as I wanted huh? 


My plan never said you falling in love with her. My plan never stated you leaving my side, my plan never had you hating me, my plan never had you betraying me!

Suga gulps at his words* I know what I did was wrong, I shouldn't have fallen in love with her. But in the first place I shouldn't have helped you in your disgusting plan. I am happy things didn't work out like you wanted at that moment but now by all means things are just like you wanted she is not well enough to carry herself in pride. Now leave her alone. 

I can't. 

He look at him with obvious disgust in his eyes. What do you mean by you can't you piece of shit?

I can't. 

Oh! I get it. You are not after her misery anymore, you are after her property. You want her money. *Suga scoffs* I never thought I would see you like this. My brother, the brother I was guilty to betray, I blamed myself everyday for causing him misery is not even there any more. Now you are nothing but a greedy piece of shit. 

Stop saying that. 

Why should I? You want her money. Don't you? Tell me how much you want? I will work my whole life and give you all of that. Okay? Please leave her alone. 

You can't. No one can. 

What is it that you are exactly after? 

It doesn't matter what I am after. What matters is you should leave this country and never get in my way. 


Yes. Just do as I say. You won't be involved in this any further. You should leave now if I am being more specific. 

I won't. You have to answer my questions. Enough of this hide and seek. You will tell me today. 

You like her so much? 

It doesn't matter. I need to know. 

There's nothing to know. What you said is right. I want her money, her wealth, her shares, her everything. I would have left her alone if she gave it all to me but looks like she had different plans. There you go that's all. I have said it. Now leave. If you don't I will call the guards. Leave this country by tomorrow or else I won't guarantee Jisoo's safety. 

You- How could you? 


I am the villain in your story and I don't mean to change it. I will do exactly everything to get what I want. 

Suga's Pov: 

I leave through the front door at his words and open the door of my car. As soon as I get in, I can see a car arriving at the front of his house. 

Who will come at this time in his house? I know a person like that doesn't have friends to come over. 

I see the man that I though I would never see again coming out of the car. I forgot this old man is still alive. But why is he coming to hyung's house? Hyung hates him and he knows that pretty well. 

There's something that I don't know. 

I hide myself to enter the house through the front door again. Just seeing this old man sitting in the dinner table in front of hyung is making my skin crawl, are they plotting something together? I mentally slap myself. He would never do anything with this man, his initial plan was to bring this man misery and ruin his peace. He went to great lengths to do that and now him with this man? No. And my so called father would not hurt his dearest friend's daughter, that's something I ma sure off. He adores her and he was friends with her father. He was devastated at his death. 

While hyung is maintaining a stone face in front of him, I see my so called father lightly tapping on the table. 

My lovely son. 

What is wrong with this dude? Him calling hyung lovely son? Shouldn't he be here to warn him or something? Wait- at the first place how did he get father's shares? Our father isn't someone so great who will give us his share..........or would he? I spent a lot of days away from from home maybe he did give hyung shares as he deserves that. To think of it he was always harsh to us but not to outsiders, people know him as the well wisher. Maybe he regrets on the other hand hyung all these years did things that are questionable. But still- a part of me doesn't want him to be the evil person that is portrayed in front of me. Just what if- 

You did what I told you to do? 

Yes but you didn't keep your promise. 

You didn't ask me before doing that. 

From when did I start to take your advice? You are the one working for me not the other way around. - he says with a smirk on his face. 

What- what does he mean by that? 

Yes but I am the one who is handling the situation! - Hyung shouts out the word in anger and frustration. 

Don't tell me-

Don't forget what I can do to your precious younger brother you brat. I can finish him off now if you act out again. 

I see a sudden fear evident in hyung's face. Don't tell me the younger brother is-

I'm- I am sorry father. Don't do anything to Suga.- he says those word out of fear and quickly changes back to his calm voice the one that I hate the most.-  I am doing things my ways, everything will work out just the way you wanted. 

Tell the boy to stick his nose out of this matter. If he tries to interfere any further I won't guarantee his safety. 

I get it father. I have warned him, he will leave the country by tomorrow. And after that I will arrange a dinner with Jisoo and let her know the date of our engagement. 

And how are you gonna do that? She didn't agree as much as I know. 

She will. I will find a way to compel her. 

Don't make me stick my hand into this dirty game again okay? You know I don't let myself get dirty, the others get dirty for me. Don't you.....son? 

Tears start to stream down my eyes. He did it all because of m- me. Why- 

Yes, father - Suho holds a look that not even I can explain. I don't understand why did he never told me about this. 

Its that expression again that makes me question your motive son. You know it doesn't matter to me who lives and who dies. The bigger our business gets the happier I am. You two are my illegitimate kids. I have my other son to handle the business all you need to do is perfectly put all the chess pieces in its place. 

Yes, father. 

GOOD....SON. Looks like I won't be having dinner with you anymore. He sighs as in an act of disappointment. Who knows if you put poison in that food of yours. But you won't do that right...? Knowing if anything happens to me something will happen to him too. 

36: Plan to play Chess 

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