Chapter 1

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Everyone are running around frantically in the Wang Mansion. It's time for their young master Tanet Wang to come down for breakfast. Tanet is a very strict and no-nonsense person. He follows a strict schedule and any interruptions in his schedule mean havoc in the household.Today one of Tanet's staff misplaced his file. There was an eerie silence in the house as everyone waited for the bomb to explode.


Oh No. There he comes. Everyone stood in their respective places with their heads bowed down as footsteps became louder and louder. Suddenly they heard a loud bang sound as he hit the table hard.

Tanet: WHERE IS KORN?Staff1: He..HeTanet: STOP STAMMERING AND ANSWER MY QUESTION.Staff: He is not here. He.Tanet: He's fired.Staff: But SirTanet: Do you want to get fired too?

No one answers and keeps their head down.

Tanet: I thought so. Just get my breakfast ready. I have a meeting in 30 minutes.

Staff: Yes SirTanet goes back to his room while everyone else gets busy preparing breakfast and setting the table.

Staff1: Poor KornStaff2: He is so cruel.

Staff1: He didn't even allow me to explain.

Staff2: There is no use. He never listens to anyone.

"What happened?"

The staff was shocked to see Daw, their young master's best friend standing there listening to them.

Staff1: Sir, please don't say anything to the young master.

Staff2: He will fire us.

Daw: Just tell me what happened? I will not say anything to Tanet.

The staff explains about the incident that took place sometime back. Daw just shakes his head in disbelief on hearing about his friend's reaction.

Daw: Where is Korn?

Staff1: His mom is sick. He had to rush back home and could not say anything to the young master as he was asleep.

Staff2: Korn handed over that file to us but the young master didn't even let us tell him about that.

Daw: Hmm. I will talk to him.

Daw quickly goes to his friend's room. Tanet was just getting out of the shower. On seeing Daw, a smile appears on his face but it disappears as soon as he sees his friends' blank expression.

Tanet: Hi Daw.

Daw does not say anything.

Tanet: Why are you looking at me like that? What did I do?

Daw: When will learn to listen to people first before reacting?

Tanet: What are you talking about?

Daw: Did you fire Korn?

Tanet: He misplaced my important file.

Daw: He didn't. He had a family emergency. He left the file with your other staff.

Tanet: Why didn't they tell me?

Daw: Did you give them a chance?

Tanet: I

Daw: You need to stop doing this

Tanet. Someday you are going to lose something precious because of this habit.

Tanet looks down not saying anything.Later Tanet goes down with Daw to have breakfast.

At the breakfast table:

Tanet: Prim

Prim(staff): Yes Sir

Tanet; Ask Korn to contact me if he needs any help. Tell him that he can take a couple of days off before coming back to work.

Prim: Okay Sir.Daw looks at Tanet with a small smile on his face.Daw: Idiot

Tanet: Did you say something?

Daw just looks at Tanet with an innocent look, shaking his head in no. Soon they both leave for the office.

Prim: Sir is not that bad.

Staff: He has good friends.

Prim: Hmm.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, a young man was sleeping on his bed wrapped in a comforter.

"Peeèeee""Just let me sleep

Nong.""PVeera, please get up. You are going to get in trouble.

""No. Just 5 more minutes""

"No. You need to wake up now. Dad is waiting for you at the dining table P."'

He gets up startled on hearing his dad's name. He is none other than Veera Li, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Li of Shield Security Services.


Veera ran to the bathroom to get freshen up. He just graduated from college and it was his first day in his dad's company. He hated the bodyguard job because of how uptight and serious he had to be at this job but it was his duty as a son to help his dad out. He quickly changes into a black suit and rushes downstairs to the dining room.

Veera's dad: You are late.

Veera: I am sorry dad

.Veera's dad: We have an important client meeting and you are late on your first day.

Veera: Sorry

Veera's dad: When will you become responsible Veera?

Veera's mom: Ming please let it go. He said sorry.

Veera's dad: Pam, you are spoiling him too much. He is supposed to take over my business but he is not even ready to be a normal bodyguard.

Veera's mom: MingVeera looks at his mom and mouths a sorry. She always gets caught between his dad and him.

Veera: I am sorry dad. I will not repeat my mistake.

Veera's dad: It's Sir. Call me sir when we are at the office. Just remember that I am your boss there.

Veera: Yes SirSoon Veera and his dad leave for their office.

In the car:

Veera's dad: Veera, call Kla and ask him to meet us at TRD Industries. We are already late and we cannot keep our clients waiting. We have to go there directly.

Veera: Yes Sir

Veera calls Kla and informs him about their change of plan.

At TRD Industries:

Mr.Li and his associates were asked to wait in the conference room as the CEO was just winding up a meeting.

"Goodmorning. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Veera turns around on hearing a familiar voice.


Veera looks at him with a smirk on his face while Tanet just glares at him.

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