Chapter 2

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Tanet could not believe his eyes. What is this idiot doing in his office? He looked at his best friends and they were trying so hard not to laugh at his misery. He was brought back from his thoughts by Mr.Li's question.

Mr.Li: Do you guys know each other?

Veera/Tanet: YES/NO

Everyone in the room except Mr.Li, Tanet, and Veera started laughing.

Mr.Li: Huh

Veera: Sir, I know him because I was searching for details of our client as a part of standard procedure.

Mr.Li: ah..okay.

Tanet(in mind): Liar

Mr.Li: Let me introduce my team here.He pointed to Veera first.

Mr.Li: This is Veera Li. Head of Shield Security Services Training Team. He is responsible for training my new staff. But right now due to the nature of risk imposed on you, he has been made in charge of the security team to be deployed here.

Tanet: Hmm

Veera forwards his hand for a handshake.

Veera; Hello Mr.Wang. It's a pleasure working for you.

Tanet: Wish I could say the same.

Veeta: Huh

Tanet just shakes his head and offers his hand for a handshake.Mr.Li then introduced Kla. He also informed them that the others will join them soon.

Daw: Everyone please sit down. Let's discuss the contract as well as the terms and conditions.

Everyone sat down and started discussing the contract and security outline. But two people in the room were just staring at each other. One with a smile on his face and the other one with a frown. Tanet saw Veera's mischievous smile and his thoughts went back to that particular night 2 weeks back.

2 weeks back:

Tanet and his friends were at a club drinking. Tanet was pissed off that they lost a prestigious contract to a rival company. He was sure that there was some kind of leak in his company. Someone was trading his secrets for money. He needed to find that person before he brings down the entire company. Tanet drinks the entire content of his glass in one shot. His throat burned like hell.

Daw: You need to stop doing that Tanet.

Tanet just shrugs his shoulder and goes for the next drink. But Rune stops him.

Rune: That's enough. Getting drunk will not change anything. We need to get to the root of this problem and find a solution.

Tanet: But how

Daw: Let's contact a security services team.

Tanet: Huh

Daw: Someone who is good at providing physical protection as well as IT security.

Rune: I know a person who can help us.

Tanet: Can we trust him?

Rune: Yes. He is a friend of mine.

Tanet looks at him curiously.

Rune: What? I can't have a friend other than you two.

Both Tanet and Daw just shake their heads.

Rune: He is my senior from college. Let me just talk to him.

He picks his phone and walks away from there as it was too noisy there.Tanet continued to drink while Daw looked around uninterested. Suddenly they heard a commotion at the nearby table. They looked up to see a few guys laughing, drinking, and having fun. One of them was looking at Tanet and smiling but Tanet just looked away irritated by the noise.

Tanet: I am going to the restroom.

Daw: Hmm. Okay.

Tanet got up and started walking towards the restroom. His steps are a bit wobbly. He walked a small distance and then suddenly lost his balance and starts to fall. But he is caught by someone before he hit the floor. He looked up and is annoyed to see the same face who was staring at him from across the table.

Tanet: Let me go.Unknown: huhTanet: I said let me go. NOW

The stranger just let him. go and he falls to the ground with a thud.

Tanet: Ouch

Tanet glares at the stranger in anger. He then tries to get up but falls. The stranger then offers his hand to help but Tanet does not take it in his ego. He tries to get up once again but falls again. Suddenly he felt someone put his hand around his waist and pull him up. Now he was standing with his body pressed against the stranger's body and that person's arm is wound around his waist.Tanet tries to push the guy away but he does not budge. Tanet then holds his collar and glares at him.

Tanet: LET ME GO.

Stranger: You let go of my collar first.

The guy looked calm but there was a slight irritation in his voice.Tanet tightens his hold instead of leaving.

Stranger: So this is how you want to play.

Tanet just looks at him with anger. Suddenly he felt the stranger's lips smash on his lips. He let go of his collar in shock but the stranger's hold on him tightens. He is biting and sucking on his lips while Tanet tries to get away from him by hitting on his chest and pushing him. But he is too strong. After a few seconds, Tanet begin to kiss him back as the alcohol took over his senses. Suddenly the kiss comes to an end and there was complete silence for a second. Then he hears hooting and clapping sounds around him. He looked up to see the stranger looking at him with a smirk while his friends cheered for him. Tanet pushed him with all his strength and got himself free from his hold. He then walks out of the club without looking back.Tanet was so frustrated and angry that a tear dropped from his eyes. He didn't want anyone to see the mighty Tanet in such a vulnerable condition. So he just walked out of there followed by his friends who witnessed the entire thing from their seats.

Back to the present:

How unlucky is he to face the same person once again? He is sitting there opposite him with that same smirk. But this time he will not let him win. He will show him the consequences of going against him.Tanet is lost in his thoughts when he heard Daw calling him.

Daw: Tanet

Tanet: Hmm

Daw: Why do you look so lost?

Tanet: Nothing I am listening to.

Daw: So you agree with everything we just said.

Tanet: Hmm

Daw: Okay then. Veera will be in charge of the entire security team and he will be Tanet's bodyguard.

Tanet; WHAT?

Everyone looks at Tanet in shock due to his outburst while Veera just looks at him with his trademark smirk.

Daw: Is there a problem?

Tanet: No.

Daw: Okay.

They continued discussing while Tanet and Veera just stared at each other.The meeting ends soon. Mr. Li and the team said their goodbyes and started to move out of the room. As Veera is about to move out of the room, he comes close to Tanet and whispers in his ears.

Veera: It will be a pleasure working with you Mr.Wang.

He then kissed Tanet's cheek and walked away from there. Tanet felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt Veera's lips graze his cheek. He turns his head and looks at him walking towards the door. Veera stops at the door and turns around to look at him He then winks at him before exiting the room.

Tanet: Shit

Tanet just flops on the chair unable to bear the frustration of what just happened.

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