Chapter 16

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It's been 2 days since Veera has been admitted to the hospital. He is still under heavy sedation due to the seriousness of the injury. Meanwhile, Tanet's condition was also getting worse. He stopped talking to everyone and did not sleep or eat anything. Doctors had to inject sedatives to put him to sleep. Everyone around them was worried for them.Finally, Veera gained consciousness on the second day evening.

He slowly opened his eyes to adjust to the bright light outside. He tried to move his hand but groaned in pain as it was stiff and a needle was poking into it.


Veera looked in the direction of the voice and was surprised to see Kla standing there with tears in his eyes.

Veera: Why are you crying, you moron? I am still not dead.

Kla hits him playfully and Veera groans.

Kla: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Veera: It is ok. Where is everyone else?

Kla: I send mom, dad, and Waan home. They have been sitting here for the last 2 days.

Veera: 2 days?

Kla: You have been unconscious for the last 2 days.Then Veera suddenly remembered Tanet.

Veera: Tanet...

Kla gets tensed on hearing Tanet's name. The doctor had recommended not to tell anything to Veera until he is fully recovered as any type of strain is bad for his health.

Kla: He is okay. He is at home resting.

Veera: Oh!Okay.

Kla(in mind): I am sorry Veera but I cannot tell you that Tanet is here, just next door because you will not be able to bear his present condition.

Veera(in mind): Is he okay? Will he come to see me?

Kla: Let me call the doctor to check you.

Veera: Hmm. Okay.

Kla quickly went out of the room and informed the doctor that Veera has gained consciousness. He then went to Tanet's room. Daw was trying to feed Tanet when Kla entered the room.

Kla: Veera is awake.

Daw: What?

Kla: Veera is awake and he is asking for Tanet.

Daw looked at Tanet who just sat there looking out of the window. A tear suddenly dropped from his eyes on hearing Veera's name.

Daw: Tanet

Daw quickly hugged him but Tanet did not say anything. Tears just flowed down from his eyes nonstop.

Daw: What should we do Kla? How can we fix this?

Kla: I don't know. I don't know what to do. As of now, there is the only option, to wait. Wait till Veera recovers enough to take care of Tanet.

Daw: Hmm.

Kla hugs Daw and runs his fingers through his hair trying to calm him down.

It's been a week since Veera gained consciousness. He was recovering at a fast pace. Doctors were happy with his progress and told him that he can go home the next day. Everyone was happy to hear this news but there was a tension hidden in everyone's mind. Veera has been asking for Tanet every day. They gave various reasons for his absence but Veera was getting suspicious day by day. Yesterday he asked them for his phone to call Tanet but Kla said Tanet is not in town and was in a business meeting. Veera just gave him a strange look but didn't say anything.

Veera: Where is Tanet? I want to speak to him now.

Kla and the others in the room look at each other but do not say anything.

Kla: He..He

Veera: Don't say anything stupid Kla. I called him from a nurse's phone yesterday and Daw picked the call. As soon as he heard my voice, he disconnected the call. Can anyone tell me what the hell is happening here? Where is Tanet?

Kla: Veera...Tanet is...

Veera's dad: He is here.

Veera: He is here? Where? Why doesn't he come to see me?

Veera's dad: He is in the next room.

Veera: What is he doing there? Is someone ill?

Veera's dad: He's been here since the day you were admitted.

Veera: Why? What happened to him? Is he hurt?

Veera's dad: Listen to me carefully son. Physically he is fine but...

Veera: But what dad...

Veera's dad: He has been emotionally unstable since that incident. He has not been himself since he saw you being shot. He is being treated by the doctors here but there have been no significant changes.

Veera: I want to see him.

Veera's dad: But


Everyone looks at Veera who was fuming but no one goes near him. Veera tries to get up on his own but groans in pain. Kla runs towards him and holds him before he falls.

Veera: Leave me Kla. You have been lying to me all these days. How could you? I thought you are my best friend, I thought at least you will understand me better than anyone else.

Kla: I am sorry Veera. I was concerned for you. You were not in a condition to help Tanet. Doctors told us to wait till you recover partially.

Veera: Please take me to Tanet. I need to see him Kla.

Kla: Hmm

Kla gets a wheelchair and helps Veera onto it and takes him to Tanet's room.

In Tanet's room:

As Veera enters Tanet's room, the first thing he notices is the complete silence in the room. He saw Daw sitting on the sofa looking at him with a sad smile. He turns his head in the opposite direction and there he saw the one person he was longing to see this whole time.

Veera: Tanet

No response.

Veera slowly wheels his chair next to Tanet's bed and looks at him. Veera was shocked to see Tanet's condition. His hair was unkempt, dark circles had formed under his eyes and those beautiful big eyes were looking so dull and blank right now.

Veera: Tanet...

Tanet does not say anything or look at him.

Veera: Tanet, it's me your Veera.

Tanet: Veera...Veera...

Veera: Yes. It's me Veera.

Tanet: Please don't hurt him... please don't hurt him... Please...

Tanet starts to shout and tries to run out of the room. Veera manages to get hold of his hand and pulls him to his lap and hugs him tight.

Tanet: Please don't hurt him..please.

Tears start pouring down their eyes as Veera hugs him tight.

Veera: I am here Tanet. I am here. No one is ever going to hurt you.

Kla and Daw stood there looking at their friends helplessly unable to control their tears.

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