Chapter 9

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Tanet: What are you doing here Mr. Li? I thought you were busy.

Veera was confused by Tanet addressing him formally.

Veera: Yes, I had to meet someone but then there is nothing more important than your safety.

Tanet: Really?

Veera: Sir, Did I do something wrong? Why are you so angry?

Tanet: Mr.Lee, you are currently working for me. You should have at least called and informed me that you are not going to come.

Veera: I am so...

Tanet: Well I am such an idiot to expect such basic courtesies from you. I don't understand how a reputed firm like Shield can afford to have such an irresponsible and immature person like you in their team.

Veera felt like a hard blow when Tanet spoke those words. His eyes hardened as Tanet continued berating him.

Tanet: I guess things work out for some people if their parents are the owner of the firm they are working in. They never realize the value of hard work.Veera clenches his fist but does not say anything.

Tanet: You need to do a better job protecting your client than flirting around with him.

"I am sorry Mr.Wang"

Tanet and Veera were surprised to hear a third voice from the room. They look towards the entrance and were shocked by Mr.Ming Li standing there.

Tanet: Mr. L

iVeera: Sir

Mr.Li: Veera, please go outside and wait for me in the car.

Veera: Yes Sir

Veera just walks away from there without even looking at Tanet.

Mr.Li: I am sorry for my employee's behavior Mr.Wang. I agree with the fact that he is a bit playful but he is the best on my team. He takes his job very seriously and has gone through rigorous training like all the other employees.

Tanet: I...

Mr.Li: I understand your concern, Mr.Wang. I will talk to him and do the needful.

Mr.Li just walks away without waiting for Tanet's reply.

Tanet: Shit.....Shit.....Shit... What did I do?

Tanet sat down pulling his hair in frustration.

Tanet: Damn my temper and my stupid mouth.

Outside the Wang Mansion:

Veera was waiting in his dad's car nervously. Soon Mr.Li joins him in his car.

Veera: I am sorry Sir.

Mr.Li: You can call me dad. It's outside our working hours.

Veera: I am sorry dad. I did not do these things intentionally. I thought of calling Mr.Wang and inform that I will not be able to pick him but I could not use my phone because of technical issues. I thought I will explain to him once I see him. But things just didn't go as I planned.

Mr.Li: Hmm. I know whatever happened today is just a mistake that can happen to anyone. But crossing the professional line in our line of duty is not acceptable. You cannot work with Mr.Wang anymore.

Veera just nods his head in yes as he knew it was his mistake to get involved with a client.Mr.Li: The rest of the things we will discuss tomorrow at the office.Soon they drive off Wang Mansion.

Meanwhile inside Tanet Mansion: Tanet could get a sleep remembering the things that he said to Veera. Every time he closes his eyes, Veera's look of hurt and anger flashes before his eyes. He decides to speak to Veera the next day as he knew he had committed a mistake by lashing out at Veera because of his jealousy. Tanet somehow managed to sleep for a couple of hours. He then quickly took a bath and got ready for the office. He had his breakfast and walked out of the house, ready to apologize to Veera. But as soon as he got out he saw someone else in a black suit waiting for him. He was tall and well built with a well-toned body.

Tanet: Who are you? Where is Veera?

Unknown: Hello Mr.Wang. I am your new bodyguard. I was assigned to guard you in the place of Veera.Tanet felt a pang in his heart on hearing that Veera will no longer be working for him.

Unknown: My name is Earth. Can we leave for the office, Sir?

Tanet just nods his head and gets into the car.Tanet does not say anything throughout the journey. He just keeps staring at his phone debating whether or not he needs to call Veera. He finally decides not to call him and just talk to him in person.Tanet soon reaches his office. He did not have any time to think about Veera till lunch break as he was swarmed with files. Rune and Daw joined him for lunch.

Rune: Did you speak to Veera?

Tanet: He no longer works for me.

Rune: WHAT?

Daw just chokes on his drink.

Rune: What the hell happened?

Tanet explains everything that happened between him, Veera, and Mr.Li in his house. Rune just shakes his head in frustration while Daw just looks at him wide-eyed.

Rune: What is wrong with you Tanet? Why would you say such stupid things?

Tanet: I was angry.

Daw: This is why I am always telling you that you may lose something important due to your anger and unreasonable behavior.Tanet just looks down and does not say anything.

Rune: Now what?

Tanet: I don't know.

Daw: Just apologize to him Tanet.

Tanet: I want to but I don't know-how.

Rune: Just say I am sorry.

Tanet: Hmm. I will meet him after the office.

Rune: Okay

Meanwhile, Daw just walks out of Tanet's cabin and calls someone.

Unknown: Hello

Daw: Meet me in half n hour

Unknown: Okay

Daw disconnects the call and lets out a sigh. He then looks at his watch and shakes his head.

Daw: I just have 30 minutes to finish my pending work and meet him. I need to fix this before it gets worst.

Daw quickly walks to his cabin while Rune remains with Tanet.

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