Chapter 27

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Tanet and Waan reached Bangkok after 4 hours due to heavy traffic. All the way Tanet was crying and cursing himself for what happened to Veera. Waan tried to console him but he was so devastated that he was not listening to her. Finally, they managed to reach the hospital and Tanet ran inside while Waan followed him in a hurry.

Before the ICU:

Veera's mom is being consoled by his dad while Sun and Rune stand there looking anxious and stressed. On the other side, Kla was trying to console a crying Daw. All of them came close to each other when Tanet left them without a word. They were taking care of Veera in Tanet's absence as they believed that he would return someday. They were stressed by Veera's decision to take up risky jobs and tried to talk him out of it but he never listened. As time went by they lost hope of Tanet returning and their grief turned to resentment towards him. Today's incident just broke them all.As everyone stood there praying for Veera, they heard footsteps coming towards them. They looked in the direction of the sound and were shocked to see Tanet walking towards them. with Waan and another lady.

Tanet looks at Daw who was in Kla's arms crying but he turns his head away from him. Tanet was shocked by the anger shown on Daw's face. He looked at Kla who just gave him a small smile. He then looked at Rune but he also avoided his gaze just like Daw. Tanet felt his heartbreak into pieces seeing his friends' resentment towards him. Veera's dad and mom looked at him in anger. He turned to leave because he felt unwelcomed but Waan held his hand to stop him.

Veera's mom: Why did you bring him here Waan?

Daw: Yes, why is he here? Didn't he do enough to hurt all of us specially Veera who loved him so much?

Kla: Daw

Daw: Why are you stopping me Kla? This guy was deprived of love since childhood. He then found an angel in his life who loved him so much. But he..he never valued his love. He is so selfish that all he cared about was his pain, his happiness. He is selfish.

Kla: Daw, stop.

Rune: Why should he? We are with him since his childhood. We stood with each other through all our crises and when he had a problem, he gave up all his money to us and ran away. As if we were with him for his money.

Sun hugged Rune and tried to calm him down.

Veera's mom: I loved him and cared for him like my own son but he caused me so much grief and heartbreak. I cannot forgive him for what he did to Veera.

Tanet burst into tears hearing all the hatred that was directed towards him. He tried to free his hands from Waan's grip and run away but she held on tight.

Waan: Can you all stop talking and think about PVeera once. Imagine what would he do if he found out that Tanet came to see him and you scared him away.

Everyone looks at Waan in shock because of her outburst.

Waan: Don't forget that PVeera became so reckless because he wanted PTanet back in his life. Only he can bring PVeera back to life. So please keep your differences aside and let him help PVeera.

Everyone remains silent but completely ignores Tanet. Tanet was feeling suffocated and wanted to get away from there but stayed there for Veera. Soon the doctor comes out of the Intensive care unit.

Veera's dad: Doctor, Veera. How is he?

Doctor: He is still in the critical stage. He has lost a lot of blood and you need to arrange for that.

Kla: We will make the arrangements right away.

Doctor: By the way, who is Tanet?

Everyone looks in Tanet's direction.

Doctor: The patient has been calling you in his semiconscious state. Maybe your presence can help him.

Waan: PTanet, go inside and meet PVeera.

Tanet looks at everyone but none of them say anything.

Waan: Go P.

Tanet goes with one of the nursing staff and changes into the scrub. Then he enters the ICU along with her.

Nurse: You can meet him for 5 minutes.

Tanet: Thank you.Tanet walks towards Veera. His heart aches on seeing Veera lying on the bed almost lifeless and with various wires connected to his body. His body is covered with cuts and bruises and his face is a bit swollen. Tanet sat down on the chair next to the bed and held his hand. As he looked at his hand, he saw small and big cut marks on his wrist. Tanet's mouth opened in shock and a sob escaped his mouth as he realized that Veera had indulged in self-harm.

Tanet: Why Veera? Why? Why did you destroy your life for me? I am nothing but bad luck in your life. Why would you hurt yourself for a loser like me? Why?


Tanet looks at Veera in shock on hearing his voice.

Veera: Because I love you.

Tanet: Vee

Suddenly the monitor start to beep loudly and Veera is having difficulty breathing. Tanet rings the bell and shouts for a doctor. He holds Veera's hand

Tanet; Veera just hangs in there. Everything will be alright. Try to relax Vee. I am here with you.

Veera gasps for air and then stops moving completely. There is a long beep sound from the monitor.

Tanet: Veera...Veera, wake up. Don't do this to me Veera. Don't leave me Veera.

A long beep sound and everything else is silent


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