Chapter 4 - Stina's POV

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Today is the day!  Miguel picks us up and takes us to his home in Kentucky.  We will finally have a real home there.  I can't wait for him to come.  In the last few days I've been busy packing my things.  My sister June was also very busy with it.  Last night the children from the children's home here in Ohio and the educators threw us a little farewell party.  I almost cried when the kids hugged me and my big sister as they said goodbye.
Miguel is pretty and really nice.  I can really imagine that he will be my dad.  He also looks wealthy.  He's even the principal of an elementary school in Louisville, where he lives in Kentucky.  I'm so happy.
"Well sis, are you done packing?"  It was June who spoke to me.  She stood in the doorway and smiled at me.  I smiled back, "Yes. I just finished."  I closed my suitcase and placed it within easy reach.  "I'm so happy. Finally someone wants to adopt us!"  I happily told my sister.  I was very excited!  "Yes finally! We've been rejected and hated by people long enough. Hopefully he'll take care of us and wants to keep us. But in any case, a whole new phase of life will start for both of us, which will be much better than all the others."  June confirmed. I nodded.  June took my suitcase and carried it down the stairs for me because it was a bit too heavy for me.  June was the only person who understood me and for whom I had true love and trust in my heart.  She is the best sister.  Arrived at the reception of the children's home at the entrance, we sat down in the waiting area and waited for Miguel.

The receptionist saw us and came over to us and sat down.  "I am happy for you that you are being adopted by the nice Mr. López. He makes a good impression and is very nice."  she smiled.  Then she hugged us lightly and went back to her place of work.  We waited a few more minutes and then a large black Volkswagen Camping Van pulled into the yard and parked.  That had to be Miguel.  Me and June got up and went to reception.  In fact, it was Miguel.  He grinned and gave us a friendly wave.  He signed a few more files and then approached us.  "Hey girls, are you ready to come to your new home with your new daddy?"  June nodded and I agreed with her.  Miguel took our luggage from us and me and my sister said goodbye to the receptionist before we happily followed Miguel.

On the drive from Ohio to Kentucky we talked quite a bit and Miguel showed us many songs by Skillet, his favorite band.  I had no real opinion of the band, I just heard them when Miguel heard them and I was happy with that.  After a nearly 4 hour drive we arrived at Miguel's home in Louisville.  His house was a bit out of town but still part of Louisville.  He had a nice house.  It was mid-summer and really hot here in Kentucky.

Miguel showed us the rooms.  We each had our own room and the rooms were in the basement.  You couldn't open the windows, which wasn't really necessary since we had the best air conditioning in our rooms.  There were large beds and there were also closets of an acceptable size.  It was like paradise.  We had everything we needed.  After we settled in and unpacked our bags, Miguel took us downtown and we drank cold cocktails in one of Louisville's best bars.  But of course alcohol-free.  It was like a new life.  When we got back home, Miguel closed the door and took the key.  We went to bed and I was happier than ever!

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