Chapter 7 - Stina's POV

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Flashback from the last night

I was lying in bed. I only pretended to take the pills that Miguel had given me. I had overheard how a few days ago he had agreed with someone on the phone to get him these "sleeping pills" and bring them over. These pills were actually drugs to fall into a deep sleep or coma. That's why I didn't really take them. I was lying still in my bed when I heard a sound that sounded like crying. I listened more closely and realized it must be my sister who was crying. I quietly and carefully crept out of my room and followed the noise. It came from the room that had always been locked. Then I heard Miguel say, "Come on, I want to have fun with you." and the scales fell from my eyes. Miguel had been pretending to us for the past two years, he was actually a violent man who wanted to have sex with girls like me and my sister. I began to sob quietly and quickly ran back to my room, quietly closing the door behind me. I burrowed into my bed and cried really hard as I realized more and more that we were trapped and at Miguel's mercy. I decided to pretend I had no idea and would not have noticed anything from this, the next morning when Miguel woke me up. But I was really afraid that he would rape me too. And I could actually guess and know it. I burst into tears again and cried myself to sleep.

Someone shook my shoulder and snapped me out of my daydream. It was June "Come help me empty the dishwasher before Miguel gets home." she asked me. I nodded and got up. Together we began to empty the dishwasher. When we had just finished, Miguel came home. He was drunk and announced loudly, "Come on Stina, now it's your turn. Let's see which of you two whores is better at sex." I panicked and screamed and ran to June and hugged her tight. I started crying profusely. But nothing helped, Miguel came and tugged at me. I didn't let go of June and June also held me and didn't let go. When we reached the room, Miguel had enough and he started beating June and after a few hard punches she passed out  and lay on the floor in the hallway. I saw blood oozing down her left leg I screamed out in shock when I saw it covered more than half of her pants but before I could do anything Miguel grabbed me tight and pulled me into the room and... he raped me . Until the early hours of the morning he would not let go of me and would not let me go. It was terrible. I was so in panick and afraid of Miguel that I didn't even know how I felt. At 05:30am Miguel finally got up and got ready for the day. But before he left, he grabbed me and dragged me one floor down into a basement room that was more like a concentration camp. There was no toilet and no window. The room wasn't really heated and there were rusted iron chains on the floor. Miguel pushed my back against the wall, I fell to the ground in great pain. He chained me tight and locked the door. After a short time he came back and threw June to the ground next to me and he chained her too. June was still unconscious but luckily the bleeding on her leg had stopped. Before leaving and locking the door at least 4 times, Miguel said with a smirk, "You all are such idiots. Nobody can stop me. I'll do what I want. And you two are mine as long as I want to keep you with me. You're not My daughters, you are my slaves. And if you don't do what I tell you, you will have to pay for it. Have a nice day in my torture chamber." he laughed maliciously and left the room. I couldn't believe how could he be so skilled and pretend to be so nice to us all these years?! I crawled to my sister who was lying motionless on the ground. "June? June! Please! Don't leave me! I can't do this alone. You can't die! Please!" I laid my head on her chest and started to sob.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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