1: A Moment Can Make A Lifetime [Bootcamp]

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A/N: Hello fellow Larry shippers! I have yet to see a fanfiction dedicated to the TRUE story of Larry (or at least what we wish it was). This is my first fanfiction ever and sometimes I upload late, but it is only because I refuse to upload a chapter that isn't good enough! Also, it starts from the very beginning of Larry and later has many time skips! (It will go from days to a week, to a month and even months at a time) It's a slow progressing story, but that's because real life just isn't as FANtastic as AUs! Ok, thanks for the ramble! Adieu and enjoy~ Please tell me if it's no good!

Updated A/N: Thank you UnderAPaperMoon101 for the absolutely faaannntaaassticcc cover!

Louis Tomlinson had retreated to the nearest bathroom after finishing his Bootcamp performances. As he opened the door, he was surprised to see a familiar contestant inside.

“Hello,” Louis spoke softly to the curly-haired stranger who had been leaning over the sink.

“Oh, hello,” the boy replied, turning to face Louis. “Aren’t you auditioning too?”

“Yeah,” Louis smiled. “I heard you out there, and you’re pretty good. I hope you get through.”

“You and I both!” the boy snickered. “Um, I’m Harry.”


A long moment of silence took over the room as the boys only stared at each other.

“Well alright then,” Louis started, laughing about the air of awkwardness.

“Well, I only came in here to get away for a while. Being inside the hall is a little-”

“Overwhelming?” Louis finished Harry’s sentence – making Harry laugh and nod in agreement.

“But I should go. They might call us up soon.” Harry began to walk towards Louis, who was standing beside the door. “Nice meeting you,” he smiled then walked past Louis and out the door.


The boys category were all called up onto the stage. It was the moment of truth. While walking onto stage, Louis spotted Harry amongst the crowd. Feeling someone’s eyes on him, Harry turned around on instinct, only to meet Louis’ gaze. Good luck, Harry mouthed towards Louis which Louis then replied by mouthing You too.

The whole line of boys were a wreck; every single one of them shaking from nerves. Things instantly got more intense when the judges began to speak. Names were being called one by one – and after every one, the fear got more intense. But then it came down to the wire. Harry and Louis exchanged a look of terror.

“The final contestant who has made it through is…” Simon began. Everyone was already on the brink of breaking. This last person had a chance to follow their dreams.

“Tom Richards.”

Within a second, a dozen hearts broke, leaving one person in happiness. The boys clapped for him, yet wished it was them instead. They stared in discontent at Simon, wishing for something more.

“That’s it, guys. I’m sorry,” Simon answered, as if he knew what they were thinking.

Then the waterworks began.


As the rejected acts began to leave, Louis had somehow run into Harry again. Even with tears flooding his eyes, he could tell that it was Harry who was in front of him, also in tears.

“Hey,” Louis choked out, tapping his shoulder. “I’m sorry mate.”

Harry turned around, wiping his eyes. “Well, there’s nothing we can do.”

Louis forced a smile at Harry, trying to comfort him somewhat. Harry flung himself towards Louis and hugged him. Louis was shocked by the stranger’s actions, but in that moment he wanted comfort as much as anyone else, so he wrapped his arms around the curly-haired boy and squeezed him tightly.

“Excuse me, may I have your attention please!” a voice screamed over the noise of the crowd. Silence grew rapidly. “I’d like to call out some people to return back to the stage.”

Louis and Harry immediately tore away from each other and exchanged a look of surprise. They walked towards the man speaking and gathered in a crowd, separated by a blonde boy.

“Zayn Malik” the man called. The mutters of ‘Oh my God, oh my God’ began to resonate throughout the boys.

“Liam Payne,” he continued, “Harry Styles.”

Harry’s heart jumped out of his chest, onto the floor and back in again. He didn’t know what it was, but the thought that he might be given a second chance was exciting enough. He cupped his face, feeling ecstatic and scared to death all at the same time.

“Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson,” the man said with a tone that indicated the end of the list. “Guys, follow me this way.”

Louis began chipping away at his nails, as the Irish boy, Niall, was doing beside him as well. The five of them began to walk onto stage, seeing a group of three girls coming in from the other side. They turned to face the judges, standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

A judge began to speak to them about how they were too talented to let go and how they wanted two separate groups. The boys and the girls processed this very slowly, wondering what it meant.

“We’ve put you both through,” Simon said calmly.

A wave of relief and happiness flooded the stage as everyone began to jump and scream. Harry fell to the ground, not being able to believe he was being brought back. Everyone else simply spun in exuberance. Once Harry stood up again, the boys joined into a tight group, facing each other: Harry and Louis.

The irish boy, Niall, unexpectedly suggested, “Let’s all dress like Louis! I like his shoes.” The boys laughed and acknowledged that these were the first words that had been spoken within the group. They began to group hug – then in all excitement, Harry lifted Louis off the ground, holding him tightly and Louis wrapped his legs around Harry instinctively.

“Guys, guys, girls!” Simon began and the groups formed a line again, this time Harry and Louis were standing beside each other. Simon continued on about how they had to work harder since they had barely made it, but all anyone on stage could do was smile at each other. They began to walk off the stage, still chuffed to bits. Harry and Louis could not believe their luck or the coincidence; they simply accepted the fact – that they just so happened to be placed in a group together – with grace.

Behind Closed Doors (real life Larry Stylinson) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now