Giving in

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"The only reason your doing this is because I'll die if you don't"
Anger passes over his face . He moves quickly wrapping me up in his arms . He just places me on his bed. Settling between my thighs I feel him. I feel him , hot and hard, all because of me.
"Does this feel like it's some kind of obligation to be with you? Do you think for a second that if I didn't have some kind of attraction for you that I wouldn't be in this state of arousal?  That I wouldn't think and dream of being in your arms every second of everyday. To love and be loved in return . I burn for you. I have for so long. I've tried to push this away. But Destiny has a funny way of getting her way. I for one am not going to stand in her way again. I'm yours , mind, body and soul. Say that you'll be mine?"

I wake to sunlight streaming in my eyes. A heavy weight across my waist. I stretch and groan at the ache between my thighs. I feel him pull me closer to his naked chest. Flashes of the night before replaying behind my eyelids. I feel his breath against the back of my neck . A shudder goes down my spine causing goosebumps to play across my skin.
" Mhmmm.....Good morning "  I slowly turn to look at him over my shoulder.
He looks so relaxed.........sated.
" Good morning. How did you sleep?" I ask nervously.
He smirks as he leans on his elbow looking down at me.
" The most peaceful sleep I've had in years." He rasps at me in a deep sexy voice. I blush looking down, as his eyes begin to rove my body. He place a finger beneath my chin , nudging my chin up to look back at him.
" Do you regret it?" He asks . I hear the vulnerability in his question.
I smirk and lean over him.
" No. I don't." I kiss him and pour my love into that kiss. He brings his hands to my hips and pulls me down under him. He settles between my thighs and I feel him against my thigh.
" Good . Then let me prove to you again how much I love you."
He does many , many, MANY times.
It's mid afternoon before we dress and go and try to find food. I feel different as we walk into the dinning hall. Everyone stops and stares at us. I blush and rub a hand on my arm. " Oh stop it all of you!" Yells Geralt. They all turn with smirks on their faces. I grit my teeth and ground out " Any of you mentions anything about last night I will cut off a vital piece to each of your anatomies . Am I clear?" They all gulp and I see a few cup their manhoods. I smirk as I lean up and place a kiss on Geralts cheek and saunter to the food.
After I fill my plate and sit down, across from Ciri.
" Are you alright?" She asks just as I take a drink. I choke as the drink goes down the wrong way. " You did a lot of screaming last night. I was scared some kind of monster had gotten into your room." I'm cough trying to catch my breath. " Cirilla, that's enough." says Geralt with a touch of reprimand in his voice.
She shrugs and gives me a sly look. She knew what she was asking. I just laugh as loud catch my breath.

A month passes and I've been sick for nearly a week. I've tried to hide it but Yennefer walked in on me one morning while I was sick. She rushes to me and holds my hair back.
" So how long have you been feeling like this?" She asks .
I groan as the last of my breakfast goes into the chamber pot.
" A week." I mutter out.
She smiles sadly at me.
" When's the last time you had your cycle?" She asks
I shrug " two months ago."
She chuckles and says " Well you and Geralt have been going at it like rabbits for a bout a month. And if you did go through heat when you first got together the. You are most likely pregnant." I freeze at that . That word replaying over and over in my head.

Oh my..... will he be pleased?
I just cry at the realization that it worked. I'm going to have a baby.

The Angel of Lyria : ( the Healer of Witcher's 2) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now