The gathering

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14 years had gone by 

Beatrice is now 22 years old and she went to a regular school and that was when she met Sabina who had just returned from military service and a little girl who was stronger than she looked name Magnolia. 

The three of them were similar in a way that they found love as an obstacle in their life and they distanced themselves from the so-called love, the three of them grew close to each other, and when they all graduated they bought a house together. 

The three of them had lived together for 2 years already, the three of them were such good friends that they even looked after Magnolia's family together whenever Magnolia's busy at the hospital.

It was the end of the month and Beatrice was getting ready to head out to the gathering, so tonight is Sabina's turn to look after Magnolia's mother. 

"Bina I'm heading out." Beatrice said as she was putting her heels on

"Where is Magnolia?" Sabina asked her and she looked up at Beatrice

"Don't you remember? Tonight she have the night shift and I have to go to the gathering of the big six." Beatrice said to Sabina and she nodded

"Than tonight it would just be mom, me and biggy." Sabina said to Beatrice as she was heading out, the great dane come over to her 

"Biggy, you be a good boy and guard the house." Beatrice said to biggy as she headed out the door. Beatrice got into her car, when she arrived at the gathering hotel that they usually gathered there. She met the others but she noticed that Pierre was not there yet so she told them to head up to the gathering lounge room first while she waited for Pierre. 

"Beatrice!" Pierre called out to the her, Beatrice was the only woman that was in the seat of one of the big six families and she was also loved by the five of them as well. Pierre who used to have a person like younger sister and so he doted on the little Beatrice as they grew up more and more the two of them became more attracted to each other.

"Pierre, you're late you know that." Beatrice said to him and he chuckled as he walked over to her side as put his arm around her shoulder and the two of them walked towards the elevator.

"Astor is busy with college exams and didn't tell me so I was waiting for him, he told me like 30 minutes before he told me." Pierre said to her and she chuckled

"I was kidding, you're late but everyone is up in the room already. I was waiting for you." Beatrice said to him and the two of them walked up to the lounge where they were holding the gathering. They have their own lounge where they usually hold their gathering since this building belongs to Beatrice's family.

That night the gathering ended like how it had always ended and they all went their own way. Beatrice was home by midnight but when she pulled up in the drive way she noticed that Magnolia was not home yet. Beatrice sent a text to Magnolia asking when she'll be home but she didn't get a call back at all so she went inside to take a shower. When Beatrice came out from the shower she checked her phone once again but there was still no call nor text from Magnolia so she went to bed. 

When Magnolia wake up though Sabina was already making breakfast for them. 

"....When did Mag come home?" Beatrice asked her still rubbing her eyes

"I'm not sure, I saw her car when I went out for my morning jog." Sabina said to Beatrice who took a seat at the dining table.

"Here is breakfast." Sabina said to Beatrice as she served a plate of breakfast

"Thanks Bina." Beatrice said to Sabina who nodded as she handed her a cup of coffee

"You look like you need a cup of coffee." Sabina said as she also get her own plate to eat with a cup of juice. Beatrice noticed that Sabina live a very healthy life during her food and her daily life as if she had not come out from military service. 

"Good morning." Magnolia said as she walk out from her room, she had breakfast with them and asked them to look after her mother as she went to get dress to go visit the man that she found the last night. 

"I helped a injured man last night and the operation went on for a while, I just wanted to go visit him to make sure that he had woken up." Magnolia said to them and she got ready to leave but she went to see her mother before she headed out 

Beatrice and Sabina were washing the dishes while Magnolia was still talking to her mother

"Shouldn't you go to work?" Sabina asked her and she nodded as she handed Beatrice the dishes for her to put away.

"I'll go at 10 today." Beatrice said to Sabina and she nodded, while they were talking magnolia just walked out from the door and Beatrice's phone rang. 

"Hello, what can I help you with uncle?" Beatrice asked since the phone number was from someone that doesn't usually call her 

"Beatrice how are you?! Did anything happen?" Pierre's father asked her 

"Uncle Charles, why do you sound so worried. Did something happen?" Beatrice asked Pierre's father 

"Yesterday day as Pierre was coming home someone shot him and now he's in the hospital." Pierre father said to her 

"Is Pierre alright?" Beatrice asked 

"He was saved by a doctor and is now safe, but he wanted us to call and check on everyone but I just remember that you and him have the same car." Pierre's father said to her 

"Thank you for letting me know." Beatrice said and they hung up on the phone. Beatrice and Sabina finished washing dishes but Sabina notice that her friends face darken since she answered the phone. 

"Did something happen?" Sabina asked her and she look up at Sabina from her seat

"......Pierre, one of the main six heir was shot yesterday." Beatrice said and Sabina took a seat next to her and took hold of her hand

"Why are you worried? If you're worried about him we can just go visit him." Sabina said but Beatrice shook her head 

"I am worried about him but the thing is me and him have the same car model, the same year and color but just different license plate. I don't think they meant to shoot him but me, my father wanted brother Noah to take over the Vi Rose heir position." Beatrice said to Sabina as the hand that was holding her tighten.

"Are you sure that it could've been meant for him and not you?" Sabina asked but she shook her head

"No I'm sure that it's me." Beatrice said and was deep in thought, she looked up with a smile to look at Sabina

"You're going to be here for a while right?!" Beatrice asked her and she nodded

"That..That's right, why?"Sabina asked and Beatrice smiled 

"Be my bodyguard for a while until everything clams down, please Bina?" Beatrice asked her as she hugged Sabina who chuclked at her and nodded

"you know that if you are in trouble I'll do everything to help you without you asking me." Sabina said to her and Beatrice hugged her. 

"Thank you Bina!" Beatrice said and she got up to go get ready for work

"I'll be back by 1pm for lunch." Beatrice said as she disappear into her room and came back out in 10 minute all dressed up for the office. Before she left though she went to say goodbye to Magnolia's mother

"Mom." Beatrice said and the older woman looked at her with a smile 

"Bea..Work?" the older woman asked her and she nodded as she walked in and gave her a hug before she headed out. When they first came to live with Magnolia and her mother, the older woman didn't talk to them nor look at them but after 4 years of knowing each other the older woman talk to them more and even treat them similar to how she treat Magnolia. 

"I'll be back for lunch, Bina's going to stay with you." Beatrice said to her and she nodded as she headed out of the house to go to work. 

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