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Sabina and Beatrice had checked in and got on their flight as needed, it was a two-day flight and once they arrived in Taiwan; Beatrice bumped into someone

"I'm so sorry-" Beatrice said but some men in suits came over to her, when they were about to take hold of her the person that she bumped into raised his hand to stop them. Beatrice looked up at the tall man who still have his sunglasses on but Beatrice took a few steps back and apologized to him once again. 

"I"m sorry." Beatrice said in Taiwanese but the young man took hold of her arm

"Would you like to spend the evening with me?" The man asked her, Beatrice's anger rosed and she yanked her hand away from the  man, she had never been this humiliated

"The audacity! Who do you think I am?!" Beatrice said to him, Sabina rushed to her side with the two suitcase and she stood in between her friend and the man

"Who are you?" the man asked her and Sabina looked at the people around them and back at Beatrice 

"Did they do anything to you?" Sabina asked her but Beatrice shook her head 

"Let's go." Beatrice said, holding onto Sabina's arm

"Are you a couple?" He had walked over and was right in front of Sabina, when he asked this question Beatrice stepped forward about to hit him but the men around him seem like they were going to rush over and hurt Beatrice

"DON'T! Don't even think about it." Sabina said as she let go of the two suitcases and she held something in her hand, it was a badge that should be known throughout the bodyguard service that has absolute power and once the bodyguard had seen the badge none of them dare to make a single move. 

"Don't hit him." Sabina said to her friend and Beatrice put her hand down and she turned around to grabbed her suitcase 

"Money or fame, I can give it to you. Just spend the evening with me." The man said as he grabbed onto Beatrice's arm, but Beatrice yanked her arm free from the man

"Money or fame is something that I have no need for it. I don't need something that I've already have." Beatrice said as she walked out of the airport with Sabina 

At the airport 

"Mr.Russo!" The guards called out to him, he took off his sunglasses as he stood there watching the young lady walk away from him. 

Sean Russo, the third prince of Taiwan's royal family. He was the youngest of his family thus he was spoiled by his parents since he was young, even though he no longer throw tantrums but he had always gotten what he wants without fighting for it but this was the first time that he had been born that someone didn't want his money nor fame. 

"What did she show you all that you dare not move?" Sean asked his bodyguards who was supposedly the top of top guards 

"We are sorry!" They all said to him but he sighs 

"Tell me, was that badge important?" Sean asked and the leader of his guard stepped out 

"It is indeed very important, that badge belonged to one of the best guards from the elite group and since it had been created 1000 years ago there have only had 12  people who had received it. The first thing we learn when we become guards is that the person with this badge can take us out, but it is also a rule that the person with the badge must not harm the target of protection even if they must beat down all the guards." The leader said to him and Sean nodded, this was the first time that he had heard that there was such a badge 

"Where did this badge come from?" Sean asked as he started moving from the spot that he was standing at and headed towards the door out of the airport.

"Our elite team and school originated from China, thus we operate similarly to the old guards of China. From what I heard though, the only person who has received the badge was a young Chinese girl who received the badge at the age of 20 only, it was our first time to have seen this badge since we always thought that this badge was a myth." the leader said to him and Sean nodded once again, the guards opened the door for him and he got in. They drove him back to his parent's house. 

Back to Beatrice 

Once the two of them arrived at the hotel, Beatrice threw her things onto the bed and she let out a frustrating grunt as she also fall onto the bed as well.

"I hate guys!" Beatrice said and Sabina chuckled 

"That wasn't what you should say when you took your brother's side." Sabina said to her and Beatrice flipped over to face her friend

"Bina darling, my brothers are different. Well some of them might hurt others without the intention but I hate playboys and women who also can't settle down." Beatrice said to her and Sabina chuckled 

"If that is what you say. Anyway, take a shower and head to bed. Didn't you say that we have to go to the company tomorrow?" Sabina asked her and Beatrice grunted again 

"I don't want to. Let me have a nap, I'll shower later." Beatrice said as she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep. 

When she woke up it was already 4 hours passed, there was some food on the table with a note on it "Eat once you've to wake up, I went out for a stroll and will be back soon" was what the letter that her friend said, Beatrice, open the food cover and a smile play on her lips. 

"No one knows me better than you and Mag." Beatrice said as she took a seat and eat the food that has been prepared for her; it was all her favorite food. Sabina is Chinese, Magnolia is half Korean and half german and Beatrice's mother is from Taiwan while her father was raised and born in England; a full-fledged caucasian.  

Sabina loves to eat Korean and Chinese food, she loves to have lotus soup and topokki especially when she's angry or stressed out, she wasn't sure if the other two remember but this was the first meal that the two had made for her to eat when she was failing in one of her projects due to her father who sabotage it. It gave her strength and whenever she was stressed the two of them would make it for her that it became her habit to eat it whenever she was feeling down.

Beatrice sat there eating happily, she went to shower and as she came out to dry her hair while watching TV, the door to the hotel room opened and a Sabina drenched in sweats was standing in the doorway. 

"What happened to you?" Beatrice asked her and Sabina chuckled 

"I went for a job instead of a stroll, did you enjoy dinner?" Sabina asked her and Beatrice's smile 

"Thank you for dinner." Beatrice said and Sabina ruffled her hair 

"I'm going to take a shower since I went for a run." Sabina said as she grabbed the towel and headed into the shower. 

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