A new morning

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Beatrice who is a light sleeper woke up when Sabina got up from the floor, Beatrice watched Sabina pull the blanket on for Magnolia and her but Beatrice chuckled and her friend glared at her. 

"If you're up, pull your own blanket." Sabina said to her and Beatrice chuckle

"Bina darling, I've never known that you cared." Beatrice teased her and Sabina chuckled

"I'm going out for a jog, I'll come back and head to the company with you." Sabina said to her and Beatrice got up from the floor that she was just sleeping on. 

"Go ahead, I'll prepare breakfast. Oh, but can you check on mom before you head out?" Beatrice asked Sabina as the two of them head out from the room and Sabina nodded

"Her room is beside mine anyway," Sabina said and Beatrice went down to the kitchen to see what they have in the fridge since Sabina and she had bought some things home. 

Beatrice saw the bread, egg, and bacon so she wanted something easy. Beatrice put new coffee beans into the coffee machine, added water to it, and press start. As she was getting things out from the fridge though Sabina came down.

"Mom is up, I've just helped her into a warm dress and she will come down with Biggy. I'm going to head out." Sabina said as she rushed out of the house, leaving Beatrice to cook alone but as she was not in a rush she cooked slowly. 

"Everyone get...two toast so that should be....8." Beatrice said as she counted the bread to be toasted, she took out the bacon but she didn't count it and just half of the bacon pack, as she was cutting the bacon Beatrice heard the door open. 

"....Who is it?" Beatrice asked with a knife in her hand she moved towards the front door

"It's me! I came back." At Sabina's voice, Beatrice moved back to the island and put the knife down. Beatrice started to take out the bacon when Sabina walked into the kitchen holding onto some papers

".......What do you got there?" Beatrice asked Sabina who look up at her a little confused but put the papers away

"A mail for me, just spam." Sabina said to her but Sabina folded the mail into her pocket as she set the other mail on the island. 

"Don't put them there, go put them in their proper place." Beatrice said to her and Sabina rolled her eyes.

"Yes, mother." Sabina said to her and picked up the mails once again to go sort out to their own mailbox beside the front door. 

Beatrice noticed how weird Sabina is, Beatrice knew that Sabina wanted the chore of cleaning and maintaining all of the maintenance of the house but she also doesn't understand to why it MUST be her chore. Sometimes Sabina would leave the house and not come back for a few days or months and the two of them can't get in touch with her at all but she would just come home as if nothing happened and whenever they asked her, Sabina always somehow brushed it off. 

Even though Magnolia and Beatrice know that it could be some government information and the two had joked about it that maybe Sabina is a secret agent, waiting for a mission. 

"Hey." Sabina called out to her and Beatrice snapped out of her daze

"You're burning the bacon." Sabina said and that was when Beatrice looked down at her bacon that was about to become charcoal, Sabina quickly uses the tong to get the bacon out from the pan, that was when Beatrice noticed that Magnolia had come down. 

Magnolia was making her way over to the kitchen when her phone rang and she looked down at her phone with a smile, without even asking Beatrice already knew who called Magnolia. 

"I'm going to take this call, I'll be back down." Magnolia said to the two of them as she rushed off somewhere and Sabina walked over to the kitchen door acting as if she was eavesdropping but she shook her head and walked back to the island

"Did you hear anything?" Beatrice asked her and  Sabina looked at her with a smile 

"No." Sabina said as she laughed, Beatrice who was cracking some eggs threw the eggshell at Sabina 

"Then don't smile as if  you've just heard the whole conversation!" Beatrice said and Sabina chuckled as she catch the eggshell and throw it into the trash can. 

"You're no fun." Beatrice said to Sabina who reached for the empty plate to put the bacon in

"No can do. If I let my guard and get rusty on the field. It would be dangerous." Sabina said and Beatrice stopped craking the eggs as she stared at Sabina

"...Won't you quit?" Beatrice asked Sabina and Sabina turned to look at her with a soft smile 

"That's not something I want to do, as dangerous as it is, it is something that I am proud of." Sabina said to Beatrice 

"If you like that kind of work I can help you open a bodyguard company and you can train them or I'll-" Beatrice said but Sabina shook her head 

"Bea, you and I both know that I don't want to work in society. I belong in the army." Sabina said to Beatrice and she sighs 

"If that is what you want, but if you-" Beatrice said but Sabina cut in 

"If I want to quit, I'll tell you what I want to do. I know, you've asked me ten times per year." Sabina said to Beatrice 

"I'm worried about you." Beatrice said to Sabina and Sabina ruffled her hair once again 

"Don't worry about me, I also have something to tell you and Mag. If we have time let's talk." Sabina said and Mag walked into the room. 

They didn't talk anymore since they have to get moving, Mag have a shift at the hospital today while Beatrice have an important meeting today so they left Beatrice at home. Beatrice didn't think that there was going to be a storm waiting for her at the company. 

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