Unexpected visitor

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Beatrice got into her own car and drove to the company, once she got there she went to her regular parking spot and got out of the car. The other employees that were just getting there greeted her but she just nodded to let them know that she had acknowledged them and headed towards her office. 

As Beatrice was heading there her secretary got up from her own desk and greeted Beatrice. 

"Good morning president." The young woman said to her

"Good morning, Lisa. Bring me anything that needs to be done into my room for me." Beatrice said but her secretary called out to her 

"Um, miss Beatrice." Lisa called out to Beatrice who turned to look at her, no one in the office has ever seen Beatrice smile since she took over the company 4 years ago.

 "What is it?" Beatrice asked 

"You have a guest waiting for you, he has been here for a while now." Lisa said to Beatrice and Beatrice nodded

"Send him in." Beatrice said before she headed into her own office, she closed the door and walked towards her desk that was by the window. Beatrice set down her bag as she notice that there were still papers from the other day that she forgot to organize, she sat down and started to organized her things. A knock came at her door

"President." Lisa voice called out to her 

"Come in." Beatrice didn't bother looking up since usually it's her brother that comes to visit her unannounced

"Bring in some drink and-" Beatrice said as she looked up to as for some snacks but her eyes were met with a face that she didn't think she would see at her office; Sean was looking right at her with a smile. 

"YOU!" Beatrice got up from her desk with a frustrated face

"LISA! Take him out, I don't care what method. Just-Just take him out of my office!" Beatrice said but the young woman had never seen Beatrice so emotional and was in a daze. Sean walked over to her desk

"Now, now. Let's take deep breaths." Sean said to her with his gentle calming voice with a smile and Beatrice glared at him

"Lisa-" Beatrice said but Sean cut in 

"Lisa, bring us two cold water oh, make that cold lemonade." Sean said and motioned for the young woman to head out. 

"Li-" Beatrice was about to say but Sean pulled her towards him, with Beatrice on the other side of her wide desk and when she looked up again her secretary was already gone. Beatrice glared at him and yanked her hands-free from him as she fixed her hair and pat down her clothing as she sat down on her chair. Sean sat across from her on the other chair with a smile 

"How did you get here?" Beatrice asked him and he chuckled 

"Of course, I came by plane. You wouldn't think that I swam here did you? Although if needed I just might." Sean said to her and Beatrice rolled her eyes, he was this kind of person. Whenever he sees her it's always line after line of confession; even though she like it, she act as though she doesn't.

"Please be serious. Why are you here? Shouldn't you stay and be a prince in Taiwan?" Beatrice asked him and he chuckled 

"Who said that a prince can't leave the country, maybe in the past but we are just royalties in name and nothing more." Sean said to her and Beatrice laughed 

"Please, your highness. What do you want with me, can't you just leave me alone?" Beatrice asked him and he chuckled as he shook his head

"I've never been one to change my mind once it's made and I've made my mind that you are the person I want as my wife." Sean said to her but she took a deep breath

"It was my brother, wasn't it?" Beatrice asked him and he shrugged, Beatrice got her phone out but Sean took it away from her 

"No need to call him, he's already on his way here." Sean said to Beatrice as he looked at her phone and he smile 

"So, you COULD smile." Sean said to her as he looked at her screen and Beatrice took back her phone, her lock screen has the three of them on it. Magnolia was in the middle, Sabina was on the right and Beatrice was on the left. The three of them went on a trip for the first time and took that photo together with big smiles

"....I'm not a robot. Of course, I can smile." Beatrice said to him and he chuckled 

"Then give me a smile." Sean teased her but Beatrice gave him a glare instead

"Please state your business here and leave." Beatrice had enough of him and his word that keep making her waver but as Sean was about to say something the door opened and Noah was standing there with the drinks in his hand.

"Noah." Beatrice said with a stern voice and he gave her a light smile as he rushed over towards her and handed her the drink 

"There, there. Have something cold to drink and cool down." Noah said to her and Beatrice took a sip of the lemonade 

"Noah, look at your sister, I've come all the way here, and not only did she not even give me a single welcome but she even tried to kick me out." Sean said to Noah but Noah only stared at Beatrice 

"Why is he here?" Beatrice asked her brother who took a seat beside Sean 

"Bea, you didn't get this deal and we had already spent so much on it already." Noah said to her in a calm voice and Beatrice stared at him 

"And?" Beatrice asked her step-brother who smiled at her

"And so, Sean had come here to finish the paperwork for this project. He had already told me what happened and he's very very sorry about it." Noah said and Beatrice glanced at Sean who did not look an ounce as if he felt apologitice towards her at all but she knew that if she doesn't get this project through, she'll have to face her father and his minions. 

"Fine." Beatrice said as she press the call button for Lisa to come in, only a second pass and Lisa knocked on the door. 

"Is there something I can help you with?" Lisa asked her and Beatrice nodded

"Remember the files from the other day? Bring it to me." Beatrice said and Lisa nodded as she close the door, Beatrice looked at her step-brother who was three years older than her and his friend that was also three year older than her as well but somehow they look like children in her eyes. 

Beatrice said nothing to the two as she finished organizing her papers and Lisa came into the room with the files right after Beatrice had just set the papers aside. 

"This is the file that you have me stored away." Lisa said to her and Beatrice nodded

"Thank you." Beatrice said to Lisa who smiled at her and headed out of the office room, Beatrice opened the files and handed it to Sean. 

"Have a look at the conditions and sign them if you agree if not we can talk it over." Beatrice said to him as she looked at her schedule. Beatrice took a deep breath and got up from her seat

"Brother, are you going to the meeting this morning?" Beatrice asked her step-brother who looked up at her 

"Sadly, I'll have to go since I'm in charge of a department as well. Will you be okay?" Noah asked her and she nodded as she take a deep breath

"Shall we?" Beatrice asked him and he noddded

"Can I come along?" Sean asked but Noah motion for her to go first, once Beatrice closed the door Noah looked at Sean 

"Please once you go into the meeting room, no matter what happens, you cannot take Bea's side or talk to her like you know her. Promise me that and you can go in with me." Noah said to him and he took a minute but he nodded

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