July 4, 2014

16 1 0

Beckett and I are going out to dinner with his family tonight. I've never been more nervous in my life. I mean I've met his family a million times before, but this is going to be an interesting dinner for all of us. And I don't know what I'm gonna do.

So I went to Birdie's. She'll know what to do. She'll give me some advice. She's going through a rough patch with her parents too so it might be good to check up on her. 

When I walked in their front door, her parents greeted me with smiles and kind words before I ran upstairs to her room. She seemed surprised when she looked up from her notebook and took her headphones off. I shut her door as she asked me if I was okay and sat across from her on her bed. 

"Birdie, I'm kinda freaking out about something right now. I don't know who else to tell about it. But I know you're the only person in the entire world who won't freak out. So please just promise me that when I tell you, you won't freak out." 

She nodded in agreement with wide eyes as I jumped off the bed to pace. 

"I'm pregnant."

She stared down at her notebook while scrunching and scratching her nose. She's thinking. That's what she always does. She finally looked up and uttered the words, "You're pregnant."

I sat back down on her bed and laid my head down as we both started laughing.

 "Why were you so scared to tell me that?"

"Because I haven't told Beckett yet. And I'm going out to dinner with his family tonight. I don't know whether to tell them or not. What if he doesn't wanna get married anymore? Or what if he doesn't want a baby?" 

"Trixie, we are talking about the same Beckett right? The same Beckett you named your children with on the third date?" Her words made me smile as I flashed back to our third date and the same diner we went to on the second. 

"You're right. You're right. I don't know why I doubted him. It was stupid." 

She made me feel better but I couldn't help but still fear telling him. What am I gonna do?

I brought Birdie to the dinner with me. They won't mind. His family loves her. Plus I need her. She makes me feel better.

While Birdie was lost in a conversation with Beckett's mom, I tapped his shoulder and he leaned over to me. 

"So I need to tell you something."

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

 "What's up?"

"You might take it kind of funny and you just need to promise me that you won't freak out."

"Trixie just tell me. How bad could it be?" 

He already thinks it's bad news. This won't be good.

"I-I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened as we stared at each other. His grip on my hand tightened. I enjoyed him not saying anything. It delayed his possible bad reaction then he opened his mouth.

Then a smile formed on his lips. 

"Are you serious?"

I nodded with a small smile, not knowing if he was going to cause a good scene or a bad scene.

"Oh my gosh Trixie that's amazing." 

He embraced me in a hug before standing up and screaming to the whole restaurant that he was gonna be a father. That was when his whole family stood up and came over to hug me. They're happy. He's happy.

After the last hug, Beckett grabbed my hand as we both ran out of the restaurant. His family was screaming our names but our laughing overpowered it. We ran over to the park across the street to watch the fireworks with the rest of the couples and families there.

"Trixie we're gonna have a baby."

He gave me another hug as we both stared up at the fireworks. He put his hand on my stomach and rubbed it up and down. 

"You're gonna have a family again." 

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