April 4, 2010

14 1 2

Today is my fifteenth birthday. And so far it has been the worst birthday ever. It's a Monday and my parents  are making me go to school. If I'm being totally honest I think they forgot. The present my older brother sent me from his college got lost in the mail. Or so he says. He has never gotten me a birthday present. I didn't even get a card with five dollars in it from my Grandma. I now feel truly forgotten. 

Birdie and Winnie picked me up like they normally do. At least they didn't forget. Winnie gave me a Winnie present. Starbucks gift card. I'm still grateful. And it's Starbucks. Then Birdie gave me her's while Winnie began to drive. This box was obviously bigger than Winnie's. I started to carefully rip open the paper, knowing Birdie probably spent a lot of time on it. When I looked at her, she was giving me a look like I was crazy. So I started to tear it to shreds.

I untaped the box and pulled back the layer of tissue paper. on top there was a large frame with a collage of pictures of us over the years. When I pulled that out, she took it from me as I started to dig through clothes she got me.

"Birdie how much did you spend?"

I realized that was a dumb question after I asked it.

"Come on, you know I only shop at vintage stores."

I pulled the black Converse out of the bottom and embraced Birdie in a hug. I have been wanting a pair for so long but no one listens to me and I have no money. I really do have the best friend anyone could ask for.

Once we got to school, I went to my locker wondering if Beckett had left anything there. He hadn't. Maybe he just isn't here yet. That's what I'd like to believe. I'm spending my birthday evening with Birdie and him and I really want him there. I want him here. 

We haven't even been dating for a month yet. It's crazy I know. But I am in love with him. I don't know how. I don't know why. But he's the greatest guy in the world. I can't believe how lucky I got with him. 

Once I got to my first class, I sat down in my normal seat next to Birdie. I looked around the room for Beckett but he wasn't there. I hope he's okay. 

Halfway into the teacher's lecture on something about World War II, the PA system beeped on.

"Attention everybody."

The all too familiar voice brought the biggest smile to my face.

"I just have to make a fast announcement. I need to tell my girlfriend, Trixie James happy birthday. I love you and I'll see you in a minute."

It faded out at the end, which made me realize the people in the office. 

Everyone's eyes focused on me. Once Beckett walked in everyone cheered for him and patted him on the back. Then they told me happy birthday. People I don't even talk to. I wasn't really happy until Beckett  came over and kissed me. Then a bunch of guys cat-called which seemed to piss the teacher off. But I didn't care. Now I can finally enjoy my birthday.

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