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This is similar with my miya ff (under the Sakura tree) but with a girl and a non-specific gender

Sadly I only sad like 2 ff of yuzuru×reader so I'm adding to that she's so underrated ffs😭

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ lil info bout♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
y/n shisuke-
(your pronouns)
(your birthday)
(9th grade)


(April 2)
(Y/n's mom)
(44 yrs old)

(December 11)
(Y/n's brother)
(18 yrs old)

(January 10)
(Y/n's sister)
(5 yrs old)

*:..。o○ y/n's POV ○o。..:*

(Flash back btw )

"Is it necessary to leave ma??" I groaned dragging my luggage to the car

"For the 100th time yes y/n, I signed up for a business there and their pay is really good" my mom smacked the back of my head "OW! NOW WAS THAT NESSESARY!?" "WELL DO YA THINK!?"

"Guys stop fighting" Kiru lifted our luggage to the back of the car I just rolled my eyes and went inside to get the rest of the items

While I was at it I saw a camera, I put down the boxes and picked up the camera

I flashed it and to my surprise it still works, so I put it on top of the boxes

I shoved the boxes into the truck and put the camera in my bag

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚time skip˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

"Oi wake up" "what is it??" I groaned rubbing my eyes "we arrived!!" Hira clapped her hands as kiru took her off her baby seat

While the rest were going inside to put the stuff in it I decided to walk around the neighborhood

While i was walking around the neighborhood i saw the neighbor in front of our house there was a bridge between us, i decided to go say hi

I jumped on the railing and stretched my arms out for balance "there you are, out of the water~" you sung while walking across "i can see your smiling face reflect back at me" you did a lil twirl dancing as you walked across the bridge and to the apartment

I skipped through the doors and one caught my attention, it was my grandma's number, i hovered my hand on it and started knocking 'why did i do that!?' I relized and panicked "oh hello may i help you?" A lady with lon pink hair apeared

"I-i'm sorry for disturbing you! I was just walking around the neighborhood" i rubbed the back of my neck she looked my head to toe "my name is y/n shisuke" i bowed at her

Her eyes caught the camera in my chest "im yaeko Nishimiya, i have a daughter who also takes photography" she tilted her head inside signing me to come inside, i bowed again and walked inside

"Oh who is this pretty person?" Im assuming that's their grandma "my name is y/n shisuke" i bowed again "no need to be so formal dear, please have a seat" she patted the chair in front of her i nodded and sat in front

She pours me a glass of juice with ice in it and gave it to me "i haven't seen you here before, are you new" i just nodded "im the new neighbor in front of you and i decided to walk around the neighborhood" i gave her a smile

"Your smile looks like shoko" she smiles back at me "may i ask who shoko is?" She pointed to the door "may i go in?" She nodded, i stood up and walked towards the door and knocked

𝙼𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚕 𝙺𝚒𝚝𝚊 |Yuzuru Nishimiya × readerWhere stories live. Discover now