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Yuzuru's pov

"How was the date with y/n?" Shoko signed to me from the kitchen "it was good and really fun, i brought you some food from the luch date" i signed back to her placing the plactic bag in the table and she signed thank you

I nodded and went to our room to chat them, they gave me their number while on the date

**** **** ****: hey yuzu-chan its me y/n

Me: how do i know you're not lying?

**** **** ****: you're an angel sent from heaven and came into my side of the world oh how greatful i am to see such a wonderous sight

I blushed at that text

**** **** ****: you're blushing right~

Me: shut up no im not!

**** **** ****: hell yeah you are

Yuzuru nishimiya changed **** **** **** to 'popular girl'

Popular girl: heyy im not THAT popular

Me: yes yes you're saying you get 100000+ gifts from anyone in school and thats not popular

Popular girl: well only one of them got my attention

Me: and who's that?
Spill the tea

Popular girl: im not gonna you don't deserve it

Me: i fucking hate you

Popular girl: hate you too <33

Popular girl changed Yuzuru nishimiya to 'an angel'

An angel: oh so flattering

Popular girl: glad i could flatter you my dear yuzu

I like that name, i smiled

An angel: im heading to bed now good night

Popular girl: oww does wittle yuzuru need her little beautie sleep~

An angel: never do that again

Popular girl: why does wittle yuzuru not like it~

An angel: yes i hate it good night

Popular girl: you are so mean yuzu-chan :((

An angel: sorry not sorry luv <33

Popular girl: whatever whatever good night luv <33

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes smiling softly and drifted off to sleep

Y/n's pov

As i turned off  my phone i heard a meow from my hands "oh right i forgot about you" i lied down in the bed and the cat in my chest

"Hmm what should i name you" i looked at the ceiling and the cat stared at me "how about c/n" (cat name)

next day

*knock knock*

i slightly opened my eyes to see a blurry silhouette

 "fuck off bro let me sleep" i groaned and pulled my covers,  heard a giggle

"since when were your giggles that cute"

i pushed the blanket down "good morning yuzu" i smiled and she stood there rockfrozen

"Whatever c'mon lets go" she turned around crossing her arms "where? We don't have school today" i flung my legs off the bed "we're gonna go to an amusement park with the rest and i was wondering if you'd like to come" she glanced

"Oh ofc, il be right back and don't peak" i stood up and walked to the bathroom "what makes you think i would peak on you idiot!?" She stomped

Narrators pov

Yuzuru stoped stomping when she heard a small meow from the older's bed, she walked over there and lift up the blanket "hm so y/n did keep you here" she shrugged and sat on the bed and petted the cat

"Ill name you pancakes" she placed the cat on her lap and the cat snuggled closer

The door opens as she saw y/n in the door "heya y/n!" She placed the cat back on the bed "ready to go?" they nodded and walked out together to the park

"She said she'll only take a while! Where is she!?" "Calm down, y/n's house isn't so far from here so yuzuru should be here any minute now"

"We're here" yuzuru said to the group "heya y/n!" Shoya waved "Sup" they waved back "well then where should we start?" "Ohh how about there!" Yuzuru points to the roller coaster shoko nodded and so did the rest

So they had fun in the park except, after naoka and shoko came back from a feris wheel ride and they came back from another ride from the rollercoaster

Shoko was a little off yet not a lot of them noticed and continued on with their fun

At the nishimiya house

"We're back!"

"Welcome back guys, i have prepared dinner for you" their mother showed them the food behind her

'Whats up shoko' yuzuru signed to her older sister and she shook her head in return 'but you're acting a bit off'

' im fine i swear' shoko signed to her younger sister "ok then.." She said and continued eating

Sorry for the late update and short chapter, i had just finished my exams and homework so i wasn't able to update this good bye people i hope yall have a great day/afternoon/evening✨

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