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"Would you count me as a friend?" I asked, she then stopped her tracks and so did i, she looked at me and i look at her

"You're kidding right?" "Why would i be" she looked back straight but i still looked at her

"Well not to be rude but we did only just met yesterday"

"Yeah right" i laughed akwardly and started walking and she trailed off behind me and the whole walk we didn't say anything to each other

"W-well im just gonna go to the office to get my schedule and stuff" i said when we reached the school "do you need me to accompany you?" She tilted her head

I looked around "sure ig" i said quietly but yuzuru heard "alright then, follow me" she walked off and i followed behind
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"Oh we're in the same class" she took a peak on the paper from my shoulder she then rested her head on my shoulder and slightly closed her eyes "do you want me to carry you to class? It seems like you didn't sleep much last night" i petted her head "please do" she then wrapped her hands around my neck

I nodded then placed my hands under her thighs and lifted her up, i felt heat in my shoulder im guessing shes blushing "w-what the hell" i just laughed "im sorry yuzuru-chan" i said then carrying her to class

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾narrators pov☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

"Yuzu get off we're at your seat" but theshort hair didn't get off she just hugged them tighter "theres still a few minutes before class let me stay here for a while" they then sighed

"Can i at least sit down?" "Finee" she then got off, they sit down and patted their lap "sit" the short hair blushed dark red she hid her face with her hair and did as told and wrapped her hands around their torso "this is so embarrassing" "you're the one who asked for it dumbass" they rolled their eyes and ran their fingers through her hair

゚+*:;;:* after school*:;;:*+

It was only until after school they heard rumors from one of the students "you guys are such a cute couple!" The girl clapped her hands "but we're not dating?" The nishimiya said popping a lollipop in her mouth "but almost the whole school said so" the random girl then stood straight

"Hey yuzu lets go now!" The girl/boy said "coming! Who ever started that is lying we are NOT dating" and after saying that she ran to the one calling her

"What were you talking to her about?" "Its nothing, lets go" "ok then?"

"Oh yeah what club are you joining?" "Hm music club ig" they put their finger in their chin thinking "what club are you in?"

"Im in the photography clup" *boku wa yarichin bitchi no osu dayo🤩* "oh yeah i saw pictures all around your room, i guess ill join that too plus i cant see the camera useful" they shrugged and yuzuru nodded

"And geez she wont stop crying" they sulked and leaned on the girl "it must be awful being the older" she giggled "well you are the younger which means you are annoying" "hey nit all yougers are annoying!! Even tho shoko is older" she stomped

"Plus i dont speak to shoko a lot she cant hear me" "right i forgot about that" "also ill be eating luch with shoko in her classroom, wanna come?" She petted the h/l haried girl/boy

"Hm sure i guess"

**✿❀time skip to yk when❀✿**
Y/ns pov

"What do you want" i heard yuzu say as she openes the door "well i was wondering is shoko nishimiya is here" "she's not here" "but shes-" "she's not here" i watched them as shoko pours herself some hot chocolate

𝙼𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚕 𝙺𝚒𝚝𝚊 |Yuzuru Nishimiya × readerWhere stories live. Discover now