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When you reached the phillipines you couldn't stop thinking bout yuzu (obviously)

You started unpacking your things in your room and you found your camera, you decided to look through it after you're done

And now that you're done you checked the camera found a bunch of scenery pics and you and yuzu and a few of the family

You put the camera on the top shelf, got up and dusted yourself

Big ahh time skip


After a few years n stuff you were finally able to go back to japan, you save up a lot of money and worked jobs and you finally got enough to have a flight

Kiru was already in his own house with children ew. And hira is going to school now

You told your mom and she was happy for you

when hira came back home she was upset a bit "so you're going back to japan? "

"Yes i am! Im so sorry hira"

"C-can i come too? "

"No you cant, you have school" you hugged her she has became a big fan of yours

After a few minutes she was finished and went to shower, your mom helped you with packing

"Goodluck with all that kay? " she kissed your forehead

"I will dont worry" you smiled and went away


Once you reached the airport you got a ping

Little angel
Hey y/n!
How's everything going there?   

Oh hey yuzu
Everything is good over here, how about there?

Little angel
Oh thats great
things are going the same as usual

Sorry yuzu gotta go, my mom's calling me

Little angel
Oh ok then, seeya


You turned off your phone and got up to ride the plane

Once you got to japan it was night time, you chatted with shoko and she told you where they were living now since they moved

You went there and knocked on the door quietly, "oh! Y/n welcome back! " yuzuru's mom said

"Haha hi miss nishimiya" she hugged you and you hugged her back

"At this point i cant make you call me anything else" you laughed a bit "anyways yuzuru is in her room sleeping, the top right" you nodded

"Thank you miss nishimiya" you bowed and went up there

"Wait before you do go there i prepared a room for you, the top middle, that used to be shoko's room but she's with someone now"

You went to "your" room and it had a bed and a table, you unpacked everything and quietly went into yuzu's room

When you went in you closed the door silently 'she really is sleeping, well duh obviously' you walked deeper in to see she has some pictures, you moved some to see you and yuzu's old pictures you heard the light turn on

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my room? " she said in a tired tone you turned around to see yuzuru rubbing her eyes

You smiled and walked over to her and pats her head she squinted her eyes and then it imideatly turned wide eyes

She jumped onto you and hugged you "took a while"

"I just woke up what did you expect" you hugged her back

"Well now that the reunion is over, i guess its time for you to sleep" she shook her head

"No i wanna stay here a little while longer"

"Ahh maybe i should've done this in the morning"

"Yes" she smiled and you rolled your eyes

You layed down on her bed while she was drifting to sleep you patted her head one more time and drifted to the land of dreams
The next day you and yuzu were playing a game

"Hey what does mahal kita mean again? "

"It means i love you in Tagalog"

"Really? Then mahal kita y/n" she smiled and you kissed her on the cheek

"Mahal kita din yuzu"
The end🖤

Yeah ill let you imagine the rest, i feel dead atm srsly, well have fun with that and gl with the rest of your day qnd thank you for reading this, maybe ill add specials but the story is finished<3

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