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"Will you be my girlfriend?"  Yuzuru looked at you wide eyed and smiled "whats that smile for? Im scared" you joked she jumped onto you and kissed you once hitting the ground

Before she could pull back you wrapped your arms around her neck kissing her back

{Time skip after a few mins or whateva (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ') }

"Does that answer your question?" She smiled an dyou did you and nodded

"Totally did not expect that tho" you laughed "hmm what now?"

"Well now we gotta get pass our parents" she lied down on the dandelion ground and you followed right beside

"Well my mom and brother would squeal like high school girls" you sweat dropped

"And my mom...i don't think she'll be ok with it" she rolled over facing you and hugged your torso since she was below you

"Shoko would be happy tho" you hugged her back and the black haired female snuggled closer

"Definitely, you think we should keep it a secret for the meantime?" She looked up at the h/c haired boy/girl and she/he/they nodded

"But i don't think we can keep it a secret if you're all clingy and sort" you laughed a little

"You're one to talk" she replied with a smirk while you whined

"Anyways we better get going now cause yeah" she nodded "also...yuzu? " she looked at you "thanks for this, and everything else" you kissed her cheek and took her hand and continued to walk while she tried to hide the blush

{Time skip}

You said goodbye and kissed each other's cheek ending with both of you flusterd, and you walked home and frowned remembering what your mom said

"Im home" you said and imideatly  went to your room

"So how was your date with your little yuzu? " your big bro said smirking

"Its fine" his smirk got wipped off

"No comment about the word 'date'? " he looked at you comfused, you smiled and shook your head then ran to your room closing the door and jump onto your bed

You quietly squealed but calmed down and check your phone

You then got a text from yuzuru

Hey y/n!!

Hey yuzu, an imideat text?
What happened ?

Nothing just wanted to talk

About what?

Again nothing
Fine im bored

Ok ok
Well wanna-
Oh shi my mom is calling bye

Oh, ok bye
Love you :))

Luve you too。・:*:・(✿◕3◕)❤

You turned off your phone blushing and went over to your mom "so you remember when i said that we're moving back? " you nodded

'Please say never mind Please say never mind Please say never mind Please say never mind'

"Well we'll be moving the the day after tomorrow" your soul shattered and covered your mouth

"You're joking right? " you stuttered (because i don't wanna type how you stuttered😍) your mom shook her head "but what about yuzu..? "

"Well i guess you should hang out with your girlfriend" you looked at the floor

"I guess i should"

"Wait you're dating her?!" Your mom exclaimed and you nodded as she sighed "damn, this'll be hard" she rubbed the back of her head

"Ill just head to my room now, goodnight" you smiled and walked back to your room

You silenty cried yeah you were here for a few months but like, being away from yuzuru whn you hang out with her almost everyday is just...

And with that you fell asleep crying

Yuzuru pov

I randomly had a thought to head over to her house cause... Eh

Anyways when i reached the house i knocked on the door and i was waiting to see y/n, but sadly it was her brother "oh hey nishimiya, you here to see your boyfriend/girlfriend? " i stood there shocked

"She told you? " i started blushing

"Unintentionally, anyways she's/he's/they're in their room, go ahead i guess just don't be to loud" he smirked and let me in, i don't really understand what he means "oh and use protection" (ignore this if your pronouns are she/her ig) again i didn't understand so i let it slide and went to her room

i opened it i saw them sleeping on the bed, i smiled and covered them with a blanket after closing the door i was about to go when they grabbed my arm "please don't go.. " they murmured

I smiled softly at them as they removed their arm off me and i moved the arm and the blanket to i could fit, but before i did that i closed the lights and snuggled up with them and kissed their forehead "goodnight love"

Im sorry this was shorter than how it used to be but like i wanted it to end in this sentence cause why not

Anyways now you know that you'll be leaving the day acter tomorrow like how ill be leaving uae in August to the Philippines *cough* anyways i hope you're doing well and had a good day/night seeya💃

Also ill be changing to tittle to "mahal kita"

And the cover from this

And the cover from this

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Ya fine with it? Just don't forget :b

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Ya fine with it? Just don't forget :b

𝙼𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚕 𝙺𝚒𝚝𝚊 |Yuzuru Nishimiya × readerWhere stories live. Discover now