chapter 12

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fucked when they all received a message from the principal, saying that he wanted all of them on his office by tomorrow morning. every one of them cursed internally, preparing for the end of their careers.


hopping out of the shower, you heard your phone ding somewhere on your room. picking up the closest towel you covered yourself, walking now out of the tiny bathroom. today was the most exhaustive day of your life and after the little encounter with geto and gojo, a shower was very much needed.

picking up your phone from your bed, you were met with an unexpected email. you thought it might be yuuji sending you some memes or maki rambling about her new crush but to your surprise, it was principal nanami. the email consisted of a few sentences, short and direct. you had crossed paths with him a few times during your years in college and seen him interact with other people, but never he had talked with you. he required your attendance on his office by tomorrow morning. at half past ten, more exactly.

you checked your schedule and surprisingly you didn't have any class during that time. you then started wondering why would he need you to visit him at his office, would it be that you still didn't apply to any extracurricular activity? you were going to though! you decided it earlier while yuuji was training. maybe was it because of your grades? you were not on the top of every class, but your grades weren't that bad either. you shrugged and decided to prepare for bed. if anything you  would find the reason tomorrow.


the atmosphere was tense. everyone in the room was busying themselves with something; some were scrolling through their phones, others were looking around the room and the ones that cared less, were slumped on a chair with their eyes fixed on the ceiling. nobody dared to talk, they knew what they came for and the anxiousness was eating them alive. what they weren't sure of though is why nanami would want all of them there and not call them in one by one.

soon the door to the principal's office bursted open, revealing a tall and still man. his blonde hair was combed backwards with a few strands of hair falling on his face. his suit was well ironed, not a single crease on the surface. his face contrasted with his attire, stoic expression and narrowed eyes looking at the group of males on his office. he closed the big wooden door forcefully and they all flinched.

the impassive man strolled to his black desk, that matched the shelves full of books around him. still not saying a word he crossed his fingers on top of the hard wood, leaning a little on it. the group of males were all sitting down on various chairs, fear and nervousness plastered on their faces. because they feared nanami, he wasn't a guy you wanted to mess up with. even though some of the guys on the other side of the room were bigger in body than him, they could not dare to talk back to him. nanami was respected and worked hard to be so.

after what felt like years, nanami relaxed a bit but his gaze remained hard on them. "i think we all know why we're here, right?" the men gulped at his harsh tone, expecting the worse to happen. "i've seen something that goes against most of the rules." nanami now looked at gojo and geto and they shivered, knowing that they got caught red handed. "i was casually walking down the science hallway while looking for one of you during the lunch break. suddenly i hear some weird noises coming from a class and to my surprise, when i open the door a little, all i see is geto fucking a student on his desk and gojo tied up on a chair."

all the males turned to look at the said pair, who blushed hysterically with his eyes wide open. they were so lost in the pleasure at that moment that they didn't realize that someone opened the door. sukuna and toji then started laughing but nanami's intense gaze on them, made their loud laugh die abruptly masking it away with some coughs. nanami was then standing up, circling his long desk and positioning himself in front of it, leaning on the hard wood and crossing his arms and legs. "care to explain me why were you two doing such a lewd and inappropriate scene in one of my classes?" if their bodies were tense before, now there wasn't a word that could explain how stiff their bodies were. geto and gojo looked at each other waiting for one of them to talk first. "and? are you going to talk or not?"

gaining some confidence, geto tried to calm down and think about what he was going to say. "i know what you saw was inappropriate, i know we broke like 10 or 20 rules but there's a reason behind it." they all looked at geto knowing what he was about to say. with an apologetic smile directed to his friends, geto turned his attention to nanami who still looked at him intensively. "the student you saw, i mean y/n. she kinda challenged us to show her who could pleasure her the best." nanami's eyes grew wide at the confession, the rest of the men cursed lowly. "with us you mean all of you?" geto nodded. "i guess my instinct didn't fail me today. i knew there was something up with how weird the six of you were acting, and i was right."

nanami sighed, raising both of his hands to his head massaging his temples. "and you all agreed to this?" they all nodded again. "you now how bad this is it right? i could fire all of you right now. i mean is what i should do." confusion spread across everyone's features. "you're not going to fire us?" gojo said from his seat. nanami looked at them with his common stoic face. "no, i'm not." the group of males visibly relaxed, the weight on their shoulders being released. "but in one condition. i wanna be in the game too." they all looked at each other and then at nanami. "that's something that y/n should decide, right?"

an unexpected knock on the door startled them. nanami then moved from his place to open the door, revealing the main subject of their reunion. "ah, just in time. come in." you walked by past him and stopped abruptly at the sight of the group of men in front of you. why would they be here? nanami walked back to his desk, sitting on his chair. "sit down y/n, we were talking about you right now." looking for a place to sit, there wasn't even a chair available in the whole room. all of them taken by the six males whose hungry gazes were directed to you.

"there isn't anymore chairs sir." stating the obvious you began to sweat. nanami's intense gaze drilled holes on your body. he was intimidating, even more than the men on your right. "oh yeah sorry. come, you can sit down here." nanami motioned for his chair while uncrossing his legs. you thought he was going to lend you his chair but instead, he grabbed your arm and made you sit down on his lap. your back against his hard chest, ass pressed against his clothed crotch. you yelped and everyone in the room turned tense. nanami smirked down at them, knowing the power he held on them.

you were flustered, a red color surfacing on every part of your skin. you didn't dare to look at anyone and gazed down at the floor, on how  your legs dangled from being on top of your principal. "see y/n, i called you because i've seen some inappropriate things that had you involved." nanami talked from behind you, his breath on the back of your neck making shivers run down your spine. you now started to catch up on what all of this was about. it wasn't about your extracurricular activities or your grades, it was about the game going on with your teachers. how did you get caught so easily?

meeting eyes with geto and gojo you felt your eyes water. you've worked so hard to get into this college, studied your brains out in order to get that scholarship, and now, nanami was going to get you expelled from some dark fantasy that you wanted to accomplish. a whimper escaped your lips when a single tear ran down your cheek. everyone's face softened at you, guilt crossing their features. nanami tilted your head with two of his fingers, making you look up at him. "why are you crying angel?" his soothing and calm voice making you cry even more. "because i'm going to get expelled" hearing your broken voice, made their hearts shatter into small pieces. they wanted to hear you like this but not from crying. they wanted to see some tears on your eyes but from pleasure and not pain.

nanami chuckled, caressing your cheeks and cleaning up the few more tears that run down them. "you're not going to get expelled y/n. i could never do that to you." the thigh that supported your body flexed underneath you, the friction eliciting an unwanted moan from you. nanami leaned in closer to your ear, eyes looking at the group of males. "the thing is, i've heard about the little challenge you proposed and i want to be a part of it. would you let me be in, angel?" leaning back onto his chair, nanami looked at you with the ghost of a small smile on his face. you looked back at the men and turned your head back to nanami, pondering your decision.

"yes, sir"

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