The Doors

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Right now the kids gift ceremony is in a hour and Camilo and Mirabel can't find them.

"Maria!" Mirabel calls out. "Carlos!" Camilo also calls out.

Julieta walks up with three of the baby's. Mirabel takes a breathe of relief.

"I saw these three hiding in the kitchen." Julieta smiles. "Oh my god thank you mamì." Mirabel says.

All three of the kids go to Mirabel and Camilo and hold their arms. Mirabel smiles while looking at them. Mirabel gets her kids ready and everyone shows up. Cut to the scene they are all at their doors and are about to open them. First Maria goes first as Camilo and Mirabel smile at them at them and nod for them to go on. Mira opens her door and it works thank God Abuela thought.

Mira room
Power- Talk to dead people
What her room looks like- It has tombstones everywhere and dirt Infront of them. The whole room is black with random people's names on the wall that died.

Elizabeth's room
Power- Teleportation
What her room looks like- her whole room is purple and there's trampolines everywhere. And her bed is all away to the top of her room. There's almost invisible paintings on the walls.

Then Carlo's room. He was about to open it but them the door started slowly disappearing. Carlos frowns and so does everyone else. Carlos didn't get his gift he didn't get a gift. Everyone goes to Elizabeth and Mira's room. Carlos runs to his mom and dad.

"Mommy what happened?" Carlos asks Mirabel.  "I don't know Chico." Mirabel replies. "Mirabel can I talk to you?" Abuela asks. "Umm sure please watch him." Mirabel tells Camilo. "Yeah." Camilo says.

Mirabel kisses him and Camilo picks up Carlos and take him in his sister's room. Abuela and Mirabel go to the side to talk.

"He is really your son isn't he." Abuela says disappointed. "Abuela it wasn't his fault." Mirabel stands up for her son. "He didn't get a gift just like you so now this family is ruined." Abuela says and starts to walk away.

Mirabels eyes turn green and then Abuelas arm starts to hurt and burn. Mirabels eyes turn back and the pain stops. Mirabel walks up to Abuela.

"Don't every talk about my son like that." Mirabel walks away.

It's been a week since the ceremony.  Right now everyone is asleep except Mirabel, Camilo, and Carlos. There all laying in the same bed together. Carlos is in the middle of Mirabel and Camilo. Right now Carlos looks sad since he got his gift.

"What's wrong buddy?" Camilo asks. "Am I a disappointment?" Carlos asks sadly. "No no no your not your the most handsome, kind, brave, best little boy I have ever meant." Mirabel smiles and tickles his stomach. "Okay okay." Carlos says laughing. "So why didn't I get a gift?" Carlos asks.

"Umm because your special just like your mom." Camilo says. "Mommy's special?" Carlos asks confused. "Yes very very special just like you that's why you didn't get a gift." Camilo explains. "Yay I'm going to be like mommy." Carlos smiles. Mirabel and Camilo laugh. "Now let's you too bed Chico."Mirabel smiles.

Carlo's has Mirabels old room and Mirabel stays in Camilo's room. Mirabel and Camilo put Carlos in bed and kisses his head. They go back to their bedroom and lays down.

"I hurt Abuela." Mirabel confesses. "What I thought you said you weren't going to use that power anymore we talked about it." Camilo looks at her. "She said Carlos would ruin the family I had to do something I just got mad and it happened." Mirabel explains.

"I feel like an awful person." Mirabel sits down. Camilo walks over to her and kneels down and takes her hand. "mi vida your not an awful person we just need to get those powers under control." Camilo looks up at her. "I didn't even want the stupid power it just happens i hate myself." Mirabel cries.

"Mirabel." Camilo says. "I'm hurting people Camilo I-im hurting my family I hurted your brother and your telling me I'm not a bad person." Mirabel cries out.

"Mirabel I know one thing right your not a bad or horrible person and you didn't do anything wrong you just wanted to do what was right to protect yourself us our family which we now have and the kids love you so much and so do I we care about you and we want you to be okay and happy. You have depression you can't help yourself sometimes but no matter what, no matter what happens me, the kids, the family is here for you and we're never going to leave." Camilo explains.

"How did I get so lucky?" Mirabel asks and smiles. She kisses Camilo. "I love you." Mirabel smiles. "I love you too." Camilo also smiles. "I-im scared." Mirabel whispers looking up at Camilo. "I know you are but guess what it's going to be okay because I'm here and I'm going to help you." Camilo looks at her.

Camilo and Mirabel finally go to bed. The next morning they go and eat breakfast. Mirabel goes out and helps Mira and Elizabeth help out around town while Camilo and Carlos is hanging out.

"Why is mommy scared?" Carlos asks playing with his toys. Camilo looks at Carlos. "Hey come here." Camilo pats down on the bed. Carlos climes on the bed and sits next to Camilo

"Mommy is going through a hard time right now and she needs our help okay will you help me take care of mommy?" Camilo asks. "Yes I will do everything I need." Carlos smiles. 

Mirabel and the kids get back a hour later.

"Umm me and daddy are going to go out for a bit okay." Mirabel says. "Who's going to watch us?" Mira asks. "Your favorite aunt Isabela." Mirabel reveals. "Yay." The kids cheer.

Mirabel and Camilo leave Isabela with the kids while they go practice Mirabels power out in the woods.

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