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Lance bolted upright after looking over at the clock on the wall, startling his two best friends awake in the process. 

"Lance! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Screamed Pidge, a crazy smart magic wielder that had a habit of integrating magic into technology to see what they could create. Pidge was non-binary, leading them to be called a gremlin by most who were unfortunate enough to meet and interact with them. 

Hunk fell out of his bed, getting tangled in his blanket and pillow on his way down. Hunk was Pidge's familiar, but he might as well have been another person because of how familiars had full citizen rights in Oriande. Hunk was a big softie, despite his animal form being a scary-looking brown bear. Familiars may be magical animals, but they have their own personalities and the intelligence of whichever species they manifest as once they're bonded to their master.

And then there was Lance. 

He came from a long family of respected magic wielders, and was a pretty damn good one himself. But there was one problem; he didn't have a familiar. Some people get their familiars more into their freshman year at Altea Alchemist Academy, but Lance was a Junior, and the lack of a familiar was starting to catch up with him. He was a very skilled Wizard, being able to adapt to situations when the time called for it, but every witch and wizard and wielder had a familiar, simple as that. Familiars allowed for better control, better concentration, better efficiency, better magic. And Lance didn't have one. 

Lance, just like everyone else, had normal classes to learn about the non-magical world where only humans dwell, classes on the magical world of Oriande, and classes on magic in general. Pidge skipped a few of their classes, actually, they skipped a few grades, too, because of how unfairly smart they were. 

Pidge Holt, the second and youngest child of the famous Holt family. Older brother is Matthew Holt, Matt for short. Parents are Sam and Colline Holt, both members of the magical military. Sam, like Pidge and Matt, does a lot of tech stuff that Lance has long since learned to stop trying to understand. Colline is more about the organic magic side of the military, integrating technology and organic materials together to help create things such as prosthetics and experimenting with plants. Basically, they're a family of geniuses. 

Lance leaped out of bed and ran to his closet, grabbing a pair of jeans and a black long sleeve t-shirt with a low collar. His main classes of the morning were on the non-magical world, so there was no need for anything too fancy. But come nightfall, that's when the real fun began. He and Pidge, and of course Hunk, had a couple of magic classes, one before dinner around sunset, and the other after dinner once it was dark enough. Pidge usually skipped their morning classes, getting any notes from Lance because they are putting most of their effort and time into magic, science, and technology. Besides, they travel to the non-magical world often enough to do the homework either way. 

Like all the other dorm rooms in the more advanced magic wielder's part of the Academy, the one Pidge, Lance, and Hunk shared was made of multiple rooms. You had your entrance that lead to the living room with a couch, some chairs, a TV, and a bay window that overlooked the campus. From there, you could get to the small kitchen or large bathroom on the left, or turn to the bedrooms on the right. The bedrooms connected to one another through a door that could be locked from either side, along with having their own doorways for privacy. They also had large closets and plenty of room for personalization such as desks and chairs and posters and shelves. 

Each bedroom had two beds, one for the student and one for their familiar. At the current moment, Lance was letting Pidge and Hunk stay in his room. Pidge was conducting some sort of experiment with Hunk in their room that was taking up all the space. Good thing Pidge slept a few hours at a time and it was mainly at a desk, because Hunk took up all the bed. And no, Pidge and Hunk were not together. Hunk had the hots for someone else, and Pidge was and always will be married to their work. Though, it's not uncommon for familiars and their masters to have a romantic relationship. 

Lance raced out of his bedroom and through the living room into the large bathroom by the kitchen, quickly changing out of his nightclothes and messily brushing his hair. Once he was changed, he ran back to his room where Hunk was waiting with his bag fully packed for the morning's lessons. Lance grabbed the bag and put on his shoes, saying a quick goodbye to his best friends before he was out the door and racing down the halls to his first class. 

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