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"Ah, Mr. McClain. Good to see you decided to show up, late." Professor Holt lightly scolded. Yes, Pidge's mom was a teacher for a couple of different classes, and thankfully she and Lance were on good terms.

"Sorry Professor, I needed my beauty sleep. It takes a lot of work to look this good." Lance said as he made his way to an open seat. Mrs. Holt just hummed her response and waited for the class to settle down from their playful laughter at Lance's antics before continuing with her lesson. Lance took the notes in class, winked at a few cute girls, spaced out a bit, listened to music on his phone, got a couple numbers...

What? He was multi-tasking. 

After his first two morning classes, Lance made his way to the cafeteria to meet up with Pidge and Hunk. Lance was pretty popular at the academy, but his two closest friends will always be Pidge and Hunk, he wouldn't trade them for the world. 

Lance made his way through the large halls of the academy that was mainly stone, most archways opening directly to the elements. Most of the inner courtyards were protected from the worst weather by magic, but allowed for small amounts of rain and snow and wind and sun nonetheless. A cool breeze was blowing through the halls, some wielders using it to practice sharpening their skills. 

There were many different kinds of magic that can be harnessed, and some even had special terms for the wielders of them. Elemental magic was used by mages, and was one of the hardest known types of magic to master because of the rawness of the elements themselves. There were potions users who specialized in magic that used organic materials such as herbs. Alchemists liked to transform one thing into another, they integrated magic into other things such as technology, and a few other things. Witches and wizards were the technical, gender-based name of those who could use magic, but anyone who could was technically a wielder, regardless of gender. 

Once Lance graduated middle school and moved to the high school and more advanced part of the academy, the first thing he noticed was how often people used their magic. Perks of having a familiar, magic didn't take as much energy from the wielder as it did before they bonded with their familiar. They could afford to do simple magic tricks because of this, but Lance didn't have that luxury, he had to conserve his magic so that he had enough energy for his classes. 

Despite it all, Lance still smiled at people he knew passing by in the halls, kept winking at cute boys or girls, continued to keep his mask up. 

Because that's what it was; this little go-getter attitude, always happy, flirtatious facade. Did you honestly think he would be happy that he was the one person who didn't have a familiar? Who had to work ten times as hard as everyone else just to stay afloat? Who was best friends with someone that skipped grades and skips classes because they're naturally that good at magic? Who comes from a long family of respected wielders and yet couldn't even bond with a gods damn animal? If so, you were sorely mistaken. 

Truth is, Lance was jealous of Pidge, how easy magic came to them and their family. He hated seeing everyone perform simple magic tricks with barely a thought or fuck given. He hurt seeing the close bonds wielders had with their familiars, a bond that is said to connect a master and their familiar on a spiritual level, a bond of their souls. 

Don't get him wrong, he was happy for his best friend, he liked watching people's faces light up every time they performed a trick with more ease than the last time, and he was happy that people were happy.

But when would he get to experience any of that? 

Lance weaved through the crowds of people with his tray of food, making his way to the table he and his friends always sat at, knowing they were already there and waiting for him. Most of the tables were big enough to seat six, but Lance's trio managed to take up the entire table (read: Pidge managed to take up all the space with their experiments). 

"Hey, Lance!" Hunk greeted around a mouthful of delicious-looking pastries he undoubtedly cooked himself. Hunk was a great cook, often in the kitchens helping while Pidge read and took notes on things as a way of taking breaks from their projects. 

Speaking of, the little shit- 

Sorry, the little gremlin was sitting next to Hunk with their nose stuffed in a book, jotting things down in a piece of paper in messy, hurried handwriting. Lance and Hunk made idle chatter, getting the message that Pidge was too focused to socialize at the moment. That is, until a certain someone caught Hunk's eye.

Lance looked over his shoulder, catching on to Hunk's obvious distraction. And...bingo! There she was! 

"Yeah, right, you definitely don't like her," Lance deadpanned at Hunk, enjoying watching his best friend's cheeks flush pink with blush. 

"I do not," Hunk tried to deflect, but his defense fell flat as his eyes followed her movements across the cafeteria to her brother, Rax. Lady Shay and Lord Rax, Balmera royalty who were sent to Altea Alchemist Academy to study, you guessed it! Magic! Balmera were a species that were known for their healing and earth magic. Like all Balmera, Shay and Rax were born with the ability to summon crystals, but only members of the royal family, such as themselves were able to summon power crystals. 

Shay and Rax were mainly studying to be earth mages, but Shay also wished to pursue healing in any way she could. Oh, she was a sweet soul. A real softie, perfect for Hunk. 

Before Lance could call out Hunk's plain-as-day lie, the bell rang, lunch was over. 

Pidge finally lifted their head up, looking around and seeing everyone else moving. "Ready for classes tonight, Lance?"

"You know it, Pidgeon! But first, I need a wardrobe change," Lance said with a smirk as he got up to clear his tray.

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