Chapter 10: Always here for you

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"Wow! It's so nice out!"

Tendou stood on the tips of his toes with open arms and inhaled the fresh air. "And a little windy too." You added. Ushijima was also enjoying the warm sun beaming onto the 3 of you.

It's been a couple of days since the game against Inarazaki. You recently felt better about your ordeal with Atsumu because of Ushijima. You felt happier and much more at peace.

Once you reached the school gates you noticed a girl speed passed you and Tendou. "Ushiwaka!!" You pouted and didn't make any contact with the obnoxious girl. "Hello Sakura." Sakura then held onto his arms. "Good morning Ushiwaka." She giggled.

Sakura then looked at you. "You don't mind if I take Ushijima on a date sometime would you?" She giggled. You then stopped in place.

"What? Why does she insist on asking me these dumb questions? Why can't she ask Tendou for goodness sake!" You then blinked away your thoughts and noticed Tendou waiting for you. "O-oh! Coming!" You then caught up with the group and then went to class.


I'm coming over after practice if that's okay

Of course!
Okay, see you then :)

You noticed the smiley face and smiled. "What are you smiling at Kazumi?" Sakura interrupted you. "Did you need something?" You asked. "I was just wondering what you were smiling at?"

You then stood up and got face to face with her. "Sakura, I don't know how to say this without sounding rude, but I don't really feel comfortable around you." You then walked out of the room and the bell rang for lunch. "Tsk. What a bitch." One of them spat. "It's okay Ama. I can take care of this." Sakura smiled.
Niki and Mitsuri had a student council President meeting during lunch and you didn't feel like sitting with your teammates, so you sat alone and did homework while eating.

"Is this seat empty?" You looked up to see Ushijima. "Um, go ahead!" Ushijima sat down and looked at you worriedly. "You looked stressed Kazumi." You then sighed, "well for one, Sakura won't leave me alone and is trying to be friends with me and two I'm trying to finish this homework before our game against Nekoma."

Without thinking he put a hand on yours. He slowly removed the pencil from your hand and got up to pack your stuff for you. "Ushijima?" He then gestured for you to get up and follow him.

You ended up at the library and sat down at your quiet office space. "Let's talk while doing homework. It's a lot more quiet in here so I know you'll be able to finish." He formed a small smile.
You guys talked for a while and ended up finishing your work early and only had math left to do. "So, why does Sakura keep bothering you, if you don't mind me asking." You then looked down at your lap. "...." Ushijima noticed how quickly you became uncomfortable. "I apologize.-"

"She...she was the reason me and Atsumu broke up." He then looked worried and frustrated at the same time. "I knew they were together in the past, but I had no idea Sakura had something to do with it." Ushijima thought.

"He stood me up all the time, cheated on me, and only went to Sakura. I also had issues with my father in the past. I was screamed at and criticized by my father for a long time."

"My father became an alcoholic after my mother passed from a heart failure and left me home alone a lot by myself and would bring women home would hurt me." Ushijima then formed a small frown.

"And when Atsumu came into my life years after my aunt took me in, I was happy. I felt loved. Until now. But that was all in the past, I'm much better now." You smiled.

Ushijima then got up and hugged you. "You're worth more than what you think Kazumi. I'm sorry you went through all of that." You hugged him back while tearing up. "Th-thank you Wakatoshi." He squeezed you tighter and was surprised to hear his first name from you. "I'll always be here Umi."
"Are we almost done with practice yet?" Niki complained. "Yes Niki, we're done." You laughed. Everyone cleaned up and headed home. "You need help cleaning up the rest of the court Kazumi?" Mitsuri asked.

"I'll be okay Mitsu." You smiled. "Alright then! Get home safe cap'n" Niki said as she rubbed her knuckles on your head. The two girls left and you were alone in the gym cleaning up.

"I figured you'd be in here captain." You looked over at the door and saw Eita. "Hey Eita! What are you doing here?" He walked over to you and you both hugged. "I saw Mitsuri and Niki on the way out and noticed you weren't with them. So I figured you were in here."

"And you guys just finished practice too?" You asked. "Yeah, I'm getting better at my serves!" You both talked and cleaned the gym. You laughed and messed around for a while until you got a text.


You ready to go back to your place?

Oh yes! Me and Eita just finished cleaning up the gym! (*'*)

Eita is in there too?


I'll be over there in a minute

You and Eita sat down on the benches and continued talking as you waited for Ushijima. "So Kazumi? Have you had a boyfriend yet? Or maybe...a crush?" You then spat your water. "H-HUH?! Of course not! I'm too busy for that stuff." You pouted.

"Hmm, maybe not but..." Eita then grabbed your hand gently and got close to your face. "I could change that." You then burned red. "E-Eita! Stop joking around!" You shoved him away and he laughed.

"Kazumi." Ushijima called. "Oh! You're done! Let's go!" You then grabbed your stuff and the 3 of you walked outside. "See ya Eita!" You and Wakatoshi then walked off back to your place and Eita headed the opposite way to his home.
You finished showering and came out to see Ushijima in a white T-shirt and light gray sweatpants. He looked up to see you in a black sports bra and matching black shorts.

"She looks very fit..." he then snapped out of it and went back to doing his homework. "Alright, you ready to do some math?" You asked.

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